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Posts posted by SunnyCox

  1. One of the best parts about surgery is that I rarely ever feel hungry. Because I am not hungry, I can easily make good decisions about the food I eat. Remember that surgery will help you to control yourself, but you must be dedicated to making positive healthy changes for yourself. One of my few regrets is that I did not have surgery sooner.

    Everyone is at risk for complications, but they are rare. Remember to weigh surgery complications with the risks that you take by being overweight including diabetes, heart disease, infertility, increased risk of cancer, decreased quality of life, etc.

  2. I live near downtown FW (Hulen & 30). Had surgery on 6/28. Started at 279 (size 24) and am down to 207 (size 16). My exercising has consisted mostly of walking. I don't know many people in town who have had surgery or otherwise as I am not from Texas.

    Tarrant County has several community centers which all have small gyms inside. The cost for a year for a family of up to 6 people is only $40. The only downside is that the hours are limited. The one closest to me is open 7a-7p.

  3. I didn't think that my relationship with my SO would change, but it has in an odd way. I am much more concerned with how I look, and in return, I want him to look good too. I've been buying more shoes and clothes, and I have my hair and make up done when I leave the house. My SO, admittedly, has no fashion since, so I buy his clothes and shoes too. I am more concerned with how he looks when we go out too. Otherwise, it hasn't changed. We have been together for several years. We have a very easy going, open relationship. He was not one of those people who love BBW, but he doesn't prefer very skinny women. We haven't had any issue directly related to weight, and the attention I get now that I am thinner. He gets a lot of compliments on how pretty I am, and he eats it up.

    My bigger fear is my relationship with my best friend. She is also heavy and has no desire to have WLS. I was at that point a few years ago. I thought I could do it on my own, and I wouldn't consider surgery. I am a few years older than her. I didn't tell her I was having surgery, and she started dieting a few weeks before I had surgery. We lost about the same amount of weight for the first five months. Then, she slacked off, and I passed her by 15lbs now. I haven't seen her in a month, but I have a feeling that she has gained some. She is super competitive, and I don't want to lose my friend over something as stupid as body fat and jealousy.

  4. I am also 31, sleeved at 279 (5'1") and have no children. I do not know if I have fertility issues as I've never tried to have a baby. I was ok with waiting a minimum of 1 year before getting pregnant. I also wanted to be as healthy as possible for a pregnancy.

    Not as important as being healhty....BUT... I want to be one of those cute pregnant women with a little bump instead of someone where everyone is afraid of asking if you are pregnant because of the weight.

  5. I was sleeved sept 10 2012 at 228 I am down 202 n I workout 4 times a week at the gym.I don't get my Water in at all n I am bad for snacking I think if I up my Water (very hard to do) n cut snacking I might do better....I need a push

    I absolutely will NOT lose weight if I don't get in enough fluids. If I am not well hydrated, I feel as though my body holds onto everything it has to make up for what I am not getting (hydration and nutrition).

  6. One bit of advice....

    Don't buy the huge bottle!

    So many things were ok pre-op that I hated post op. Plus, I am so tired of the taste of some of Vitamins. I have a 180 count (expensive) bottle of Bariatric Advantage chewable multi-vitamins that make me nauseous every time I chew one.

    Had my doctor write me an Rx for Centrum liquid multi-Vitamin a few days ago. It is still OTC, but with an Rx, it is covered by my flex spending account (tax free money).

  7. I had doubts even as I was being transferred to the table in the OR. I don't think they go away between now and then. I would guess that there are very people on this board that regret having surgery.

    Since I believe that more people die from anesthesia related problems, my biggest fear was never waking up.

    Leaks happen, but they are rare. Leaks are also fixable. The problems that you will have from being overweight are much bigger.

    I am still in the middle of the hair loss stage at 6 months post-op. I have very thick hair, and I can see more of my scalp in some places. No one else notices. Biggest hassle is getting the hair off my clothes, sink and floor. It grows back. I'd rather wear a wig than be fat another day of my life.

    Hope this helps.

  8. I am not trying to put down anyone's choices, but I tell my patients not to waste their money on scar cream, skin tightening cream, stretch mark lotion, or anything that promises larger breasts or a bigger penis.

    Personally, I feel that if any one of those creams, lotions, or pills actually worked then the whole world would know about it. Everyone would have tight, smooth, scar free, stretch mark free skin with an ample chest (or in the case of a man, well endowed).

    Some things that I feel may be beneficial is moisturizing, Vitamins, Water intake, dry brushing. Increasing circulation and hydrating skin is worth the effort. Many creams for scars work well due to the rubbing action you use when your rub on the cream.

  9. Awesome benefit of the sleeve is you can't quit being sleeved which means...

    learn from your mistake (we have all been there)

    get back on track as soon as you can (we have all continued to lose weight)

    Recognize your trigger and have a plan on how to deal with it in the future.

    Your family is in my thoughts. Be healthy for them! Let your family be your motivation instead of your reason to eat.

    Everything will be ok.

  10. Ok, I have a question I was just going to post. How do you know you feel full? Today is 2 weeks for me and I am on soft/mushy stuff. I was eating my egg beaters the morning and I can feel it in me but then I still feel a grumble. Are the grumbles because of healing or really hunger? Over about 30-45 mins I ate a 4oz portion cup of egg beaters with a slice of ff cheese and ketchup. Sounds gross but it's good. I just wonder what it really feels like to be full. Sometimes I get a glimpse but not all that I eat.

    Good question! I too would like to know. I sometimes don't eat enough because I'm scared to get sick. I'm on wk 3...

    hugs,<br />alma

    One of the reasons most of us have gained so much weight is because we stopped listening to our fullness (satiety) signal. I didn't find it easy to learn to feel this signal again.

    Here are a couple of things that may help...

    Divide up the amount of food you should be eating and only put that amount of food on your plate.

    Do not eat to the point that you are uncomfortable or to the point that you need to unbutton your pants, stand up, etc. Use the waistline of your clothes as a guide.

    Stop as soon as you feel any stretch in your stomach. Learn to eat to the point that you are satisfied and not necessarily full. The Japanese have a saying, Hara hachi bu, which means eat until you are 8/10ths full -or- belly 80% full.

    Use a little visualization. In the middle of your meal, visualize a healthy snack. Ask yourself if the idea of a small, healthy snack is appealing. If it is, you may not be full. If it is not appealing, you may be satisfied

    Smell and pay attention to the taste of your food regularly while you eat. Are you enjoying every bite or are you just trying to get in a few more bites. If it is no longer appealing, tastes plan/dull, greasy, heavy, then you may be nearing satiation.

    Other advice about chewing well, eating slowly, not watching tv while eating, watching your fork as you take every bite, etc - all of these things help you be 'present' while you are eating and extends the time of your meal to help your brain feel as full as your stomach.

    I rarely ever eat to the point that I am 'full.' I eat to the point that I am satisfied. I learned how to do this from a book called "I Can Make You Thin." by Paul McKenna. You can get it for a few dollars on Amazon. It has a lot of advice for healthy eating hygiene habits.

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