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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by journey4me

  1. journey4me

    I Am Ready!!

    doctordiva- I am being banded on Jan.19th too!!! Excited and scared all at the same time! Where are you having yours done? I live in Syracuse N.Y. and am going to University Hospital. Keep me posted and maybe we can help each other!
  2. o.k so I am geting my bag ready for the hospital and still trying to decide if I am going to tell my kids or not?? Any suggestions would be good. Getting excited, but seriously nervous! Had Ice Cream today one last splurge. Was off from work today...clear liquis tomorrow!

  3. Welcome! This is the best place to come to get questions answered and all the support you could ask for! Good luck!
  4. I am having surgery on the 19th and you are officially my idol!!! You did awesome you should be sooo proud of yourself! You are an inspiration!
  5. My Dr. did the same and at first I agreed to it , but I thought more about it and decided it wasn't for me. I am willing to do the work and am not looking fro an easy fix. I am looking for a long term goal. Ready for my journey to start surgery on the 19th! Go with whats best for you!
  6. journey4me

    Post-Op Day 10: The Letter T

    My nutritionalist said to use Flinstone's complete vitamins.
  7. journey4me

    Jan. 16 2012- The Day My Life Will Changed

    My surgery is on the 19th! I am 236 and being we are having surgery so close together and pretty weigh the same I thought maybe we could keep in touch and help each other through the journey! I too am not telling many people just a close cousin and a good friend. I don't want to tell a lot of people for the same reasons you are not. I don't want to be watched like a hawk! Keep in touch and Good luck!
  8. I was actually in panic when the site was down! I love the advice and support I get here and being so close to surgery I died at the thought that I wouldn't have that anymore! Thank god it's back! I thought maybe there should be a place where we can request each others facebooks in case the site goes down all together! I sure would miss the people here!
  9. Today was tough! Too many temptations. I would actually rather be at work and busy then sitting at home on the weekends! Worst day yet so I know tomorrow is going to be better! Why did i teach my kids how to bake??? What was I thinking?!

  10. journey4me

    Three Days Out!

    Thanks mags2u! I am getting nervous. It's 4 days before surgery and I'm having some doubts on my choice. I know I can't lose the weight myself, but feeling disappointed in myself for having gotten to this point. Anyone having this same feeling? It's all good I know I'm doing it for my health. I'm getting stocked up right now! Thanks for reminding me about gas-x!
  11. journey4me


    I would love to have you as a lap band friend. I know I could use all the support I can get! It helps so much when you have people who understand.
  12. journey4me

    My New Nutritionist And Yay For Small Victories!

    I struggle with the persuasive "voice" in my head that say's ....hey whats in the kitchen...lets go get a snack! That's when the "just say No" voice steps in and so far I've been listening to the good voice and going for a walk instead! I'm a strong person and I think that eventually the persuasive voice is going to know it's place! good luck!
  13. journey4me

    "old Lady" Thighs

    I'm super worried about old lady thighs. When I think about it I wonder how good I'm going to feel about myself then. I am disappointed with myself for getting to this point and then to have the reminder of old lady thighs! I am struggling with the good and the bad. I know my health is the most important and have to keep reminding myself of that! I'd love to live to see my Grandchildren someday when the are born, so I guess old lady thighs it is!
  14. journey4me

    Extra Skin And Depression

    @ 54shirley that's a great idea to donate skin to the burn unit. Would be nice if that was possible. Can you imagine how much skin we could donate! I just might look into that.
  15. oops I meant too many "decisions" in that sentence!

  16. Today was not a good decision making decision when it came to what I put in my mouth! Surgery is next week and I am kind of scared of the eating habit changes. I did go for a walk after lunch with a friend. Snowed like crazy today!

  17. Today was not a good decision making decision when it came to what I put in my mouth! Surgery is next week and I am kind of scared of the eating habit changes. I did go for a walk after lunch with a friend. Snowed like crazy today!

  18. journey4me

    Three Days Out!

    Take time to rest and I hope you get back to yourself soon! Any advice for a soon to be new bander. I am getting banded next week. ps how much time are you taking off?
  19. I am a nurse. If they aren't your Dr.s then they cannot look at your records. There is a law HIPPA which protects patients information from any other person including family member's who would like to know something about your medical information. It is illegal and taken very seriously. I am very cautious about where any of my patients records are put. You are not allowed to even set down information with a patients name on it let alone give information on that person. I would NEVER do that. In the medical field there can be legal consequences for breaking the HIPPA law. So I wouldn't worry.
  20. journey4me

    New To Forums!!!

    This is the best place to come for advice! Everyone is great and have a lot of different experiences to share. It's helping me get through this for sure!
  21. journey4me

    Hair Loss?

    I am pre-op and my Dr. recommended biotin so I have started it pre-op. I am not a person to get a lot of protein in the first place. I don't eat meat often and I don't like milk, so I am thinking I won't be affected by it so much because my bosy is used to low protein. So it won't be missing it? I get more protein now on the protein shakes then I ever did.
  22. journey4me

    Toilet Trouble !

    I didn't know you could eat prunes after surgery. Good to know they always helpp me! I am pre-op, surgery next week! Good luck!
  23. I am sorry you are so down, and your perseverance is awesome! If you can do what you have done, you are definitely someone who can do this too. I consider food my drug and like you I wouldn't smoke because I know it's not good for me and unhealthy. So in that same thought I'm done using food as my drug. I have been through a lot of medical issues too many to talk about, but I am a strong person and proud of it! I can do this and so can you. Get some sleep and you will make it!
  24. journey4me


    My Dr. didn't require me to , but I did I wanted to become accustomed to some of the changes. I guess to mentally adjust as much as physically. It helped me! I'd call the office and see what it is they require. Some do it to shrink the liver for surgery. Good luck!
  25. Congratulations on your approval! I quit soda cold turkey! I am proud of myself, you could say I was sorta addicted to it. No caffeine headache either! So happy I did! Have a good journey and keep updating! I'm being banded on the 19th! So excited! I have been working through the process since April, but I'm glad I did it that way it gave me a chance to get my head into the game too! Happy banding!

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