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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Sheila I am so joining you on the eating clean to rid yourself of the carb monster. I am also doing the same thing. :(


    Sarah i love how your little ones NSV. Such a reward, especially from a little one.... :P


    GT this is such a hard decision to make in whether to stay and save money or come back. If you decide to stay, make sure that you have an exit plan just in case something happens and you need to leave. I love that you have a support person there....Will he be there for the next 6 months also?


    Sheryl after seeing and reading about the corset, I had to go and buy one myself....can't wait to get it, I loved that it was only $25 including shipping. :P Good job on riding a nervous mare......it sounds like a lot of fun..


    Yesturday I did a proper fast day.....:) I lost 1 lb and I love it.... I had reached 240 calories by 2:00pm and wasn't sure I'd make it. But when I got home i got really hungry. So I ate some carrots and made a salad. Everything was pretty much low calorie until the homemade ranch dressing. But I still stayed under 500 calories..... I think I have to keep focused on eating mostly Proteins and salads for the rest of the week. I really need to get 3 more lbs to be at my low and plus I would like to get into the 130's. :P


    Cathy I was always the picture taker in my family too. I can't really find any pics when I was bigger. the one I did find did not have any smile on my face either. I always felt like a hippo and hid.....

  2. Sheryl as a mental health professional I know that I have a chemical imbalance going on with my neurotransmitters. My body in the last two years has gone through a lot of chaos due to this extreme weight loss and then the daily fluctuations in my weight plays havoc on me also. But to be honest, we probable had a bit of a chemical imbalance going on before we had surgery and the food we ate was a form of self medicating. Now we can't do that and we have to work on the chemical imbalance in a more healthier way. By dealing with our negative thought processes instead of self medicating.. I know that for me I need to exercise. Today I'm going to the park and taking a walk with nature.... this helps with producing more of the neurotransmitters we need to feel good.. I have recognized that I have had a bit of a depression going on and resorting to extreme periods of where I feel anxious. I have to remind myself that I have choices and if the anxiety is about something I can't control, then I have to learn to let it go. It's not easy especially when I'm dealing with a son who just got out of jail, he's a manipulator, he lies, he told us that his wife who also is a dry methamphetimine addict is pregnant. This terrifies me, but I can't control any of this so I am choosing to stand back and let the drama unravel. He is making impulsive decisions still and his wife is even worse at making impulsive decisions. OMG I just gave way too much info. Sorry for TMI> But this is my struggle and contributes to me over eating... Have a wonderful day everyone.

  3. Denise I am so excited that you have 3 different men that you can choose from. Is this added confidence? I think so.... :P I love it.....

    Kelly I so struggle with remembering everyone's post so I'm working diligently as of today to take notes so I can talk with everyone.....

    Florinda so if you hug someone for over a certain period of time, our body releases oxytocin?  I love this. I'm going to hug my hubby more to experiment with this...:P  It is so nice to have a friend with added benefits even if he is way younger...who cares, men do it all the time.....haha

    I'm really getting concerned about LAURA, she hasn't been on this site since Jan 4. Hope things are going well with her beautiful daughter......Hope she's revamping her energy.


    At the support group I went to on Saturday, one of the ladies was saying how she eats little during the day and is not hungry until she gets home from work. But when she gets home from work, she can eat a lot. Well I bring this up because this is what I did yesturday. We drove to the mountain and I had Breakfast but we skipped lunch and I had allowed myself to have a bag of Cheetos.  When I got home, I ate pretty much everything in the house. They were all healthy food like salami, mixed nuts, some chili with cheese and a Quest bar....Today my weight is up almost a lb. I know it's most likely Water retension, but it's driving me crazy. I am trying to figure out how to not go here....to prevent the eating episode. Perhaps I need to not skip meals and portion my foods out so I don't get in that crazied mindset. I don't know, but it really scares me....Today I'm doing Proteins and tomorrow I'm going to fast. maybe that will get me back in control of myself.....

  4. OP it sounds like you know what you need to do but are afraid to make a decision and move forward. Only you can make this decision. We can listen, but that's really it.....He's not going to change and you can't make him.....It is your choice in what you will expose your children too also....Your children are learning from everything you do and will most likely repeat those behaviors.......This is a big choice to make so you have my empathy and I know that you will make the right choice....

  5. I eat between 1200 to 1300 calories a day and am working on keeping it clean eating. I am a sugar and fat addict. So this is a daily struggle for me. Plus when I look on the percentages of fat, Protein, on carb on MFP, I have a 30% for each category. So I'm looking into adding more veggies and I know that will cut back my protein intake....So need to study this and make the proper adjustments in my diet. Plus the head hunger seems to get too me.... :P

  6. FYE i love the belly dancers....it is such an art form.....

    Sheila you are absolutely right. We do need a break at times and I have found myself taking a break lately too....too much stuff going on.

