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Ms skinniness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Ms skinniness

  1. Ms skinniness

    5 Confessions (Join In)

    I confess that I've been in a depression lately. I confess that I've been eating really poorly, a lot of sugars and carbs..... I eat when I'm angry, depressed, etc..... I don't exercise like I should......
  2. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    FYE it sounds like this sight is going to get more complicated now. I like it being specific to one wls. Now there's going to be 3? Maybe even more.....I really do hate change though... Today I'm fasting and gonna get back on track. Yesterday I had a bit of an anger going on and bought some of those nachos, cheese, and jalapenos with a latte. Got some mini reese's bits. Didn't eat hardly any of them and ended up with a stomach ache. The things I do to myself......Gotta get in charge of my emotional eating.....So today is a new day and it's time to clean the refrigerator and cupboards out. I do know that I've been feeling distant from everyone lately and after watching the you tube by Dr. Wahl's, I will be revamping my diet. I had a bit of depression going on so perhaps I need more greens and veggies in my diet.....
  3. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Just watched Dr Wahl's and it makes so much since to eat like a hunter and gather.....back to a simpler life style. I'm not sure I can do the organ meat though......we all should be eating this way......
  4. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    GT I have no words that can help you and MS is a devastating disease. I love that you feel safe to come here and share your feelings with people that genuinely care about you. I am going to go to the you tube site to learn more about MS. Thank you for sharing......
  5. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I am so sorry you have to go through this.....it just plain sucks! I'm glad that your being proactive with Dr Wahls book and diet, it can only help you. My prayers are with you..... ((((HUGS)))!
  6. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    OMG! What a beautiful little bundle of joy!
  7. Ms skinniness

    Attitude of Gratitude

    I am so thankful for all the people on this site. I am especially thankful for my good health and skinniness. I love that I can only eat small portions of food.
  8. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    OD you look fantastic! No way do you even look 55 years! I think your pic would be great for you! You are beautiful......and skinny!
  9. Ms skinniness

    Hey i made 9 months

    Simply amazing! :wub:
  10. Ms skinniness


    It's really hard to get in all your fluid intake.....Sip, Sip, Sip, Sip, and it will get better..... Your doing really well so far......I agree with calling your Dr's office for some help. They could give you something for your nauseousness too and if needed, an IV for fluids.....
  11. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I find myself in this head space too. I have to gather myself and remind myself where I've been and reread some of the posts here. We all fluctuate in weight by a few lbs and then we get back to business. I know that when I'm not watching what I'm eating, I do gain a bit. So I try to focus on eating mostly proteins and veggies. Today I evaluated MFP and it told me I was eating a big portion of carbs......It's those stupid Quest bars, I just keep talking myself into buying them and I eat them. They are the devils food for me. This is our struggle to carry and we all pretty much have to work on our head hunger..... LV we all love you!
  12. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    CGJ I am so amazed at your courage to have a 9 hour surgery with an epidural and twilight sleep. I'm such a scaredy cat I would insist on being put to sleep during the procedure. I hope to see the end results after you heal....I bet you will look really super good.......CONGRATS! I have been ignoring doing the fast days lately I am in such a funk that I am so resistant to even come on here and participate......So I'm hoping to snap out of it really soon.......Keep up the good work everyone.....
  13. Ms skinniness

    Almost 2 Years! HELP ME PLEASE

    i really only walk a few days a week. I eat basically high protein with few carbs. I do the eat 5 days regular at about 1300 calories and the 2 days I limit my calories to around 600 calories. It's suppose to be 500 calories but I struggle with staying at 500. It does get the weight too. I have plateaus and I reminded myself I was losing inches and by body needed a rest. I am very happy where I am.
  14. Ms skinniness

    Almost 2 Years! HELP ME PLEASE

    Wow you've been doing a fantastic job losing 200 lbs..... Try upping your calories for a few days and decreasing your calories after the increase. Keep your body guessing......It works.......Keep it up. You might look into the 5:2 diet plan also.......
  15. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    What a beautiful sketching! I always get happy when I see how well your doing and in the 150's to boot! Georgia I pretty much stayed away from sinning in the beginning. So glad I did....Now I work on not indulging my cravings or my emotional eating sh**!
  16. This sounds really stressful. I hate it when I don't know what to expect, the when or the how, or the parameters..I do know that here is California the 6 month period was changed to 3 months about a little over 2 years ago, so your PPO might have a 3 month waiting period. If you know that you are going to have BCBS, give the a call and ask them what their waiting period is. That can help alleviate some of the anxiety.....
  17. It is normal to have stalls throughout this weight loss period. Your body is adjusting in inches. You have done really great losing. Don't worry about it at this point. Take measurements of your body and celebrate the inches loss.....I prefer to lose inches over lbs anyways.....
  18. Ms skinniness

    B-12 why?

