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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Yellowsisi reacted to chriper for a blog entry, Worse Day Yet & the Solution   
    Hello fellow Bandsters
    Well let's see I haven't been around because life's been a whirlwind lately (see previous post) but I had to post about my worse day yet. After playing yo-yo with the same five pounds over the last five months, I went in and got a fill on Tuesday. I tried to stay on the liquid diet for the three days but with my active lifestyle it was very difficult so i ate a light dinner each night. Wed night I had catfish, no problems, and last night I had chicken and I didnt think there was a problem either. But then I woke up in the middle of the night for a bathroom run and while up I took a swig of juice and laid back down. Something was wrong the juice wasn't going down. I got up and made it to the bathroom before the juice came up. Being exhaused I just climed back into bed and continued sleeping.
    Well today has been aweful! Everything that I've tried to eat/drink has come back up. I tried hot tea, came up. Cold tea, came up. A swig of Coca Cola, it came back up. Breakfast came up, lunch came up, snacks came up. So i hit up the site to see what suggestions were out there. I'd walked to work and on lunch and it wasn't helping. I tried jumping up and down and still no relief. Now mind you I'm not in pain but anything that goes down comes back up. I saw the post on women who experience tighter restriction during their menstrual periods, considered that to be the culprit but refused to continue to endure like this and didn't want to have any fluid taken out. Then i saw it. The post about papaya pills and pineapple juice (both enzymes). Off to the nearest store, a Walmart Express. To my relief they had pineapple juice. I started drinking as I walked back from the store and won't you believe it, it works! it works! it works! So if you ever experience the "stuck sensation" grab a bottle of Dole pineapple juice. 6oz is only 100 calories and its worth it!
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    Yellowsisi reacted to zil for a blog entry, Wls Bashers / Walk A Mile In My Shoes...and Then See What You Think Or Why I Had Wls   
    I have heard the same harsh comments as many people have...just cut back, exercise, diet, drink more water, eat more veggies...you name it, and I have probably heard it.
    I didn't choose to be overweight, it just seemed to creep up on me slowly and before I knew it, I weighed 300 pounds...from having kids, from not being active, from being a good cook, from marrying into an Italian family.
    I had WLS after my husband said to me that he was concerned about me and my health, and that he wanted me to be around so we could enjoy retirement together. He didn't want me to sleep all day and not be able to go for a walk, and mostly he could see how I was depressed from my weight. He is my biggest supporter, and he didn't care how much it would cost, just "get it done".
    So, after years of yoyo dieting, trying every fad diet in the land, I was banded and I have to say it is the best money I have ever spent. I do not regret it for one moment because you see, I am a food-aholic...just like an alcoholic, but with food. I was not able to help myself.
    Now, I have learned healthy eating habits and choose the foods that appeal to me. I no longer crave the chips, chocolates, ice cream, cake, cookies, popcorn that used to rule my life. Now when I get a hankering for something to eat, my thoughts turn to protein, veggies and fruit. But I know this would not have been possible without my band. My band is a reminder to me each and every day of the new me, and I am going to be on this wonderful journey forever.
    So, when someone gives you a bunch of grief because you have decided or did have WLS, tell them to walk a mile in your shoes, and tell them to be sure to climb those stairs 2 or 3 times a day, and then tell them it is not a crime to want something better for yourself, to want to be around to see your kids or grand kids get married, to see them graduate. My bi-weekly trips to my dr's office are fantastic. I get excited to get on the scale and see that it has moved backwards, closer to a new me. The dr is proud of me too, and I can tell you, that goes a long way in my book of "good feelings".
    So if you are contemplating WLS, I say B-R-A-V-O. YOU GO AN 'GET'ER DONE'. You will probably find the road a little bumpy at times, but so worth it.
    Banded 8/19/2011, starting weight, 299, weight loss to date 76#s, and another 65 to go...hoping to make it by 11/1/2012. Oh, BTW, it did take me 5 months to get into the green zone and that was with fills every 2 weeks.