    Georgia I have read the article and it is quite interesting. I want to reread it again so that I can absorb more of the info given.....

    I went to a support group meeting and the only people that were there were veterans. I so needed that. It just confirms that we have to stay focused for the rest of our lives.... :P I know I have a lot of head hunger going on too.... :P

  7. Wow there is so much stuff to comment on here and I really don't want to forget anyone....

    Sarah your son sounds like an awesome young man...How thoughtful to think of his gramma. :P

    Florinda I love you pic! Look at your curves! Yayyyyyyy!

    I'm not opposed to inviting QoC to join up....She's pretty straight up and I believe she would participate....

    Georgia your grand baby there is so darn cute, I just want to hug here..... :P

    Gosh I can't remember much of what I read, so for missing others. I did read them but right now I'm struggling with some side effects of take melatonin last night.  After I took I got really dizzy and went to sleep...This morning I was really dizzy and could hardly walk to the bathroom...I had my niece coming over so I had to get moving and she drove to the meeting. But talking about feeling like I have a hang over right now...:(


    Did the 5:2 fast day last week and struggled with staying on it. So now I am refocusing on the fasting day and will fast next Tuesday and Thursday....I lost a really wonderful mom figure a couple days ago and it's put me in a tail spin.


    Have a wonderful day everyone and it helps me to read others words on here....I too read it and sometimes sit in the back and just take it in.....i will kick it up starting tomorrow...

    I love reading about sheryl and Denise's dating... It seems so frustrating, especially expecting to meet someone that's 5'8" and they turn out to be much shorter.... Now what was he thinking and what kind of responses is he getting from others he meets with????


    OK, I'm bringing out the big guns Laura!!! Sex & Donuts!!!! -------------- He is the type that blows up, then just goes on to the next thing. He can't see how I won't do the same thing. He also thinks hes always right, so any comment I make is usually moot...Its a rare thing where he says I'm right about something.. like i can count on one had all those times during the last 20 years! This being said, he can be sweet and funny... not just a d**k! (or I would have kicked him to the curb long ago...) There are a couple of things in his history that make him blind as a bat about some things, he might be much happier if he could allow more gray into his life, not just black and white.... not sure he is capable of that though.

    You have said this perfectly! Men are men and yes, we all have our fights...I hang on to

    my anger and he moves on.....but he does treat me with respect and had never said anything about

    my fat former self.... :P


    Don't they all? I mean -go on to the next thing. :). And what's sex? It's been so long that I even remotely wanted it it's just sad. No hormones AT ALL and very low drive even before that and with low dose anti depressant NONE. ha!


    But I think most guys are just about the same. They can hit it, roll over, forget ANYTHING ever happened that might have upset you. Duh. We have had fights that have gone on for years! Lol. Those things he forgets but I can't seem to let go of.


    Now, it took me years to really really see all the great qualities that the hubs has and he NEVER, let me repeat, never, made me feel inferior or fat.


    I feel bad for any of you whose significant others treat you with less than respect. We may fight and duke it out sometimes but I know I'm valued.

  9. I have been meeting about one new person a week lately - and part of it is because when you find a possiblity - I feel like you need to go for it because this stupid online thing... people forget about you in 2 days since they have 10 new emails.  sigh. I hate emailing someone for weeks and then it just fades away... waste of time.  Now that I am back to horseback riding - the pace will slow way down...haha


    Doug, the lunch the other day wasn't a date.  We aren't a prospect, that was made clear many months ago that was more like a possible friendship.  We have stayed in touch via text, occasional email and phone call since we met last summer.  He knows about my plastics and all that.  I admit I really like this guy so even though he doesn't want to date me I am open to light socializing because you just never know.  I think somewhere in my brain is a formula - personality, location, looks, character, interests/hobbies/lifestyle, my impression of their stability - etc. and this guy just seems like he is this just right blend.  I don't know but I assume he senses i am not the right blend for him but likes me.  Or maybe he just doesn't really want a girlfriend right now, I am not sure but I am not going to bug him about it.


    What the heck, I can always use new single friends since most of my friends are married. My oldest son has a great theory of meeting people.  Find someone you like and maybe that person isn't "it" but there may be someone in his social circle.  My son's point is to hang out with people that you like and that is how you often meet other cool people. That has totally happened to me with women friends and horseback riding friends.  My very close friend Mary I met through common aquaintances.

    This is exactly what I tell my clients about finding partners...I also tell them to look up meet up groups to meet people also.... :P

  10. Kim thank you for sharing this with us.....There is no relationship between spouses that is 100% healthy. We all carry our baggage with us. I have been married for 34 years and I know that my husband loves me. He frustrates me and he is good to the core of his being. We have our idiosyncrasies and we choose to continue to be each other.....Yes, he is passive aggressive at times, but aren't we all? I know I have been and all my clients that I work with have the same qualities.....:P

    Florinda I'm sorry you have yet another stressor to deal with. I did pick up on the Hawt new soldier but didn't say anything because i did not want you to feel like you were being judged in any way.....It saddens me that the DoD didn't notify the family more quickly......Hang in there......

