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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by journey4me

  1. journey4me

    How Many People Have You Told?

    I was banded on Thursday and so far so good. I was insistebt that I was not going to tell anyone but my best friend. I have 3 teenagers and didnt even want to tell them, wasn't sure what they would think and more over if my ex husband found out. He can be not so nice. I work where my kids go to school and our principal had it done in July and has lost 68 pounds. He was very open about it. At the last minute and i mean 2 days before surgery i decided to tell my kids. I felt that if I started eating in the way i was going to have to they would be suspisous and worry. We have sit down meals and it would have been very noticeable. I didnt want to set a bad example of eating so little for my teenage daughter, so I decided to tell them. It went very well! I also did not want to feel like I was being watched to see how much I had lost from surgery, but figured in the end people would probably ask me if I was ok becasue I was losing so much weight. So I told. I have not told friends from work yet ,but i am assuming they will hear in a round about way. i did not tell my kids to keep it a secret because i didnt want to have to tell them to lie. So in the end I think it was better. There is a lot of pressure to keeping a secret at least for me. I dont need the stress of worrying who has found out. So thats why I chose my mind to tell. It will get around soon enough. I'm not going to run an Ad or anything I'll just wait for it to play out. Good luck!
  2. journey4me

    The Road To Getting Banded/surgery Day

    I thought I would have a GI test following surgery and I didn't was disappointed as I think It would be a good idea!
  3. journey4me

    Being To Paranoid??

    Have you had your thyroid checked you may be up against something you don't realize. As far as weight training you are most likely gaining muscle mass which weighs more. So although it may be good for you the numbers on the scale may go up. Check into the thyroid testing. You can definitely bulk up from excess protein. good luck!
  4. Make sure you are going somewhere that is accredited. Research the surgeon and find out how many of the procedures they have done. My advice do thorough research before deciding. Good luck!
  5. journey4me

    Not Enough Fluid.

    I was banded this past Thursday and the gas pains are making me sick to my stomach so I am having trouble getting anything in. SF popsicles seem best until I can feel better I'm going to what I can get in just to keep my fluids up.
  6. today is a bit better. gas pains not so bad. Hoping to feel good enough so that I can start getting my protein in. Concerned about how I am going to get it all in. I think I will be ready to return to work on Monday. incisions dont hurt just the gas pains. I appreciate all the support on here not sure how I would do it if i didnt have people to talk to whoare going through the same thing..

  7. journey4me

    One Year Post-Op: A Happy But Heavy Heart, Bring On Year 2!

    I am sorry for your loss and excited for your personal progress! I'm sure he is happy for you!
  8. journey4me

    Broke The 300 Pound Barrier!!!

    Tha'ts so great! I can't wait to get to the next set of numbers down! It is such an emotional boost! Great job!
  9. journey4me

    Surgery Worries

    My surgery is Thursday....well actually it is Thursday right now, but that's just because I can't sleep, I have to be there at 1030 surgery at 1230! I am nervous as all heck. I too have had a lot of surgeries, last one in November. That one was nerve racking because it was a very dangerous heart surgery to repair my pacemaker. All went well though! This is more of a terrified of all the changes I will be making, For me this isn't about the pain of being cut open this is so much more than that. At least my heart Dr. was the one fixing everything for me, this I will go in and won't truly be fixed, that's up to me and that's a bit scarey to me. So I think my nerves are actually not for the physical part of the surgery, but rather post operatively. best wishes!
  10. Well tonight is my last night before surgery! I think I have all my ducks in a row. It has been stressful getting to this point, but I'm ready now. Biggest fear Gas pains! I broke a shoulder once and this is what i invision! Well ya have to take the good with the bad! Hopefully all will go well!

  11. Well tonight is my last night before surgery! I think I have all my ducks in a row. It has been stressful getting to this point, but I'm ready now. Biggest fear Gas pains! I broke a shoulder once and this is what i invision! Well ya have to take the good with the bad! Hopefully all will go well!

  12. journey4me

    Surgery In Nine Days

    My Surgery is tomorrow and I'm getting a little nervous I too am worried about getting the results I want. I can't wait to get started though! Good luck and keep in touch!
  13. I have to practice eating when I am hungry not when my Brain signals that it's "noon" time to eat or" hey it's 5pm it must be time for dinner." I grew up with specific meal times and eat whats on your plate or you cant get away from the table. Who thought that up?! I have made it a point to never make my kids finish whats on their plates if they don't want to, I think it sets up bad eating habits. Now I have to train my brain to eat when I am hungry, not just because it is a certain time of the day. Hard to teach an old dog a new trick!
  14. Yolie I'm sending prayers your way! It will be fine.
  15. I am not sure how to start a blog??? I would like to do one. I sort of write in my update box each night. Quite frankly I'm not sure where that info shows up? I do it to vent how I am doing more for me. How do I start a blog? Thanks
  16. Just told my kids and my Dad that I am going to have the WLS and they were all very supportive. Not sure how they wee going to handle it, but it can be very tiring keeping a secret. So it went well! So glad I did. Dad did good with the news. He lives with me and ironically he wanted to know who was going to get his meals! Gotta love it!

  17. Just told my kids and my Dad that I am going to have the WLS and they were all very supportive. Not sure how they wee going to handle it, but it can be very tiring keeping a secret. So it went well! So glad I did. Dad did good with the news. He lives with me and ironically he wanted to know who was going to get his meals! Gotta love it!

  18. journey4me

    It's A Beautiful Day!

    I am hoping to return to work in 4 days. So what do you think the likleyhood of that is? I work 1/2 half a day and I work a non strenuous job. Hope it will be o.k. I had surgery in November(unrelated) so I have already had to take some time off. I am in the fat closet ! What do you suggest? So glad you are feeling better!
  19. journey4me

    1 1/2 Days Before Surgery

    Great start! Good luck! I am 3 day away from surgery!
  20. journey4me

    Stuck On 30

    I am afraid that I will be banded and only lose 30lbs or less. I really want to lose more I am going to be putting my body through a lot to lose 30lbs. Hope you get to the point you want. If you are working out make sure you are switching your routine up and vary your repititions. Best wishes!
  21. I believe the reason for it is to see if you have trouble breathing and to know for when you have surgery becasue you will be under general anesthesia. Good luck!
  22. journey4me


    I found the seminar to be very helpful. I also got to see a lot of potential people who are all at the same point you are. I realized I was not alone and we all had something in common...an understanding! I'm glad I went!
  23. Congratulations that's awesome! That must feel so good! I can't wait to get to that point! I weigh a 100lbs. more than the day I was married...how does that happen, still amazed...a 100lbs. Can't wait to be a loser!!! So happy for you! Being banded 1/19!
  24. journey4me

    Looking Sick Post Band?

    I think I will look into a face lift too once I have reached my goal weight.
  25. journey4me

    Looking Sick Post Band?

    I think it comes down to how much you lose and the ealsticity of your skin. I know I will look older I am a fair skinned Irish girl and 46 I'm not looking forward to it, but would love to live to meet my Grandchildren someday. I would much rather be alive and enjoying life.

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