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Spirit Fire

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Spirit Fire

  1. I am hoping that with my weight loss, my hubby and I will be able to ride two-up. I am too big -- was too big for his KLR 650 -- but some day we hope to ride together again.
  2. Spirit Fire

    Minimun Protein

    I was told a minimum of 80 grams each day.
  3. Spirit Fire

    Is This A Problem For Anyone Else?

    Soon after surgery I found that I was hyper-sensitive to the tremendous amount of food ads, tv shows, meals, and conversations that surround us each and every day. I had a choice to make: hide from life which my weight was already making me do OR particpate fully. Choosing to participate brings with it challenges. I don't ever want someone to eat differently or feel guilty because they are enjoying something that I choose not to have or that my sleeve can't tolerate. I have a friend who is glutten-intolerant and we now choose to meet at restaurants with glutten free menus, but we haven't changed our friendship or the way we talk with each other because of it. However, in the beginning, I had to learn what her boundaries were and now she is needing to learn what I am comfortable with. I have made a major change in my life and I can't expect everyone to conform to my needs, but I take responsibility for informing the people I care about what I need from them. Bigguy, Shangefan and a number of other posts had some wonderful insights. Your friend probably doesn't know how to approach the subject -- unless this has been his pattern with you over the years. He has to learn at the same time you are learning. I hope it doesn't cause an riff that can't be overcome.
  4. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. Sending you and your family healing energy.
  5. Pure Protein rtd shake -- Chocolate or Cookies and Cream -- order from amazon.com
  6. Spirit Fire

    Heprin Shots

    Yes, I took the shots 2x a day for 14 days. My surgeon said that I was a risk for blood clots because of my excess weight, birth control pills, and having surgery. I stopped taking my BC pills one month prior to surgery and resumed them one month after surgery. I had no complications, but was glad for the preventative measures since I have lost two dear friends to a pulmonary embolisms. I did have bruising on my stomach for weeks from the shots and hard spots but I massaged these daily and now, 10 weeks later, everything is fine.
  7. I am eating 700-900 calories a day post-op and losing 2-3 lbs a week. I was horribly fatigued when I was eating 80 grams of Protein each day so my doctor said to have 100 grams. It has helped and I have more energy, but I can't always get that much in. My daily goal is between 80-100 grams of protein and less than 40 grams of carbs. I get my 64-80 oz. of daily fluids through decaf tea (both hot and iced) and Protein shakes. Prior to surgery, I was on a 1300 calorie/day high protein/low carb diet and lost 10 lbs a month (50 lbs down on my surgery date). I thought cutting my calorie count in half would double my weightloss, but this hasn't happened. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that a person loses more at the beginning and now that I am past the 1/2 way mark -- the weightloss has slowed. I have also lived in the "stall" phases two times in the last 10 weeks, but, it is still going in the right direction and inches are falling off like crazy.
  8. Spirit Fire

    What Was It Like While You Were Under?

    My husband and I attended a one day education class as part of the requirements for my surgery. I got to meet the entire team from the nurses to the anesthesiologist to the physical therapist. It helped to relax and inform me and, as someone previously mentioned about their team, my team had an amazing sense of humor. Things moved fast -- I went to sleep and I woke up easily but didn't dream or have any memories of being under anesthesia. I have had absolutely no regrets about the entire process except for the fleeting thought when I woke from surgery was, "What the hell did I just do?" Again, it was fleeting and I was fortunate not to have much pain throughout the recovery process. I did a lot of research on the hospital and surgical team prior to making my decision so felt comfortable with their competence.
  9. Congratulations! What a wonderful gift for your entire family!
  10. Spirit Fire

    July 4Th Challenge

    I'm in! This is my first challenge and am looking forward to it! Start weight: 298 Surgery day weight: 248 Todays weight: 219 Challenge goal: 209 Additionally: will add Wii Fit to my current daily walking
  11. Spirit Fire

    Whats In Your Sleeve?

    @emily_0192010: I buy the Teriyaki & Pineapple Chicken Meatballs by Aidells at Costco. They are very tasty and easy to prepare. I keep them in the freezer at work so I know I always have protein readily available. Serving size is 3 meatballs,but I typically have 4. They come in a package of ~36 meaballs so I get quite a few meals out of them. Enjoy!!
  12. Spirit Fire

    Whats In Your Sleeve?

    Memorial Day Breakfast: 1 serving Cilantro Lime Shrimp 1 large scrambled egg Fresh basil 1 Tbsp Sabra Hummus 15 g fat/5 g carbs/32 g protein/293 calories Memorial Day lunch 1.3 servings Teriyaki & pineapple chicken Meatball 1 Tbsp Greek Yogurt Dip w/Cucumber 1/2 serving Parmesan Garlic Popchips 15 g fat/18 g carbs/14 g protein/269 calories
  13. NSV -- I attended my niece's bridal shower! I am 10 weeks post-op and I have rejoined life. A year ago I probably would have figured out how to NOT GO to the bridal shower because of so many things--self-image, feeling judged, discomfort, etc. Yesterday, I was confident and it made my niece and sister-in-law tear-up with happiness to have me there. During the sit-down luncheon, I was able to eat a little of almost everything. It was a beautiful vegitarian luncheon but I had a Protein Shake before going into the party so was comfortable I would get what I needed. I only had one person comment on how little I was eating. The amazing thing that hit me was when we were preparing to sit at the table -- I chose a seat in the middle -- not on the end. I have never done this before! I have always sat at the end so that I wouldn't overflow into someone else's space. Yesterday, I was "normal". Thinking back on it, I was still probably one of the larger guests at the party, but that wasn't even an issue for me as it would have been in the past. It was a very special day and I am grateful that I didn't miss out on it. I'm also grateful for this always-inspiring forum!
  14. Spirit Fire

    Jan/feb/march Sleevers?