    LAURA where are you? Hope everythings ok......

  11. Kim my husband shows more kindness and consideration for others than he does for me. I know he loves me but it really hurts when he puts the blame on me, even when it's someone else's doing. So confusing and it does push me away from him...When I tell him, he just doesn't get it.... :( And he's can join mensa if he wanted. Such a genius in some areas, and not so smart in other things. LOL :P






    Have you tried taking melatonin 30 minutes before bed? I am in the same boat for the last few weeks. Friend recommended. Has to be the quick absorb you out under tongue. Seems to help me a bit. :)

    I have tried Melatonin for the past few nights and it really didn't help much.... :( But I'm not giving up either....


    Have any of you used Melatonin? I have a terrible time falling asleep and have had to take something for probably 5 years or so now. I used to take Ambien every night but about a year ago my PCP wanted to me stop or cut down bc she heard it caused cancer in some people. I take it 2 or 3 nights a week now and I take Melatonin on the other nights. She would rather I don't take the Ambien at all but the nights I take it are the only nights I fall asleep and sleep well and wake up like I had a good sleep.

    I use to take ambien but my metabolism gets used to a medication and then I need more to get the same effect. I really hate taking more just to get the relief I'm needing. But I'm also willing to go back and try it again.....



    When I'm feeling overwhelmed, its usually several things piling up that I don't have control over or that aren't going my way... if I sit down and list what I feel like... hopeless is the bad one that trigers anxiety, then I list what the things are that make me feel hopeless, then I look to see if there is anything I can do to counteract the feeling... communication, action, whatever... and schedule some of that, and if I can do something right away..... that helps almost immediately to some extent. If I don't let it go too long, then I can usually manage those stressful types of ecperiences. The old saying, "do what you can, and let go of what you can't" is a good one, but when I "can't" sometimes it makes me sad. I am attached to holding on. Attachment. I confuse attachment with love, and really, thats more objectivesiing than love. Its mistaken thinking on my part... 

    As an example, I was feeling bad about all the birds and animals that get killed and disrupted by human behavior. Poisoned, run over, shot, on and on. Sometimes when I think about this it makes me hate people generally. Not really productive! Or true! I want to make a difference, but the problem is so huge... I feel overwhelmed. So I made a list of things I might do, small things, but things I have control over. So I took some things over to a wildlife rescue place near by, some things  from their wish list. I also made some art for a show, and dedicated $50 from any one that sold to go to the same wildlife rescue place. Just a little thing, but it did make me feel at least there was something I could do, however little.<

    I love this strategy. It does help to recognize what we can change and what we can't. I also like prioritizing my to do list when feeling overwhelmed.... It warms my heart to hear about the wonderful things you are doing for wild life. I have the same feelings. Humans are so unkind to animals and it will bring tears to my eyes.


    Lately I'm finding myself feeling depressed and viewing things in my world as hopeless. I work on re-framing these negative thoughts to being grateful for the things that I do have like a good husband that's pretty healthy, healthy children, financial security, a house, bills are paid, etc. I am really blessed that I have some wonderful pets that I have rescued from numerous places and they're so loving and giving.....But I do have a chemical imbalance right now.......I have thought about asking my PCP for an antidepressant but I remember the havoc they created with my sleep......I don't really know what to do about it but to get my butt to exericising. I have stopped walking when I went to Las Vegas because my knee got really painful and I thought I was going to have to have knee replacement. so I am fearful of that happening again. But I do need to kick myself in gear and just do it......... :( Perhaps that will help me sleep at night. 


    My scale is so out of whack these days....yesturday I weighted 147 lbs and today i weight 136 lbs......Why is there a 10 lb difference? I did eat more yesturday....... I'm going whacko..... Have a great day..... :P


    I went to a sports medicine Dr, who referred me to a physical therapist who nailed down why my knee was bothering me... it was a weakness in my hip! So I started doing exercises for my hip, and the knee got better. 


    Sounds like you need a new scale!





    Dee, where are you headed to in the states?


    I will be in SF



    n general, I am sleep deprived because i wake up in the middle of the night for hours.


