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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Globe I am so sad that this is happening to you....I am sending healing energy your way........I am very thankful that you have shared your journey with us. I know that you are proactive and with Dr Wahl's eating plan, you will be able to delay MS.She did.....please hang in there...
  2. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Have a wonderful Turkey day you guys! Love ya and will read the posts later.....
  3. you both look good! Now we get to see your better half.
  4. Ms skinniness

    Please Let The Hair Loss Stop!

    actually my hair use to grow slowly but once I started taking biotin and silica, my hair grew way faster. Hair also grew in places it didn't grow before. That's my scientific evidence for me. It also cost me more money bc I have to color my hair more often now. the things we have to do for our beautiful hair. LOL
  5. Ms skinniness


    This is such a great feeling. CONGRATS! We do need pics. :-)
  6. Ms skinniness

    Still In A Coma!

    I am so sorry you are struggling with these setbacks.....Hopefully the antibiotics help in which they typically do and you will get back on track with your wl journey......
  7. I haven't read all the posts but I'm going to talk about what is normal eating for people with the sleeve..... For me, my normal eating is proteins, 3oz, veggies (2-3 bites). Boy I can really eat sliders so I don't consider them to be in my normal eating patterns... I try to have more of a balanced diet and try to avoid sugars since when I have some sugar, my A1C will not drop below 6.2....So for me, I can not eat carbs......This is going to be my normal eating, the way I think normal eating is anyways.......
  8. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    CGJ I really don't like the leather jacket........I thing a cardigan with a little color would be great for you to put some more color in you. I love the red and the skinny jeans! They make you look so sexy! I do like the booties though. and perhaps different than black.......
  9. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Wow, Thanksgiving in the US is this Thursday......all the talk of turkey is making my mouth water..... My family will make turkey, ham, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and rolls. Plus my DH is insisting on buying 2 pies from Marie Calendar..... I can only eat so much..... Just got my lab results back.....everything is really good except my LDL......I need to figure out how I can lower my LDL with the small amount that I eat. I love that my B vitamins are way up there and so is my ferritin (iron). Thankful I chose the sleeve.... Today is preparing for gathering organic food items for preparation for Thursday's feast.... I think I will prepare some of the food on Wednesday so we don't have too much to cook...... Happy Monday to everyone!
  10. There's really not anything more I can say that others haven't said already. It makes me sad to hear that someone died after having surgery and looking at the trauma you and your sister's family are going through.......especially with the holidays here. Please take one day at a time and thank you for being your sister's advocate and voice.......she was beautiful.....
  11. Ms skinniness

    Eating When I'm Not Hungry :(

    I practice saying no to my family with fast foods. They want to go buy fast food, then they can, I myself will not do it. I know that the food at fast food places are total cr** and I don't want to slip into my addiction of food.....I am working on eating clean. I do say no to fast foods or will find something that's healthy if I'm really crazed......I do say no to getting up and chasing down a head hunger that I may have or my family.....it's hard and I have felt guilty in the past....but no more..... I did have a craving for a Taco Bell taco about 6 weeks post op. I bought one and was shocked that the stupid taco was over $1 and when I actually took a bite. It was horrible.....the shell was stale and dry, and not much of anything in it. I have never had another thought about fast food since. I am appalled at it now. My adult children love to eat out all the time and I'm watching them gain weight from it too. They know it, but still can't stop buying it. It really saddens me to the core, but it's their choice and I have no control over that..... So for the rambling........
  12. Ms skinniness


    OMG I l use to love peanut butter and mayo sandwiches.....
  13. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    GT I experience these feelings quite often and it really sucks. It reminds me of how my family use to treat me..... We all need to feel heard and part of the group.....we need support........we need our life lines......I don't know how your able to keep it together living so far away from the states, but your doing really well.....BTW it is so hard to adhere to a new eating regiment without reverting back to our old favorites......just keep going..... The holidays are the worst time, we have our loses come up and make us sad, especially when it was your PA.....My FIL and MIL died over a year ago and we really do miss them during the holidays......... I am sad that Cheri has left us.....she has valuable input for us that we will miss..... I had a blood panel done yesturday and my test results came back all good except for my A1C. It is 6.2. I really want it to go under 6 considering how much I eat. I know that i really can't be sneaking those damn chocolates into my diet anymore if I want to accomplish this.....also have to give up the Flamin hot Cheetos too.......Damn......I have challenged myself to be extra vigilant with this so the next blood panel I have done in 3 months will reveal if that's the real culprit. HA! I was looking forward to seeing where my B vitamin levels are but I didn't see any test results for that. I will wait and see if they're a test that takes longer to get results from...... Anyways I hope everyone has a wonderful day today.........
  14. It is so hard to keep secrets. Why not tell her about your surgery? If she gets upset then let it be her problem. This was a good choice for you. She might even surprise you. Congrats on your decision.
  15. Ms skinniness