    March 21 -- I would like to join. Thanks!
  15. Spirit Fire

    2 Years Sleeved

    Thank you for sharing! It truly helps to motivate and encouage those of us who are only a few months out. Your post helps me to know that my 'goals' are attainable. THANK YOU!
  16. This is a very individual and personal decision. I told everyone and have posted on Facebook to keep family and friends up to date on my progress.
  17. Spirit Fire

    100 Pounds Gone Picture

    You are beautiful! Thanks for being such a wonderful inspiration! And your puppy is adorable!!!
  18. Spirit Fire

    Feeling So Frustrated!

    Once I'd made my decision to pursue bariatric surgery I was discouraged with the series of doctor appointments, lab tests, psych evals and support group meetings that I perceived as obstacles to my goal. I made an excel spread sheet of all my appointments which turned out to be three pages long by my surgery date. However, after a short period of time I realized the benefits all these "hoops" provided. I was 50 years old and had a tip-to-tail physical, all on the dime of my insurance company. I had time to learn about nutrition and to educate the people in my life what I was about to undertake. I talked extensively with friends who had undergone gastric bypass and lap bands over the last 7 years and found that I was given an opportunity to be more involved with my path to health then they ever were. Many tell me that they regret NOT having the "prep" time that was required of me. I took charge of my health and lost 50 lbs on my own prior to surgery which reinforced, for me, that the sleeve is a TOOL . . . it is not a miracle or magic wand to slimness, but simply a tool that will help me maintain my weightloss once I reach my goal. I still have to put in the "work" with or without the sleeve. I have absolutely no regrets having the sleeve surgery (2 months ago) and am truly grateful that I had to journey past all the challenges and obstacles along the way.
  19. Spirit Fire

    Post Op Dreams

    Yes, my dreams have also been vivid, memorable and frequent ever since I was sleeved two months ago. I didn't relate it to the sleeve . . . but now I am beginning to wonder?
  20. Trying to stay positive and focused but feeling discouraged I started the living healthy process in October (298 lbs) and had my Sleeve surgery on 3/21/12 (248 lbs). From October to March I lost 50 lbs (pre surgery) on 1300 calories a day – high Protein, low carb eating and enjoying bariaatricchoice.com foods. After my surgery, I lost 13 lbs in the first two weeks. However, I have only lost 12 lbs in the last 6 weeks. (I realize this is a 2 lb a week average, but it feels slow.) I am only eating 700 calories a day and this is primarily from Protein shakes and lean meats (80 grams protein), all my liquids and Vitamins. I walk about 2-3 miles a day and just purchased the Fitbit (it is charging for the first time as I type). I don’t have regrets, but I am feeling discouraged as I thought I would lose significantly faster than I did when I was on 1300 calories a day. I know I should be feeling great about my progress and feel a bit guilty that I am even posting these rambling thoughts, but I am at my ½ way point and wonder, “What if this is it? What if I don’t lose another pound? “ I am healthy – I have always been healthy – I used to say I was the healthiest morbidly obese person around. I do feel better and I have subtle yet significant NSVs. I just want to figure out how to turbo charge my weightloss. Thanks for being there for me!
  21. Lissa -- you have been a constant support throughout this site for me and for others. I am always looking to see what you have to say on a topic and find your insights motivational, encouraging and based in reality. I posted a "discouraged" note right before I read this one. THANK YOU! You give me hope and encouragement to embrace this journey we are on. Thank you!
  22. Spirit Fire

    Ok..going Back To The Straw Issue..

    Hi! My name is Deann and I'm a straw user! I love my unsweetened decaf tropical ice tea and drinking with a straw causes me no discomfort whatsoever. I easily get all my fluids in since I finally started using the straw.
  23. Spirit Fire

    Hungry Girl Buffalo Chicken Dip

    Just made this recipe and I love it! Thank you!
  24. I "test drove" the Isopure for a few months prior to surgery so I could find flavors I liked. The pharmacy at my surgeon's office sells all the flavors so I was able to sample. I decided on a couple I liked (Blueberry and Alpine Punch) and knew it would be the best way to get both my Protein and liquids in during the first two weeks after surgery. I didn't hate the taste and tolerated the aftertaste and was open for the adventure. However, after surgery, I could not stand the sweet flavor of the Isopure. I choked them down the first two days but was so disappointed that my tastebuds had changed so dramatically. My husband suggested I add a little salt to the drink, and since I don't have high blood pressure or sodium issues, that is what I did. I drank my Isopure in shot glasses while licking a miniscule bit of salt off my wrist -- it felt decadent and made the process of drinking them tolerable. Here is a picture of my two weeks worth of Isopures. About 4 days into it I realized I needed another flavor so added the Orange which was okay. Also, I discovered that drinking them at room temperature worked better for me in the beginning rather than cold. It was truly a trial and error process but I was able to get all my Proteins in and have had a very health recovery -- I am now at week 7 post op.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
