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Matt Z

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Matt Z

  1. The key to pre-op is WATER WATER WATER and more WATER! Headaches and other aches and pains can be caused by your body needing to flush out toxins and other used up materials. Most importantly, DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP! No one is perfect. Read that last line again. Now, get back on the horse and start again. It sucks, but it does get easier. This journey isn't easy nor without it's struggles, get ready for some serious road blocks. As long as you remember to always be your best, you'll do fine. Every time you think you can't make it or want to cheat. Just remember exactly why you are doing this in the first place. Only you can make this happen. You got this.
  2. Matt Z

    I am over it.

    That really sucks. Just remember, the reasons you are doing this for yourself, are the same reasons why their opinions don't matter. At the end of the day, there is only 1 person you need to answer to, and that's yourself. As long as you did what you thought was right for you, that's all the opinion that matters. Stay Strong. Stay Confident. Stay Positive! You got this.
  3. Good luck! Great call getting a new baseline, your basal metabolic rate is weight/age/sex sensitive so it would certainly have lowered after dropping over 150 lbs! You'll want SOME cardio, but more for just warm up than full fat burn, lifting cold can cause damages. I've become very fond of some strawberries and a banana, sliced up and chilled, so good LOL
  4. Matt Z

    Dry skin and hair

    2 weeks seems a little quick for a vitamin deficiency, hows your water intake? Your skin will certainly not stay hydrated if you aren't meeting your water goals! You could also try some more natural solutions for skin hydration, find some Jojoba oil, it's 100% natural and mimics your bodies natural oils and absorbs quickly and deeper than most other oils. You can also use Jojoba in your hair as well! Look for the cold pressed version as it retains more of the "good stuff" that heat breaks down. Other products I like to use for external hydration is pure coconut oil, the USDA graded stuff meant for food. Really does wonders! Good luck!
  5. First, stop with the daily stress. If your scale doesn't have body fat or other metrics as well, going off 1 and only 1 metric is going to be madding and not at all the full picture!! How's the exercising going? How's your water intake? The math is simple, if calories burned is higher than calories eaten, you **WILL** lose weight. You will stall. Your body will need time to pause and re-calibrate itself. Just make sure you are getting your required amounts of protein and water and that you are burning more than you are consuming. Just stick with it and the scale WILL move again. I've had a few stalls already in the 2 months since my revision. I made sure to pay attention to my body fat percentage as well. So even if I gained a pound or 2, if my body fat decreased... I knew I was still doing things the right way. Stick with it and DO NOT GET FRUSTRATED!!! You are not alone! Good Luck!
  6. Everyone is going to be different, but, I just go from the logical standpoint. Going from zero restriction and zero malabsorption to both, you have a much higher potential for drastic weight loss than going from some level of restriction already, adjusting your restriction and adding malabsorption. So my warning is based on some logic and some personal and anecdotal evidence, but clearly not what's going to occur for all, BUT, in my opinion, it's better to be aware of the potential differences. I'm down 46 lbs since March 2nd, not as fast as others I've talked to, but not super slow by any means. So, sure 50 lbs in 6 months is more than possible. And the required dietary changes are going to help prevent regain. As with all WLS, it's a tool to help change habits.
  7. I tried the band in 2011. Lost 70 lbs. But the problems weren't worth it over all. I looked into revision to the sleeve as well, to me it was less invasive, less "messing around with my guts". By my surgeon advised against it. For me, putting a staple line directly through the scar tissue caused by the band would have posed too many risks. I decided to revise to the bypass. Wish I had done so from the get go! The bypass is the ONLY surgery that's going to give you both restriction AND reduced calorie absorption. You can "eat around" the band and sleeve with ease. The Bypass, with the changes in how your body processes fat and sugar, it's not so easy. With a sleeve you could totally just drink milkshakes all day and gain weight hand over fist, can't do that so easy with the bypass. Can you succeed with the sleeve, absolutely. But you'll have to work at it a bit harder than the bypass, since you don't have the built in punishment system that is Dumping. No matter what you decide, stick to it, use the tools, and accept set backs. Good luck!
  8. First and foremost, stalls do and will happen, and they happen differently for everyone. Your body will need time to pause and re-calibrate itself. That said, are you tracking your protein and water intake? Are they both meeting what your nutritionist has set for you? Are you exercising like you are supposed to be? Even the Bypass isn't a quick fix... it takes effort and change. You can absolutely "eat around" the bypass. If your calorie intake is lower than your calorie burn, then you will lose weight, no questions. So, something is off. Are you going to the bathroom normally? Have you brought this issue up to your surgical team / nutritionist?
  9. Matt Z


    Have you and your partner ventured into any local adult store for some sensation lube or toys? (I think they sell sensation lubes at CVS too)? Clearly get a professional opinion if there is legit sensation loss, because nerve damage can and does happen with WLS, typically it's in the legs, but, nerves are funny things. It's possible that with the weight loss, the protective fat around those specific nerve groups is being compressed and thus, killing sensation. Also, it's important to understand that the clitoris is only a very small part of a much larger group of nerves, if those nerves are no longer as easy to stimulate, then that'll cause a decrease in sensation as well. Good luck, that's a tough issue to be faced with!
  10. Matt Z

    Weight Stall

    This is exactly the issue. Pregnancy changes things hormonally and you need to adjust. You didn't state how long ago you had your son, it's possible that you are still retaining weight due to milk production, or it's just a change in your physiology after having your son. You need to change things up, even something like adjusting when you exercise, or how you exercise can get you out of the funk. If you are not still providing for your child physically, try to do a 2 week pre-op liquid diet again, making sure to keep your protein and water levels right where they need to, see if that gets your body back in motion. Have you talked to your nutritionist or surgeon at all about the issue?
  11. Matt Z

    VSG candidate, boyfriend NOT onboard!