    Yes, this is what I do as well. I CAN NOT STAND IT. Ugh. I would love a full night's sleep. :-(  Melatonin, even the smallest little molecule of it, knocks me out like a concussion and I can't wake up. Ambien gives me horrible vivid dreams that disturb me during the day. Benzos help calm my anxiety but don't make me sleep. G*ddam* menopause. =/ 


    Dating sucks. I hate it and I'm glad I'm not doing it. I have never had a sex drive in my life, so the clam has never been in the driver's seat LOL. But I'm glad you're getting properly seen to, Florinda!! :-) 


    I am not old enough to be truly old-fashioned for any reason, but I still am. Wouldn't kiss on first date EVER. Never slept with anyone till *months* together. SOOOO picky and hard to get -- not playing, but for reals. But *I* am the weird one here, I consider all of you quite normal and hormonally normal as well. I'm just an outlier in the weird zone.


    I wish I could fall asleep on melatonin.....I'd be happy as a clam! Ha ambien worked for a while but I would still wake up really early......Xanax does little for me....I often wonder how medical marijuana would work for sleep....I'm just too concerned about the legal aspects of it and getting the munchies too. Oh and Swizz I have little to no sex drive..... :( I wish I had a drive but in my earlier years..... ;P

  13. I woke up in a panic this morning - that never happens - but it did today. I woke up because of some stuff I forgot to finish... my brain is just mush. In general, I am sleep deprived because i wake up in the middle of the night for hours.

    This has been my pattern in the past, but now I just wake up to go to the rest room and I'm totally awake... :(

  14. Georgia:

    Have you tried taking melatonin 30 minutes before bed? I am in the same boat for the last few weeks. Friend recommended. Has to be the quick absorb you out under tongue. Seems to help me a bit. :)

    I have tried Melatonin for the past few nights and it really didn't help much.... :( But I'm not giving up either....

    Have any of you used Melatonin? I have a terrible time falling asleep and have had to take something for probably 5 years or so now. I used to take Ambien every night but about a year ago my PCP wanted to me stop or cut down bc she heard it caused cancer in some people. I take it 2 or 3 nights a week now and I take Melatonin on the other nights. She would rather I don't take the Ambien at all but the nights I take it are the only nights I fall asleep and sleep well and wake up like I had a good sleep.

    I use to take ambien but my metabolism gets used to a medication and then I need more to get the same effect. I really hate taking more just to get the relief I'm needing. But I'm also willing to go back and try it again.....

    When I'm feeling overwhelmed, its usually several things piling up that I don't have control over or that aren't going my way... if I sit down and list what I feel like... hopeless is the bad one that trigers anxiety, then I list what the things are that make me feel hopeless, then I look to see if there is anything I can do to counteract the feeling... communication, action, whatever... and schedule some of that, and if I can do something right away..... that helps almost immediately to some extent. If I don't let it go too long, then I can usually manage those stressful types of ecperiences. The old saying, "do what you can, and let go of what you can't" is a good one, but when I "can't" sometimes it makes me sad. I am attached to holding on. Attachment. I confuse attachment with love, and really, thats more objectivesiing than love. Its mistaken thinking on my part...

    As an example, I was feeling bad about all the birds and animals that get killed and disrupted by human behavior. Poisoned, run over, shot, on and on. Sometimes when I think about this it makes me hate people generally. Not really productive! Or true! I want to make a difference, but the problem is so huge... I feel overwhelmed. So I made a list of things I might do, small things, but things I have control over. So I took some things over to a wildlife rescue place near by, some things from their wish list. I also made some art for a show, and dedicated $50 from any one that sold to go to the same wildlife rescue place. Just a little thing, but it did make me feel at least there was something I could do, however little.

    I love this strategy. It does help to recognize what we can change and what we can't. I also like prioritizing my to do list when feeling overwhelmed.... It warms my heart to hear about the wonderful things you are doing for wild life. I have the same feelings. Humans are so unkind to animals and it will bring tears to my eyes.

    Lately I'm finding myself feeling depressed and viewing things in my world as hopeless. I work on re-framing these negative thoughts to being grateful for the things that I do have like a good husband that's pretty healthy, healthy children, financial security, a house, bills are paid, etc. I am really blessed that I have some wonderful pets that I have rescued from numerous places and they're so loving and giving.....But I do have a chemical imbalance right now.......I have thought about asking my PCP for an antidepressant but I remember the havoc they created with my sleep......I don't really know what to do about it but to get my butt to exericising. I have stopped walking when I went to Las Vegas because my knee got really painful and I thought I was going to have to have knee replacement. so I am fearful of that happening again. But I do need to kick myself in gear and just do it.........:( Perhaps that will help me sleep at night.

    My scale is so out of whack these days....yesturday I weighted 147 lbs and today i weight 136 lbs......Why is there a 10 lb difference? I did eat more yesturday....... I'm going whacko..... Have a great day..... :P

  15. Sheryl i told my doctor that I was having times when I felt really anxious and was "worried" about stupid stuff and he prescribed the xanax for me because it's short acting....I use to be afraid to ask for something bc I thought they would think I was seeking drugs, but to my surprise, he's really open to it. :P

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