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Julie norton

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Julie norton

  1. No babbs. Haven't seen that. I was told to drink in ounces the number of inches you are tall. I am 5'7" so my goal is 67 oz. I still find it a challenge! I have been putting a sprig of mint in my jugs of water. Anything That helps???? I'm just not much on artificial sweeteners like crystal light
  2. Oops. My before did not capture ALL of me. And there was a lot of fluff there. I feel so much younger and these pics were 10 years apart. 50. Vs. 60!!????Here is a fuller pic
  3. Well I just got some new pics back from my sons wedding.... And found an old one from 2004. Thought I would do a side by side to keep reminding myself to be vigilant And lapbands do work(!) for about 1/2 of us.... Happy banding. And like a lot of us, NO REGRETS
  4. Julie norton

    Craving Pasta?

    I also suggest edamame pasta. High in protein... Amazingly, being Italian, I do not want or crave pasta products. I'll take it as a gift. I've eaten my share of pasta in my previous life... It was cheap and I was kinda poor. It worked to fill me up...to the tune of 249 lbs! I am thankful to not have issues with my band For almost 9 years.. It scares me a bit when I read of all the complications here. I read in studies 1/2 the banders no longer have their band after 10 years. I am hopeful by keeping it a bit under inflated and not challenging it that I can go on with my healthy life????
  5. Julie norton

    What do you say?

    Djmohr Enjoy every minute of your visit. You have worked hard daily to ensure that you got the results you wanted. This is just a wonderful moment to savor all you have done for your health.. With a bonus of looking and feeling great????in front of a few naysayers .
  6. Julie norton

    No eating !

    Silly me! I thought we had WLS to learn a new, healthier way of living and eating. Seems like this post is about all the old, negative and in the end, unproductive ways to try to change our bodies and our lives! Sigh... Hoping the OP sees some sense in eating light, exercising and drinking 64 oz or so of water... Otherwise.... Seems unproductive in the long run????????
  7. Julie norton

    New to Bariatric Pal - Question

    I'm with bandista on this one. You start by making an appt. Try not to fester on their opinions.... YOU are the important patient...they need you too for business . Best of luck and let us know how they helped you!
  8. Julie norton

    State fair 2 days after fill

    I actually think you saved yourself some extra calories that you would have to contend with later. So congratulations on a smart move ahead of temptation! It is these better choices that add up over time and can help those of us who are triggered by certain foods and places IMHO . Let us know how you fared at the fair!
  9. Julie norton

    What are you all doing for workouts?

    Ha! New name for this device. DREADMILL... Will share at next workout!⭐️
  10. Julie norton

    How NUMB are you post plastics?

    Having had a few plastic surgeries in my life, my experience is that you trade some numbness.... Permanently... For loss of skin. 20 years ago I decided, with my mothers urging, to have a neck lift at the age of 40. Well. Ouch. Happy with results, but still light numbness under my chin and a bit on my neck . My latest adventure in march (TT) left me with an area of numbness below my belly button in about a 4-5 inch area. Once again , ouch for the first 10 days.. Totally happy with results. Seems as if everything in life has its trade offs ... I found the numbness a very slight issue compared to the results.. Yes I would do it all all over again ⭐️
  11. Julie norton


    Despite what some topics focus on with anti band comments, many of us really enjoy banded life! It totally changed my life. I am thankful for all the great years spent at a healthy weight. What a learning experience... To no longer be focused on food and hunger. The behavior change took me years.... I want to believe it is just part of my every day life to eat smaller portions slowly.. Thank you lap band for helping me give up the internal daily struggle with food issues. I am grateful. Debbie. Nice pics you look so happy and healthier!
  12. Julie norton

    VIP Member Check In

    Thank you @@Bandista for your kind words. I appreciate it from another veteran???? Congrats on upping your exercise. And reminding myself to do more of it! Summer is nice... Except the drought No car washing. Watering small lawn as allowed. ( before 10. After 6) Hoping for plentiful rain this winter Glad to see you are taking good care of yourself.
  13. Julie norton

    Share your profession

    Trust and property administrator p/t
  14. Julie norton

    What am I missing ?

    2005. Vs. 2014
  15. Invest in an extra over the seat. Seat cushion that crimps and ties under. Save yourself some pain. ????????And deep breathe and smile because it feels and smells great out there
  16. Julie norton

    Update from ICU after bypass

    Congratulations on being on the other side of surgery. Sometimes the worrying before the procedure is as hard as the surgery. Glad you had your spleen problem solved. Please post when you start feeling great about changing your life!!
  17. Another great post Jamie! Just as you said... A year or two from now ... This won't have a space in your head. Focus on the long run.. Do your program and have faith... It does work for most of us !!
  18. Julie norton

    Cold more often ?

    Thankfully, I'm not alone with the hot/ cold syndrome. Blanket on/ off. Fan on/ off I'm blaming menopause ... Don't care for even our mild winters... My feet are cold a lot. Better this summer... But no one really mentions this pre surgery much
  19. Love this! I can no longer have mood affected daily by a number. Once a month for me, or a dr visit. I know I eat right and exercise enough. I'm secure ... I've stayed about the same for years... (Except w/ a TT )
  20. Julie norton

    Say one nice thing about lap bands

    Can I just add that now that we have proclaimed love for our band... Can we also state we love ourselves??? This is a hard one for me.., I adore my size and all the good , healthy things that come with it... Sure. Small jeans included. Ok. For once ALL my clothes I have fit. ( rarity ) I'm still working on my self love???? I see my counselor next week. Sigh
  21. Julie norton

    Say one nice thing about lap bands

    Wow... Spelled correctly.. Said the spelling bee coach!????
  22. Julie norton

    Fill or Not?

    And let me clarify... You can see the outline and a tiny bit of protrusion of skin. You cannot see the port. Mine is center .... About 2 " below my cleavage... Other users have different locations. Feel free to ask .... Most of us long termers are willing to share our personal ups and downs of banded life????
  23. Julie norton

    Say one nice thing about lap bands

    I don't regain pounds I lost years ago Best thing ever!!
  24. Julie norton

    Fill or Not?

    Yes you can see my port if I pull up my shirt. Highly unlikely I get a fill about once a year. I get an unfill about once a year. The doc and I are used to experimenting with small fills. Over time they expand for me, so I get a small unfill. Like 6 mos later I do keep my band under inflated most times. I think it is better for me as I don't get problems. I am happy to say I will be banded 9 years the beginning of Dec. Love banded life!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
