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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sunshine412

  1. keep in touch ladies... and i did find the pcos group... please find me on FB! Doing a Mary Kay give away this month!!!
  2. Thank you please do Lily! If you look up pcos-information on face book you will find my "like"page. Look me up! Im following the same diet guidlines and it is slowly coming off...
  3. Its going to be a great day for you ... April 12th is my birthday:) You will be approved :)
  4. sunshine412


    My name is Liz... I was diagnosed 10 years ago. I have raging PCOS. In 2006, I had a double pulmonary embolism from my PCOS and a reaction to birth controll pills. I started a webcite www.pcos-information.com. If you look up pcos-information on face book, my "like" page should pop up. Please add me. I post alot of really great articles on infertility, the grieving process (yes, we grieve), weight loss, the best diets, exercise, self esteem and treatments (traditional and non traditional). I have had to deal with my pcos all alone with no support from family. I was diagnosed back in the day when the doctors had no clue what pcos was and said it was caused from being fat. I hope that I can be a light and a source of support to others struggling. Its so hard, I still have melt downs... but I survived the pulmonary embolism for a reason. I believe that I am here to help spread the word and helpothers hurting the way that i hurt.
  5. Ladies, thank you for the comments:) I have a webcite www.pcos-information.com. It has alot of information despight being in the baby stages. Also, if you are on facebok, I have a "like" page. Just look up pcos-information and I should pop up. I post alot of good information and articles (best diet plan for pcos, the grieving process, alternative treatments, new research, self esteem, infertility, RX info, things to be ware of, general health) on there about 4 or 5 times a week. Please add me... its the resource I wish that I had when I was diagnosed 10 years ago.
  6. ok you have inspired me! I am going to give this liquid diet thing a try, although I may have to eat some fruit. I see the surgeon April 9th... I hope my insurance will approve my 6 month diet that I did... When is your surgery? I will be thinking of you... I was close to your size when I started loosing weight.
  7. sunshine412

    Day 21 Post Op: Appetite, Hydration, Movement

    what does the lap band do for appetite? Im retty much over emotional eating for the most part...
  8. What is it like the month after surgery? Arn't you put on an all liquid diet? Isn't that hell to get through??? Arn't you starving since liquids pass through easily????? I'm not big into crackers, candy, alcohol or juices/soda.... my issue is carbs.... I think I will do well, I just wonder how much the band will help me.... And thank you ladies for your thoughts and help!!!
  9. Hi there, I am allmost 28 years old. I have been heavy my entire life. I am in the process of getting approved for lapband. Im just wondering, how is this going to help me? I have lost 65 lbs from my all time highest weight. Ihave changed my diet and I exercise all the time, yet I still struggle as I have PCOS. I don't always eat alot. I try to take shakes with me to work, but it never fills me up. I do have the will power to do shakes and a healthy diet, but I want to be able to drink a shake and be full, not starving 10 minutes later. Will the lapband help with this? How does lapband affect your appetite and hunger? Do you stay fuller on less food longer? I believe that I have issues (mabe streached my stomach?) from when I was bigger.... I have also taken diet pills on and of for years. Funny, they have not really helped me loose the initial 65 lbs. I want a permanent solution thats not going to cause me to yo yo the rest of my life. I allmost backed out of this surgery. I had a double pulmonary embolism at age 22 and the doctor wants to insert baskets in my legs which scares me, but is a preventative measure. After speaking with another doctor, I have learned that it is not a big deal and should not stop me from getting lapband. My insurance covers 100%.... its hard to turn that down when so many would kill to have this surgery for free. I am dealing with alot of emotions. As I mentioned, I have PCOS, which is a horrible card to be dealt. Any ladies out there with PCOS? Can you tell me if it has changed/helped your condition? Im the girl that never had a date to the prom... im the girl everyone says "she would be so pretty if she just lost the weight." I've never looked in the miror and felt truly confident. Even though I have lost a ton of weight, I still have a long way to go. All I want is to be able to wear a dress and heals and look good... really, really good, and be confident. I look forward to your responses....
  10. Also, what kind of weight loss can I expect the first month and after? How do fills affect weight loss? Any food restrictions?
  11. I have lost 65 lbs from my higest weight of 320 lbs. I am in the process of getting approved for lapband to help take me to the finish line. As of now, I do not have any loose skin, but I can see where it is starting. I am prepairing myself for this. I have started saving $$$ for this.... my stomach ia a wreck. Not only do I have streach marks, I have tear marks, as I have been big my whole life. My stomach looks like a piece of shot elastic! I hear great things about bio oil and I plan to start using it. Bottom line is.... after surgery, you will always look better than what you did before you lost the weight. If it really bothers you, make the other surgery happen. I am working 2 jobs to try to save for this. One patient told me this and I believe that she makes sence.... its impossible to be big and loose alot of weight and not have loose skin. We all face and deal with this reality. You will be doing yourself a huge favor by starting a weight training program now, it really does help to tighten and firm...
  12. sunshine412

    I need support!!!

    Thank you for your insight
  13. sunshine412

    I need support!!!

    Thank you so much Ross it really means alot... everyone keeps saying "lifestyle" change. I don't need to make the commitment to work out because I did that years ago! I work out all the time. PCOS really derails my best efforts. I eat better than most and I just feel like this is all very unfair. If I look at a gummy bear I gain 5 lbs. I really understand what your daughter is going through. God love her. My case is severe. I was diagnosed 10 years ago. If you asked my parents about it, they wouldnt know what it was. Yet another hard, cruel battle I have fought alone. I am actually workng on a website devoted to PCOS. I hope to share it with you soon Ross. In the mean time, I will continue to work out and watch the diet in hopes of getting approved for surgery. My seminar in November 16th. Can you advise adverse effects of the band? Is bad gas a bad isue after recovery? -Liz
  14. sunshine412

    I need support!!!

    Thank you so much Ross it really means alot... everyone keeps saying "lifestyle" change. I don't need to make the commitment to work out because I did that years ago! I work out all the time. PCOS really derails my best efforts. I eat better than most and I just feel like this is all very unfair. If I look at a gummy bear I gain 5 lbs. I really understand what your daughter is going through. God love her. My case is severe. I was diagnosed 10 years ago. If you asked my parents about it, they wouldnt know what it was. Yet another hard, cruel battle I have fought alone. I am actually workng on a website devoted to PCOS. I hope to share it with you soon Ross. In the mean time, I will continue to work out and watch the diet in hopes of getting approved for surgery. My seminar in November 16th. Can you advise adverse effects of the band? Is bad gas a bad isue after recovery? -Liz
  15. www.myshakeology.com/sunshine412

  16. www.myshakeology.com/sunshine412 This is the shake I am using to loose weight. It has a million different Vitamins, minerals and antioxidents and it is very tasty.... my Dr. said I can drink this instead of taking vitamins!!!!! It is probably the healthiest thing you can drink....
  17. So a question regarding gas... does it go away? I know that the regular gastric bipass causes horrible gas that will clear out a room!!!! I was wondering if the same applies to lapband.
  18. sunshine412

    Before and After Photos

    Why did you have your band removed? -liz
  19. sunshine412

    Sunshine412's Before and After Pics

    My Before & After Photos!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