    Incision Infection

    I would watch it closely and if it doesn't get better I would go in to see the doc. Keep it dry if possible. Everyone has given you some great feedback about getting a second opinion. It does pay to be proactive with your health.
  16. Ms skinniness

    Tired Of It...

    Hi essence...... I hope you make a good choice on which wls you decide on. It's a personal choice and it can be a hot debate on here. I personally choose the sleeve so that it is permanent and has less complications than the other procedures. My surgeon told me that it's the go to one now that's working better..... For me, I wanted something that was permanent and I got it. I have lost 100% of my EWL and if I had to chose again, I would chose the sleeve.......I'm 2 years post op.......I am skinny, but not too skinny.......I wish you well on your journey. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.......I know that most people on this site are very terrific people that want to help others.....they give honest opinions....
  17. Ms skinniness

    Lapband Vs Sleeve Vs Bypass Surgery

    In my experience, I went into this looking at the band. But when I learned that the band had so many complications and the possible complication of mangling my stomach and the fact it wasn't a permanent solution, I decided on the vertical sleeve. I knew that my old habits would sneak back in and that I would find a way to eat around the band, plus I know several people that had the band and after 2 years she looked like she hadn't lost any weight. During the options program of 12 weeks at Kaiser, I knew that I didn't want the RnY bc I didn't want my intestines rerouted either. I knew the sleeve was the procedure for me bc it was permanent and after all, we really don't need to eat that much food either. I have lost 100% of my EWL and I'm totally happy with it. I have heard of very few individuals that lost too much weight. Some people have difficulties getting to go bc our bodies adjust to our eating habits........So no matter which surgery we chose, we will have to do the mental work to not sabotage our success. Yes I have had 85% of my stomach removed, and yes it was permanent. There is no going back now.....My weight loss is still up to what I chose to put in my mouth. At least I'm not hungry all the time. This is a choice each one of us have to make for ourselves. This is very personal. But I will say this is the best choice for me......I'm successful with my weight........
  18. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I have very young adults still living at home and they eat total cr**! i do understand that I'm the one with the eating problem so there are some things I let go....But today, I'm taking my kitchen back. counter tops will be cleared (not that there is that much) but ready for the feast next Thursday. It does make me a bit sad bc I do want to indulge myself with the special foods we cook. but I can't. So I will work on reminding myself that "I really don't need all that food anyways!" This was the epiphany that I had during the process of getting ready for my surgery. Have a wonderful day everyone.
  19. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    What, you have devil cookies on your counter? I'd surely convinced myself to eat those stupid cookies. today I'm going through my kitchen and throwing out stuff like that.....My family doesn't need to eat those either....Can you throw the cookies down the garbage disposal? We can do this........Tame the carb monster before it gets the best of you......I love your 149 lb range.....
  20. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    LV I have those horrible days too......find myself being more LAXED and not focusing on my healthy eating. Stopped reading labels, started loving Starbuck's chocolate Fraps, and giving into my whims..........Scarey stuff is coming up. My family wants this feast for Thanksgiving and I really don't want a feast. I want nothing but safe foods of proteins and veggies.....My husband is having his demons come out and wants to buy 2 pies from Marie Calendars.......... The devil is out... LOL I plan on refocusing today as of this minute.....
  21. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Sorry guys I wasn't near my PC to check this site. I accessed this group through my IPHONE the other day. The group came up on the current thread in which it never has for me before. It might have been a glimpse in the system. I went back a couple hours later and I couldn't find the post again........Need to go catch up with what I've missed in the last day or so...... For me, I am sticking to eating mostly protein today and tomorrow with some highly nutritious greens and will be exercising by walking. I seem to have become a couch potato.... LOL
  22. Ms skinniness

    Doing My Research!

    this is fantastic! Congrats on the hard work you've done.
  23. Jena can you call your surgeon and talk to him about your low blood glucose? It sounds really scarey to have your blood glucose drop so low.
  24. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Hey everyone can read our posts here. I thought we were private?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
