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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lila21

  1. Lila21

    I met a 4-year sleever today

    I totally agree. I think it's really important to understand that this is just a tool, and fixes only ONE of the problems that we have around eating. I think many of us eat emotionally (I know I do!), or have carb addictions or sugar addictions, and these are things that we'll have to work on for a lifetime to be successful. Having said that, we do have tool that can be VERY helpful! Thanks for this important reminder, Doug!
  2. 6 pounds away from my first big weight goal!!!

  3. Lila21

    A Different NSV

    Wow, I'm so sorry you are going through this, but so glad that your body is much healthier at a lower BMI so it can be a lean, mean, cancer fighting machine. I will keep you in my thoughts!!! Please keep us posted on how you are doing! Sending you big cyber hugs!
  4. Lila21

    Bingeing and the sleeve

    I agree. I know personally, that if I try to eat just a little bit over what my stomach can handle, it causes me to vomit. This has happened to me twice and was very unpleasant. The danger of bingeing is not that you will succeed but that you might try, and early out this could really cause you some problems with damage from vomiting (especially in the first couple of weeks, this could be life-threatening). I think it is a good idea to get your binges under control before surgery because if you binge and then vomit, you could put yourself in real danger. I think you are definitely on the right track, and the sleeve can really help you to get and stay there. You are at the beginning of a really positive journey!!!
  5. Lila21

    Happy Valentine's Day to all you lovely ladies!

    lol. reminds me of an old seinfeld episode! You, too!!!
  6. Lila21

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    I am soooo in! My surgeon set a really aggressive goal for me, I'm doing my best to keep it! fingers crossed. SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Lila.......................259...............259 ............230..............29
  7. Lila21

    miss my sleeve family

    totally agree with Irene! You are MORE than welcome!!! Share your struggles and triumphs with us!
  8. Wow, I love these posts, they are sooo inspiring! Congratulations on all your success and on your awesome attitude! Keep us posted on those last ten pounds, and all your other pursuits. I know a lot of folks who have had Lasik and LOVE it!!!
  9. Irene, is that a new pic? You look sooo skinny! Congrats, hot stuff!

  10. 6-8 weeks is also what my surgeon told me, but most of the important healing takes place in the first 4 weeks. I was pretty afraid of popping a staple early on, too!
  11. Lila21

    4 Month Update!!

    Whooo hooo!!!! Congratulations, I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better, looking great, and gaining confidence!!! That's just wonderful. You look gorgeous, and you look like you are READY to enjoy your twenties!!!! I wish I had done this in my 20's (but, I don't think it was too popular or known way back then ).
  12. Just thought I'd share this awesome eggface recipe. I made it for dinner tonight, and the pancakes were soooo good! Shelly's Ricottage Pancakes 1/4 cup Ricotta cheese (I used whole milk ricotta) 1/4 cup Cottage Cheese (I used pre-mixed pineapple Cottage Cheese) 1 Egg 3 Tablespoons Multigrain pancake Mix (I use this) 1 Tablespoon sugar free Lemon pudding Mix, dry ( I used vanilla and it worked fine) 1 Tablespoon almond flour or ground almond meal.. Whiz all ingredients in mini food processor. FYI for those who don't dig coconut the toasted coconut in the recipe is is not detected, it's merely for texture, almond flour could be subbed. Spray pan with non-stick spray. Cook on low till golden, flip, pat flat, cook till done. Nuke Shelly's Super Special Syrup for 25 seconds so it drizzles well. Serve each pancake with a drizzle of warm syrup. Makes 4 small pancakes or 8 silver dollar size. These can be frozen between slices of wax paper or kept in the fridge a day or 2 and reheated (nuke 25 seconds) for Breakfast during the week. Surprising good cold (lazy mornings). I served it with some applesauce and cinnamon rather than syrup.... sooooo good and 13 g. of Protein for 4 little pancakes (silver dollar sized)!!! Shelly's full post can be found here: http://theworldaccor...g-pancakes.html
  13. Lila21

    Whatcha eating today!!! Wednesday

    Yum!!! What kind of protein ice cream do you make? That sounds soooo good!
  14. Thanks for your suggestion about the lunchtime workout. I think I am going to switch to that time slot, and see if it goes better! Great suggestion!!!

  15. Miralax is what has helped me. I also have used Milk of Magnesia, but I'd say the Miralax is more effective (and less crampy!). Hope that helps!!
  16. Lila21

    I give up

    Really proud of you that you stuck to your guns and found your solution despite your mean and unhelpful doctor!!! You have the tools you need to make this work, you just proved it!!! You are strong, persevering, and you know you have great potential! WAY TO GO!!!!
  17. Lila21

    Sleeve-related fears

    I think this is such a good idea, "actively working on changing my thinking"! Lately I have noticed a lot of panic and fear that I won't lose weight. I think this would really help! Thanks for sharing that!
  18. Getting frustrated that work is so stressful I don't have time to exercise. This is how I gained weight in the first place!!! Argh.

  19. Lila21

    Whatcha eating today!!! Tuesday

    B Protein shake S 1 turkey and 1 slice light cheese L 2 chicken fingers D 1 turkey meatball, marinara sauce & veggies lots of good protein!!
  20. Lila21

    PBing or Vomitting after sleeve?

    Tiff explained it really well. It's a "creeper bite" that comes back up. It's only happened to me once, and it was my fault for not measuring my portion. I think if you watch your portion size, you should be fine.
  21. Yes, I think doctors should do more to warn people about this. There's another post here about depression after weight loss surgery, which sometimes happens. I've felt really good for the most part, but I'm so grateful to folks like you who share this info so I'll have some idea what's going on if I experience some tough times. It's certainly not something my doctor told me about!
  22. Lila21

    Share your favorite ALLRECIPES links!

    I tried this yummy meatball recipe with a few changes: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Fast-and-Friendly-Meatballs/Detail.aspx I made the following changes: 1/2 tsp sage 2 T parmesan 2 egg whites instead of 1 egg finely minced onions to taste garlic to taste For a fairly low carb dinner, I ate a single meatball with a little marinara sauce and some zuchini and mushrooms in the sauce. yum.
  23. Lila21

    Is it possible?

    Thanks for this post! I have the same fears, and I bet a lot of us do! I have never, ever lost weight this fast, but every time I hit a stall I think this is it. This is all the weight I'm going to lose. I think it's just the result of bad experiences with diets haunting us! But, I fully believe if we support each other, we can help keep each other from fearing failure so much!
  24. Lila21

    Chicken, anyone?

    Love it! Great idea! I tried this meatball recipe tonight, and it went down great! Just added it to marinara sauce--yums: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/12498-share-your-favorite-allrecipes-links/page__gopid__114958#entry114958
  25. Hey there! I am doing OK with food, thanks for asking. I made the mistake of buying some tortilla chips last week, and kept finding myself munching on them :-(. So, I finally threw them away today! How are you doing?

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