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    Yellowsisi reacted to zil for a blog entry, I Hope This Helps   
    I enjoy reading the different entries. It so gives us all a chance to ask questions, vent, share, etc. This section has been a Godsend to me many times over the past 6 months.
    I am realitively newly banded (August 2011), and I am very proud to say I have lost 70+ pounds to date. I want to share my best advice with those who may need it.
    #1 find a doctor/surgeon you have confidence in - one that will take their time with you, answer all your questions, and give you the truth.
    #2 remember that having the lapband procedure (or any WLS) is a personal choice, and no one can make it for you.
    #3 if you decide to go ahead an have the lapband surgery done, you will need to work to make it a success. Remember, the band is not a cure all for weight loss. Along with the band comes hard word.
    #4 you will have to follow the rules given you by your doctor.
    #5 no matter how how you try to avoid it, you will have to exercise. No excuses will be tolerated.
    #6 you are going to have to say good bye to the bad foods if you really want to be successful. That means saying no to chips, candy, popcorn, bread, cookies, cake, ice cream and a whole host of other foods that have caused us to become overweight.
    #7 reconfirm your convictions.
    #8 find family and friends who will support you throughout your journey.
    #9 be proud if you made the decision to have wls. Anyone who says you could have done it without surgery has probably never been overweight. Me??? I was obese, I weighed 299 at my heaviest point, and decided then and there I had to do something so I would be around to dance at my granddaughter's wedding (she's only 9).
    #10 after care is a must. I started getting fills 1 month after surgery and have received one every 2 weeks since then, 8 total. I have finally reached the green zone after 4 1/2 months.
    Be sure to drink you water, eat your protein first, and then fiber, fuits and veggies.
    Most of all, have faith in yourself and your decision. It took me 10 years to have wls, and I am a self-pay. It was the best money I have ever spent. I am now more than 1/2 way to my goal, and once I reach that, tummy tuck here I come.
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    Yellowsisi reacted to LJM for a blog entry, On A Positive Note   
    so...this is my very first blog, ever ! i don't really know what a blog consists of, but i had this terrible urge to create one and write... i guess mainly because i fell off the bandwagon. when i started this journey i was full of hope, dreams and determination. That was 5 months ago. i remember how i keept saying to myself that i had failed at every other diet, excercise promgram and i was not going to fail at this. but here i'am once again admitting that i have failed, that i am a filure! i can say this time its different. Because i am taking responsibility. in the past it was always the ''pill'' i was taking's fault, or the excercise regime was too hard, or i dint have time to exersice. but this time i take full responsability of not losing any weight. if ther is a plus that does make me feel a little good is that i have not gained any weight.
    since my surgey in 8/11 i have lost 20lbs. I know thats great, and i felt sooo good, it was empowering to fit back into my closthes and be able to bend down and cross my legs without holding my knee !!! but i know in my ♥ i could have done so much better. I realize as i am typing that there is a deeper reason to why i cant stop eating bread and rice and fried foods and exercise regulary. ( i did undulge in those foods, but not in excess ) I am scared of the road to success, becuase it implies the posibilities of failure and quiting. i face it , its happened evertime. thats why i droped out of every activity in my life. I am scared of not succeceeding so i dont try very hard and i dont give it my all. There i said it !! how liberating. That is the truth, in my mind i keep telling myself "' why try if your going to fail in the end?" why go thru all this trouble if sooner or later your going to go back to your old ways. I am scared of giving my all, every ounce of sweat, strenght and feelings if in the end i will feel like worst of a failure. A failure for giving all that I am and still failing. Vs not giving it all and at the end i can say to myself " well atleast you didnt pour everything into this !", makes the feeling of failing less hurtful.
    i dont know if others out there can relate. I can say that today is another day and that I am going to try again, and again. This time i am going to give it more and try to change my mentality that its going to fail. i am going to have a little more faith in me and my abilities to succeed. I am going to be positive for a change. My husband says i am a negative person, i answer by say i am realistic of the posibility or realistic of all that can go wrong. for once in my life i am going to be realistic of all that can go right and of the positives.

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