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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bluetigereyes

  1. I got my band on 12/22, I went in to get my first fill on Feb 5th, and my port had flipped...so I had to wait 2 more weeks to get my first fill. After my first fill, I couldnt feel anything different. I did lose 2 lbs 9by sheer willpower). I had my 2nd fill 3 weeks after my port revision. Now, with that second fill, I can sure tell a difference. I am only eating 3-5 bites at a time before I get that tight feeling in my chest. I made the mistake (once) of eating another bite after I felt that fuillness, and it all came out!

    I am still fighting being hungry every 2-3 hours, but eating just a few bites at a time, I know that I will see a loss on the scale. Its been 2 weeks since my 2nd fill, I go back in 2 more weeks, I think with just a tad more tweaking, I should be at my green zone and see the weight coming off!

  2. I have reached the point where I can eat about a can of tuna and feel satisfied. However, I am HUNGRY (like stomach growling so loud I think the neighbors hear it hungry) within 2-3 hours. I have 2 more weeks until I go in for my next fill. I'm thinking I just need a little more in my band and will feel better. I cannot eat any breads anymore, but thats not really a bad thing. Baked chicken and any dry meats are out too. I'm learning that Tuna and salads are my friends...again, not a bad thing. Now, to see the scale start to move more quickly and it will be a GREAT thing :)

  3. I was banded 12/22, after complications from my port flipping and not being able to get my fills like needed, I am finally on a losing track. I wish I could say I have lost 20+ lbs since surgery, but I cant. I have lost 5 lbs, and that is just since my 2nd fill 2 weeks ago. I am proud to say that through it all, I have been able to focus, not gain the weight during that rough patch (I just stayed the same), and now that I've had my 2nd fill (I have 8cc in a 14cc band), I am feeling more restriction and think I'm REALLY close to the green zone. I have found that bread and chicken are NOT by friend....so its forcing me to make healthier choices. I am feeling much better and can tell I'm losing inches. People around me are seeing the difference even though the scale has not caught up...its ok though...losing inches is just as important since eventually the pounds will come off too. Going to Zumba twice a week, and getting in as much walking as possible helps too. Now, to try to find time to get to the gym after work...thats my next hurdle to get over.

  4. Talk to the HR Rep for your employer. They can CHOOSE to have Bariatric benefits for their employees. If you tell them that in the long run, you will be healthier, have less sick days, be in better physical and mental health, that may change their mind on what services they choose to cover for their employees.

  5. I had to have surgery 6 weeks after my band because my port had flipped. My doctor could not get me squeezed into the procedure room at the hospital, so he opened me back up (in the office) and fixed my port. I totally agree that its discouraging, however, I had to take a whole different approach to the situation and tell myself that life cannot be all easy roads, every so often we will come upon a speed bump. Generally I try to go as fast as I can over those speed bumps so I dont really feel them, but sometimes you have to slow down and make that climb over the bump....once you are on the other side, things go easier and you will be back on that smooth road for a while. Take this as one of those speed bumps, keep your chin up, and this will pass. Dont regret your decision, it will all work out in the end

  6. My first fill, my dr did 6cc in my 14 cc band. I thought it was a big fill, but still didnt feel alot of restriction. I went back in 3 weeks later (about 10 days ago) and got my second fill. This time it was 1cc. I go back in 4 weeks. My doctor also does 4 weeks between fills because he says it helps your body adjust to what you have. I can tell you the first week after the fill I did not feel as much restriction as I have in the past 2 days! I also learned my lesson last night to listen to my body better. I took just 1 bite more than I should have and was in so much pain until I threw up....then I felt great. I have lost 4 lbs since my last fill, which I'm super excited about. Now that the scale is moving in the right direction again...I'm happy!!!

  7. Most breads, tortillas, chewy meats (like bacon) and chicken breast is out for me. I have only had 2 fills so far, I'm at 8.5cc in a 14cc band. I definitely feel restriction, but I'm still hungry every 2-3 hours. When I eat, its usually about 5-6 bites, then I'm not full, but I just dont feel like eating anymore. I dont think I'm at the 'green zone' yet, but I think I'm pretty close.