    It is best to google B-12 and the negative effects of not getting enough in your diet. It is really dangerous to be deficient in this supplement. As for calcium, it is also detrimental to get our calcium in so we have strong healthy bones etc.
  19. I seem to fluctuate a lot here. Today I weighed myself numerous times and I still weighed in at my all time lowest of 141.2 lbs. WTH, yesterday I weighed in at 148.2 lbs....I had a very emotional day and ate horrid foods too......The bottom line is that this is a tool and it is our choice what we put into our mouths. The scale will fluctuate daily, I do know that I love my body image now and feel a lot better too. That is a blessing in its self...
  20. Ms skinniness

    xpost: Two Years and Counting

    You have done a fantastic job! I too am at my 2 year anniversary and learning to do maintence. It's not easy. I fluctuate by a couple lbs. I have a horrible habit of eating quest bars and will no longer have them in my house. My DH loves them but he has put on a little bit of weight and I think it's contributed to the quest bars. They are like candy to me..... Thank you so much for sharing. It reminded me that I forgot to celebrate my anniversary on October 4 as well. So cheers to the both of us!
  21. Ms skinniness

    5 Month Progress Pictures

    Both you and you DH look great! Both have a significant weight loss.....
  22. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    GT I hope you get to the bottom of what's going on with you soon. It's frustrating to not know and have medical professionals misdiagnosis the problem. but hey, you got a free trip to Germany and got to go sight seeing. Kathy hope your DH can decrease his stress load and feels better really soon. Coops I am so excited your seeing 159 finally! CONGRATS! Georgia you continue to rock my boat and re-energize me to get back on track when I fall off..... This is a really great support group..... M2G I love the info on the coconut oil, cinnamon and salt in coffee....sounds delicious..... Today I'm going to fast. My weight keeps fluctuating about 2 lbs so today it's time to get it off..... My biggest problem is eating Protein Bars and Protein Shakes still. I think it's time to get back to regular food now. More dense Proteins will work great for me... Have a wonderful day everyone....
  23. Ms skinniness

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Kathy I'm so sorry about all the stress of interviewing and then not getting the job. There's most likely a better job around the corner....
  24. Ms skinniness

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    It's an after care plan for vsg. Turns out it is basic and so I posted it in a different section. It does serve as a reminder of a plan and its from Kaiser's Bariatric department.
  25. There are so many people asking questions about what to eat so I thought that I would share this with everyone.... Progressive Post Bariatric Surgery Diet Guide: LIMIT INTAKE TO 4 - 6 OUNCES OVER 60 MINUTES TO AVOID STRETCHING OUT STOMACH POUCH Stage1… CLEAR-LIQUIDY Puree/Blenderized Foods (thinned, easily pours out of a glass, no chunks,Cream of Wheat consistency) 500 - 700 calories 60 - 75 grams of Protein DAILY Weeks 1-3 Cream of wheat, cottage cheese, applesauce ,yogurt, sugar free pudding, light yogurt, blenderized Soup Stage 2… PUREE /Blenderized 700 - 900 calories 4 - 6 weeks pureed foods: Mashed potatoes, pureed meat, pouched egg, etc Stage 3……… GRADUAL Reintroduction of SOFT Foods 1000 - 1200 calories After 6 weeks Eat small 5 - 8 meals (up to 6-9 month) E.g.: cooked vegetables, soft meat, fish, Stage 4……….3 -6 Small Balanced Meals 1000 - 1500 calories discussed with post- op care manager or Dietician for calories recommended. 9 months - on Encourage high protein, 100 calorie Snacks. For Lifetime Remember Your Priority DAILY: 1. Hydration: Goal: 8 cups (64 oz) or more Herbal Tea: Chamomile, Mint Clear Broth: chicken, Beef, Vegetable Water, sugar free beverage (use sparingly) No sodas, no juices! Stop water intake 30 minutes before and resume 45-60 minutes after meals 2. Adequate Protein: Goal: 70-100 gram Protein powder, Optifast HP, Isopure, etc 3. Balanced Meals: Eat Protein-Vegetable-Fruit-Starch-Dairy products each meal Recommended supplements after Gastric Sleeve Need to be liquid or chewable for first 3 weeks after surgery. Multivitamin Choose with minerals; must have zinc, folic acid, selenium & copper One serving size per day. See label may be 3 pills Suggested brands: Natures Blend, Theratrum Complete, Kaiser Multiple Daily with Minerals, Centrum, costco Kirkland, Walmart Equate, One A Day Maximum If there is less than 18 mg Iron in the multiple Vitamin w minerals, add 18 mg iron daily Avoid senior or mature Vitamins as they lack minerals. Avoid weight smart or metabolism boost vitamins as they contain caffeine. Avoid children's vitamins which are incomplete for adults Calcium 1000 mg per day, includes what you get in your diet Suggested Brands: Citracal, Nature's Blend, Walmart Equate, Bariatric Advantage crystals or chews, Liquid: Wellesse You can only absorb 500-600 mg at a time. Take in divided doses Vitamin D 2000 International Unit daily, usually adequate amounts in multivitamin, calcium & diet B1 (Thiamine) 50 mg 3 times a week Important If you have frequent vomiting; start as soon as tolerated Sleeve can stop after first 6 months B-12 (Cyanocobalamin) 1000 micrograms 3 times per week Take under the tongue or by mouth Continue to advance your activity as tolerated from 10 minutes twice daily to 40-60 minutes daily of physical activity to ensure achievement of your weight loss goal. SUPPORT GROUP Our bariatric support groups meet as follows: 1st & 3rd Mondays of the month 6:00 to 7:30 pm 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month 6:00 to 7:30 pm 2nd Saturday 9:30- 11:15 am. No appointment is necessary and there is no co-pay. I encourage you to attend. Support groups are very helpful to patients who have had bariatric surgery because these groups: -Give you a place to share your experiences and concerns -Can be source of information to help out with the recovery process -Help to you remember that you are not alone on this journey to health -Give you an opportunity to talk to other patients -Help you to develop new and healthy habits in a supportive and positive environment. Research has found that people who attend support groups after surgery actually lose more weight than those who do not go to the groups. So please take some time in your schedule to attend! RESOURCES www.kp.org/MISG for information related to bariatric surgery, including shopping list, food recommendations, etc. Report any abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, weakness to surgeon or Primary care physician (M.D.) . Shortness of breat, chest pain/pressure call advise nurse for screening for UCC or ER appointment.

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