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Everything posted by Lila21

  1. I think it's totally different for different people. I had my bags packed, and was dressed and ready to go HOURS before my doc got there to check me out. But, I had no complications, and not much pain, so to me it felt like plenty of time. I just really, really wanted to go home!
  2. Lila21

    Crazy Head Hunger

    Yes, you are sooooo close!!! I think they make anise tea, too!!! Although in a greek yogurt, I bet it would be more of a "treat." I hope that works for you!!!! Maybe also try going low carb for a while; I am amazed at how few cravings I have when I keep the carbs low. So weird!
  3. Lila21


    Totally agree!! At size 16 and 6 feet, you are a skinny minnie!!! But, I know how you feel. One of my best friends is really tall, and these kinds of comments bother her, too, even though she's not overweight. :-(
  4. Lila21

    Spin Class for the Timid and Fluffy

    Spin class is actually awesome for a beginner, and I'll tell you why! YOU control how far you crank the knobs! If your spin instructor tells you to crank it up 5 notches, but you only want to crank it up one notch, you can do that. It's not like bootcamp where you will fall woefully behind if you can't run a 10 minute mile or whatever. Also, here's MORE good news. Your girly bits WILL adjust.... I don't know how or why, but after a week or two, your body totally adjusts to the seat. As my cyclist friend said to me, it's one of great mysteries of life how your body adjusts to that evil seat.... but you do! So, stick with it! I am doing spinning classes right now at 260 lbs and out of shape, so feel free to shoot me an email if you want to commiserate! :-)
  5. Yes, I think it's really good to realize that almost everyone has a different experience with pain. For me, I had almost no pain, but I had a lot of nausea. The only thing I remember around the surgery was the few minutes before surgery, and then dry heaving when I woke up (which wasn't pleasant, but wasn't painful, either). The period after that was a total blur. I don't recall leaving the recovery room, going to my hospital room, or most of the afternoon/evening after that. I woke up the next day fairly clear-headed and in very little pain. But, as Myrori pointed out, pain is different for everyone. Let's hope your experience is like mine!!
  6. Lila21

    Diet Post op questions

    That sounds very unusual to me. Could he be talking about the outside possibilities (like worst-case-scenario?). For some people, they do stay on mushies for longer because they are more restricted, but typically (from what I've seen), you start moving into "real food" sometime around 6 weeks. I found it pretty easy (except for the first two weeks of liquids, which just got boring), and at about 6 weeks, I have a combination of mushy foods and a few solids. I don't think what he is describing is typical.
  7. Yes, INSIST that your doctor do a full workup on you. None of this is normal, and you need your doctor to properly diagnose what is going on. And frankly, shame on him for not insisting you come in right away!! I'm sorry you are going through this, and I hope it gets better soon!
  8. Lila21

    Sleeved at last !!!!!

    Angela! Congratulations!! I still think of you as an honorary "december sleever" :-)) Keep us posted on how you are going!
  9. Lila21

    Chicken, anyone?

    Thanks for all the advice, everyone! I'll try a dipping sauce and see if that works better. As Eureka-C pointed out, it might also be just the normal restriction at this point.
  10. Becca, is your new avatar picture recent? It looks like your face is so skinny! Congrats!!

  11. I agree. The Fage is the best by far! LOVE IT!
  12. Lila21

    Its a Wrap!

    Globetrotter, this sounds sooo good! Lemme know if you try it!!!
  13. Lila21

    No more CPAP!

    That is definitely one of the better NSV's I've heard. My mom uses a CPAP machine (when she's being scolded into it), and she HATES it. I can only imagine what a relief that must be!! Congrats, you!!!!
  14. Lila21

    from sleeve to bodybuilder

    Somewhere (now I can't find it :-( ) on here, a lady posted pictures of her saggy skin before she starting lifting weights and after she started lifting weights, and the difference was amazing!! She totally sold me on lifting weights!
  15. Good luck, tomorrow!!! I hope your surgery goes very smoothly, and we'll make some room over here on the loser's bench!
  16. Coops, you look so fabulous, and I am so inspired by your steady progress.... it makes me feel really hopeful for my own journey, so thank you for sharing!!! By the way.... did I mention that you LOOK FABULOUS!!!! GOOOOOOO COOPS!!!!!!
  17. Yeah, there are some of us who feel hunger and some who don't. I have hunger, but really, it's fine. The good thing is that you'll be satisfied with much less food.
  18. Lila21

    One Year Out

    Mini-me, I am so impressed, and it's so sweet of you to "pay it forward"-- I'm really hoping that a year from now I can write a post like yours! I am so excited for you, and so excited to hear that you are so happy with your results. It *is* going to be hard work, but it's so much easier when I see inspiration at the end of my road!!
  19. Lila21

    Burping all the time

    I burped a lot in the first couple of weeks (especially after drinking protein shakes), but it seems to only happen now (at 6 weeks out) when I eat too quickly, or when I eat a bit too much.
  20. Wow, that's so great to hear! I have to say that even though things are going fine, I'm so scared of failing, not losing all my weight, or gaining it all back. It's so wonderful to hear stories like this! Thank you for sharing!
  21. Lila21

    The Vets Didn't Lie

    But, the advice of walking is GREAT for all kinds of things. It helps get oxygen into your body which helps prevent blood clots (a very real danger after surgery), AND it makes you feel better, and your body starts to feel more "normal." Definitely walk, walk, walk!!!
  22. Wonderful, congratulations!!! I hope you get there very soon!!!
  23. Absolutely it's the water weight!! Please don't worry, you'll be on the loser's bench sooooo soon!! Feel better!
  24. Lila21

    Exercise / P90x

    It's an insane workout, and it just gets harder as you progress through it. But, you'll be amazed at how quickly you shape up, as well! I did it a few years ago, and I had to quit midway through because I injured my knee (so be careful!!), but I plan to do it again once I get my fitness levels back up! Good luck!
  25. I know how you feel! My doc wants me to lose 40 lbs in the next 2 months.... wha?!!! But, just keeping doing the best you can do! This week I am swamped at work, but hoping to double up on the workouts again next week!!!

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