    I have lost 2 lbs since my last fill, a week ago Monday....so I know that its working :) YAY

  8. I had my band at St. Als on 12/22/11. The first thing you want to do is call and get registered for the Seminar. Dr. Anderson and his coordinator Jamee are amazing. There are quite a few requirements, but Jamee is with you every step of the way. But, start with step 1 and go to the Seminar. Your insurance requirements may vary from one person to another based on your plan. but Dr. A's office will verify your insurance and find out what exactly is their requirement and if they cover the procedure.

  9. I am that way with chicken since my first fill. (even worse now that I had a 2nd fill) I was told that canned chicken and tuna are ok on mushy stage as well.

    I can eat Tuna with no issues, but any and all chicken make me so uncomfortable, I have stopped eating it for now. I am almost 3 months post op, have had 2 fills, but still learning what I can and cannot eat. Everyone is different, just listen to your body, eat slow and chew chew chew!!!

  10. I just started doing Zumba twice a week. I am as uncoordinated as they come, so most of the time (Until I know the moves) I feel like Im behind in the class. But, I have fun and get a good workout, and thats what matters the most. If you go into it with a positive attitude, you will come out of it with a good workout. Also, I went to a couple different instructors. I can honestly say I didnt care for the first one, but the second one I went to I loved. Most places will give you the first class for free to see if you like it. Take advantage of that. Find an instructor you like with a class that you feel the best in.

  11. I had my 2nd fill on Monday. Added another cc, so I'm up to 7.5cc in a 14 cc band. I can feel a little restriction, but think I need just a little more, maybe 1/2 cc for my next fill. Breads and chicken are out for me as they get stuck every time. I am still getting hungry quite often (in fact I get teased at my stomach growling all the time), but I can tell I'm inching closer and closer to my green zone :)

  12. First of all, let me say CONGRATS!!! I have been banded for almost 3 months now. Just had my second fill yesterday. I would say the best suggestion I have is to keep moving. It will help that gas go away faster and you will heal quicker. I was back to work 3 days after my band, and yes, I was still a little sore but no one at work knew any different. They just thought I took a couple days of PTO. Your first week, you will not be very hungry. The most important thing to remember is to stay hydrated. DRINK all day, little sips at a time. Warm broth helped my throat when it felt raw. After the first week is when it gets harder because the hunger comes back and broth just doesnt seem to cut it anymore. Protein Shakes are your friend. I used popsicles and Protein shakes quite a bit, then moved to yogurt and blended cottage cheese. Once I got to mushies, I felt so much better to actually have a little 'food'. Each step feels great. Just keep positive, even if the unexpected happens! (My port flipped sometime before my first fill and I had to go back in to have the dr fix it before I could have my first fill)...the trick is to remember that its just a speed bump, there to slow you down just a little, but you will get over it and things will go smoothly once again

  13. I'm not talking about personality either. If a woman does not have the self confidence, she will never be a 10, because she wont hold herself that way. I know this because I can look the same, but when I'm down on myself, I dont get ANY attention, but when I feel good about myself I get quite a bit. Its not that my looks have changed, its the way I present myself.

  14. I have a fourteen cc band, just got my second fill today and I am now at 8.5cc. I'm on liquids for a couple days then mushies. So, cant tell if I have enough restriction yet, but I go back in 4 weeks to see how I'm doing. Just hang in there, get your fills and if needed ask for more than just a cc at a time

  15. Ok, this whole converstaion got me laughing. I cant wait till I have the self confidence to go out and date again. I have been divorced a year from a guy that I thought was about an 8 but the longer I was married to him the lower the number went. He was not a small guy, but not a larger guy either. I have actually been attracted to the larger guys lately because they do not have the chip on their shoulder and they are more appreciative of the women that will take the time to get to know them for who they are. I know that I'm not a 10, and probably never will be, but a good solid 6 is ok with me :)

  16. Each doctor is different on how they do fills. Some do them with barium, some do just flouro, and others do it by feel. My doctor goes by feel. I've only had one fill so far, but get my next one on Monday. Since my port flipped shortly after surgery, I didnt get my first fill until 9 weeks post op, and when I got my fill it was while he was fixing my port. So, this next fill will be my first 'normal' fill. I hope I can get more restriction because I know I need it!

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