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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cls70

  1. cls70

    Be My Valentine Challenge

    Checking in at 215 today.
  2. I understand your frustration. Tomorrow it will be 2 weeks since I have been banded and I have lost a little over 3 lbs. I am around 600-700 cal a day. I don't mind it too much because I am not that hungry. I think it would be more frustrating if I was starving (like really sacrificing) and not losing. I would normally feel great about a 3lb weight loss but I keep reading these posts where people are losing huge amounts (10 - 15 lbs) the first couple of weeks and it makes me think I am doing something wrong or not doing enough. I know I can't change how or when my body will let go of this weight, I can only keep on doing what I am doing (<1000 cal a day and 60 min of cardio 5-6 days a week) and know that it will eventually come off. Even if it is 1 %#@* lb at a time, it will come off.
  3. cls70

    Be My Valentine Challenge

    I forgot I was doing this. lol. I am 214.6 this week.
  4. cls70

    1St Post Op Visit Since My Surgery

    Hi XO - Did you lose 20 lbs just since surgery? I am 6 days out and have only lost 2 lbs! Either way, good job and I am glad you're feeling good about this.
  5. I use the unjury products and I really like them. I got the full size bag because I thought for sure it would be as good as the rest of the products. It was not. It is still sitting in my fridge because I keep thinking I am going to try it again, but I probably won't. It had a strong aftertaste that I couldn't get rid of.
  6. I would be happy to pay shipping if Kitty can't use them.
  7. cls70

    Be My Valentine Challenge

    I am 216.2. I always hear of people losing a lot the week after surgery. Is it weird that I am only down 2 lbs? I was banded on the 3rd. I am not upset about it, I am just curious. Maybe it's because I lost 13 lbs on the preop diet?
  8. cls70

    Couch To 5K

    I have done the C25K a couple of times. The first time i did it I was about 250 lbs and 38 years old. There is nothing to be nervous about. You run at your own pace. I researched it quite a bit and the most common advice was "when you think you are going slow enough slow down even more". Don't be afraid to repeat weeks. If I ever felt like I struggled with a week I just repeated it. Don't be in a hurry, that's how you end up with injuries. Also, start with a good shoe. I went to a running shoe store where they look at your feet, look at the wear pattern on your shoes you are wearing, and watch you walk so they can tell you which shoe is best for your foot and your gait. The cool running website has a chat room for beginners and you can get great advice there. I have actually completed the program 3 times - unfortunately once I completed the program I quit running because I found running for 30 minutes straight boring. It helped me complete a sprint triathalon 2 years ago and a 5k mud run last summer. Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. One last thing, a supportive running bra is soooooo important. I bought an Enell and it made such a huge difference!
  9. cls70

    Poat-Op Confusion

    I know exactly what you are talking about. I was banded on the 3rd. I almost feel like it is numb. I am not really hungry and when I eat I don't really feel anything (not full but not empty). The other day I ate some strained cream soup and a protein shake too close together and I definitely felt too full. I figure as long as I don't get to that point and I am not feeling weak I am eating the right amount.
  10. cls70

    February Bandsters?

    I was surprised by the full liquid diet too, but I am not having any problem keeping it down. I stayed on thin liquids yesterday - 1/2 cup of strained 98% fat free chicken soup, and some thinned pudding. Today I had a protein shake and I feel a lot better. I can't believe you have to stay on clear liquids for 2 weeks, how can you get any protein in?
  11. Cyndie, I am using my pain meds for the gas pain too. I have Roxicet and it tastes pretty bad. I also see no reason to suffer if I have pain meds available!
  12. cls70

    February Bandsters?

    I always appreciated reading everyone's experiences with the lap band so I thought I would share mine. I was banded on Friday the 3rd. It all went very smoothly and the medical staff was great. I was worried about the IV because I am a very hard start. They did have to stick me 2 times, but with the lidocaine I hardly felt a thing. I think the hardest thing about this whole process was the 2 week shake / protein bar diet. I was always starving. I know most people say that after a couple of days they didn't feel hungry, but I was hungry the whole time. My Dr came in to see me before the surgery and asked which pre op diet I was on and how it went. When I told him how difficult it was he said that they aren't doing that one anymore and they are going to do shakes with a low carb meal because the other one was so difficult. I think recovery is also harder than what I have read - I think I must be a big baby. I really wanted to be that person that was out shopping the day after surgery, but I am tired and still in a lot of pain. They did find and repair a hiatal hernia that I didn't know I had, so I don't know if that has something to do with the extra pain or not. I thought my mom was going to be able to drop me off after surgery and go home, but, thankfully she stayed overnight to help me out. I am sticking with yogurt, protein shakes and healthy request cream soups (strained). I may have overdone it tonight by drinking my protein shake a little too close to my soup. I never thought I could feel so full on so very little food. I think the only thing I didn't buy ahead of time that I wish I would have was suckers. My mouth was so dry and everything tasted so blah. Anyway, I am so excited that I am on the other side. The day after surgery I was up 6 lbs, today I am only up 1(I know it's just water weight from surgery). If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask me.
  13. cls70

    February Bandsters?

    Good luck! I am too, we will have to keep in touch and compare notes.
  14. cls70

    Be My Valentine Challenge

    I have never done a challenge before so I am pretty excited. I am getting banded this Friday, so I am not sure what to put for my goal weight. Name, real or screen~ Cindy Goal weight for Febuary 29th~210 Weight on Febuary 1st~ 222.8 Age~41 Dietary goal for Febuary~ >60g Protein Exercise goal for Febuary~ cardio 60 min 4 times a week Personal goal for Febuary~ healthy recovery from surgery Date banded~02/03/2012 Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~27.2 No plans for V day.
  15. cls70

    Pre-Op Diet

    I am on day 6 of a 14 day shakes and bar diet (800-900 cal). I am so hungry I could chew my arm off. I agree with MIS73 - I am hungry all the time. I have read that it gets better after the 3rd day, but I have not found that to be the case for me. I do go to the gym almost every day and do an hour on the treadmill or the elliptical and I find that I am really hungry after that. The hardest part for me is bedtime. I hate going to bed hungry so I find it hard to get to sleep. Only 8 more days - I can do anything for 8 days, right?
  16. cls70

    February Bandsters?

    Thanks Mags, I just joined that group. I agree that it might be easier for new people to find that group instead of searching out this thread.
  17. cls70

    February Bandsters?

    Hi Saucy, I read your blog and I think it's awesome. So far i am doing okay on the pre op diet. I am freakin starving though. I am on day 4 and I have lost 5 lbs. I am doing a liquid protein diet with protein bars. I have 4-6 shakes and 3 bars every day (800-900 cal). The only real issue I am having is I get more fatigued at the gym. I am hoping that my energy will come back once my body gets used to the lower calorie diet. I am glad there is someone on here with my surgery date to compare notes with.
  18. Can you guys stand one more question on the pre op diet? I have been working out at the gym 5-7 days a week since October. I just started running about a month ago. I am not killing it - I run for 1 minute and walk for 2. I have worked up to 3.75 miles in 1 hour. This is day 3 of the pre op diet and I had to really push to get 3 miles out. Does the fatigue and weakness last the entire 2 weeks or does it get ease up? My diet consists of 5 shakes and 3 bars (plus unlimited sf jello, broth, and sf popsicles.) a day. I am also much more sore and achy than I normal.
  19. cls70

    February Bandsters?

    I am also Feb 3rd. I started the 2 week liquid diet today. I was ready to start this next phase. They have rescheduled my surgery date 2 times so I am not really excited, just anxious that something else is going to come up.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
