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Matt Z

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Matt Z

  1. This thread isn't even 2 months old and has had comments on it pretty steady, necroposting is when someone replies to a post that hasn't seen comments in a very long time, I've seen users post a reply to a post that hasn't seen comments in over 6 years....
  2. Matt Z

    Favorite protein powder

    I use a lot of Gold Standard and Isopure powders, Sparta Nutritions proteins are damn tasty too. I don't typically drink RTD/RTG proteins anymore, but when I did I used Isopure Zero Carb RTD.
  3. @Dfox1984 Amazing transformation!!! Congrats!
  4. Thanks all, I almost missed this! Thank you! (just a side note, you can tag someone if you type @ and then start typing their name, it'll show up so you can tag them and they'll get notified that you posted something for them) So glad I saw this!! Thank you very much!
  5. Agreed, might be a good idea to talk that through with your nutritionist as well. They might have you supplement with some other proteins.
  6. They are SUPER controversial due to lack of "proper" studies, but after discussing them with EVERYONE on my medical team, I was approved and they have been working quite well (for me). I'm using PatchMD patches, which yes, are the ones BP sells in their store.
  7. For me, I'm doing a light IF, I eat between 8am and 6pm.
  8. That's going to depend on your supplement. Seems the protein is coming from cow hid itself, so you would naturally have little to no lactose in cow hid.
  9. At first they told us to avoid anything gel capped (since it can get attached and stuck to your pouch) and to keep all pills smaller than an M&M. About a month in or so I was able to tolerate standard sized pills, around the 2 month I was downing several at once. I can take like 4 normal sized pills at a time with no issues. I use the patches for my vitamins.
  10. Matt Z

    Taste bud changing thing was no joke

    Now is certainly the time to try those foods you didn't like before! Get a taste for them now and more than likely you'll keep those changes down the road.
  11. Yes and no. Yes, in that if you have intolerances to lactose you'll want to avoid anything with Protein Concentrate and would want to stick with Protein isolates. No in that, if you don't have issues, then it really doesn't matter what type of protein you consume. Some are slower acting... but overall at this point you really don't need to be worrying about consuming slow acting proteins specifically for muscle rebuilding. As long as you can tolerate it, and the calories and sugar contents fall in line with your diet, you are all good.
  12. It has to do with microbial changes in your gut bacteria due to the surgery and changes in tract dynamics, the smell goes away for the most part. Sometimes it's nasty, usually when I eat foods I really shouldn't, but typically it gets better as you heal and work through all the diet changes. Something else to note, after WLS the "Never Trust a Fart" motto is one to live by, I haven't had it happen, but LOTS of folks report Fart+'s happen much more often.
  13. Congrats, Good Luck and here's to a smooth surgery and recovery!
  14. So it's the big 4-0 today. And whereas I did not meet my dream goal of 200, today did show another small drop in weight. I'm now at 208.3, which is cool to see another little drop. Maybe I'll be able to hit my dream goal before christmas.
  15. Matt Z

    Taste bud changing thing was no joke

    They do change, lots of folks, myself included, notice that they can revert back to before. I think some of it has to do with the medication and the intubation.
  16. Matt Z

    Can I still eat Keto/LCHF after RNY or sleeve?

    Only issue might depend on you, some can't deal with high fat foods, me, no issues at all with keto diet or high fats.
  17. I wouldn't really worry about it until you've started purees or full solids, liquids don't "bulk up" much if at all.
  18. This is a pretty subjective area, *most* don't see any real losses in that area until much later down the road, belly fat seems to be the last to go for most people. I've still got a decent amount even after over 100 lbs since revision and 160 lbs lost since I started...
  19. Matt Z

    I'm finally here

    Congrats and here's to a smooth recovery!
  20. Matt Z

    Forgetting to chew

    It happens. I had an instance after I had my band installed where I was eating and orange, not thinking I swallowed a large chunk... which then had to come back up because there was no way it was going to go through the stoma. Just work now on chewing until it's baby food. Putting down the fork/spoon between bites helps greatly. If you swallow something too big, odds are it'll just be uncomfortable. You'll know when to seek attention when it's really painful or causes excessive vomiting that doesn't bring up the food item that caused the issues.
  21. If it's around your incision marks, it's pretty normal, could even be a section of skin that healed to muscle but has separated for whatever reason, those can be pretty pinchy.
  22. "Stalls" suck, just understand that we really want to worry about fat loss, I know it's called "Weight Loss Surgery" but really it should be called "Fat Loss Surgery" since we don't want to just lose *any* weight, we want that weight to be from fat and not muscle or bone density. Keep up on the water, current medical research shows that working towards 128 oz of water a day is optimal for both proper hydration AND fat processing. When you stall, if you are not tracking body fat %'s, focus on things like, how your rings and clothing are fitting, you could be losing fat and not losing "weight", there were so many days where my poundage wouldn't move or would climb, but my body fat % would decrease. So you can be losing fat and not losing weight. Just something to be aware of.
  23. Matt Z


    That's tough man... Sadly there really isn't a way to make the hunger pains go away, typically I'd say just pound the water, but you said you were having issues with water. Personally, I'm so glad I had the band removed and revised to the bypass, I'd never go back or ever advise anyone to get the band. I hope the refill works for you.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