    Have you sat down with him and tried to get to the real bottom of the story? Is he scared he's going to lose you in surgery? Or is he scared he's going to lose you when you lose the weight and look and feel better? Ask him why he drives a car, when he could walk. Driving is taking the easy way out. Does he use power tools and not hand tools? Using powered tools is the easy way out. Surgery isn't the easy way out. It's a tool, just like that car, just like those power tools. Sounds like he's got some feelings / emotions that he's dealing with that he doesn't know how to express to you. He should want you to be healthier so you can live together longer. Hell, even just the fact that this is something you want to do, and it will make you happy, he should be happy and supportive. My wife was very nervous when I went for my Band to Bypass revision. And rightfully so. But she told me that she'd support me no matter what her opinions were of my choice. I asked her flat out if she wanted me not to get it done, and she told me she wouldn't give me an answer, because it was my choice and I needed to what was right for me. And I got revised because it was what was right for my family. I turn 40 this year, I've got 2 kids, This is my 20th wedding anniversary year. I decided that I didn't want to be the fat, slow, burden, and I certainly didn't want to die before I got a chance to see my boys have kids of their own and grow up and become adults. I hope you two can drop the walls and get to the root cause of his concerns. Good luck!
  12. Matt Z

    Randomly being faint/dizziness

    You **REALLY** shouldn't be exerting yourself this close to your surgery... I was told that I couldn't lift over 10 lbs for a while, (like 6+ weeks). Do Not Push things! You need to recover! I know it sucks, but, your body needs to recover from a very invasive surgery. Take it easy and let someone else help you out.
  13. Matt Z

    General questions

    There are a few reasons they will call the surgery off, your best bet is to ask your surgeon what those factors are. Some are hard up about nicotine, drugs, aspirin, certain vitamins, etc. Some won't do surgery if your weight hasn't dropped or if you've gained. If you have a CPAP or APAP and you don't bring it, most surgeons will cancel the surgery. Just reach out to your surgical team and ask them the question, you wouldn't be the first and they do appreciate that you are working with them to ensure that they don't have to cancel! Congrats and good luck! Dry mouth spray and lip balm are life savers for right after surgery!
  14. Matt Z

    I got my surgery date!!

    CONGRATS!!! Do yourself a favor and get some dry mouth spray and lip balm for when you get out of surgery, they are such a life saver!!
  15. Matt Z

    Hey need some friends that can relate

    Banded in 2011, lost 70 lbs, and that was it, stuck floating between the same +/- 10 lbs for years. Felt like a complete failure, stopped going to my surgeon unless I got really stuck or had major issues. Finally I had enough and decided to revise to the sleeve. I dragged myself in and sat down with my surgeon, but she advised that band to sleeve wasn't something she was comfortable with due to potential issues with the staple line going through the scar line from the band. She said I could go to another doctor, or I could do the bypass. I ended up opting for the bypass and it's the best thing I could have done. I honestly wish I did that from the jump.
  16. Glad to see that things worked out in the long run. I was banded in 2011, lost 70 but that was it, stuck there for the next 6-7 years no matter what I did. My doctor wouldn't do the band to sleeve revision due to the potential for complications by putting a scar line right through the scaring caused by the band. I went with the bypass and couldn't be more happy. I've got a friend that lost a lot with the sleeve and he's being revised to the bypass because the sleeve stopped working for him. Now, something to aware of, there is going to be scar tissue under/around the band. And until the doc cracks you open, they won't know how much. My band took far longer to remove than it should have and more than doubled the length of my surgery due to scar tissue. My band was totally encapsulated in scar tissue and posed a major issue with removal. I'm lucky that they continued with the revision and didn't just stop at the removal, which I've heard is a potential with revision. I'm glad I got it out of me and didn't just deal with it longer. Whatever you chose, good luck!
  17. That's a tough one, Your body **SHOULD** balance out at some point. Have you discussed this with your nutritionist? Curious what they had to say. You could always up your natural sugars, get more fruits in your diet and up that total calorie count per day with some high calorie but healthy options. Are you working out at all? Maybe focus more on muscle growth and less on the fat burning exercises?
  18. There are 2 potentials, gas (but at 2 weeks out that seems unlikely) and the tightness from the hernia repair. I'd lean more towards the hernia repair. Stretch often, within comfort levels of course and keep doing your incentive spirometer (if they gave you one to take home)! If not, take a slow deep breathe in, as much as you can take physically you might feel some tightness, but not to the point of pain, then hold that for a second and press down into it slightly, this helps stretch and force out any gas that might still be in there. Do a few of those every hour or so and that *should* help you a bit.
  19. Matt Z

    Can it be a secret?

    I had the band installed in 2011, and whereas I lost 70 lbs then, it just stopped working and ended up causing more issues in the long run. I revised to RNY March 21, 2018. I was nervous as well, but, it was the best thing I've done and I really wish I did it before. Now, to your questions. It's going to be hard for you to just hide your new eating requirements. You can keep it to yourself, but, you might get questions about why you are not eating breads, or sugars, or high fat foods. If you haven't researched it, the bypass can (and does) cause dumping if you eat certain foods, dumping sucks. My nutritionists hammer the 5/5 rule. If the food has added sugar, then it can't have more than 5 grams of sugar per serving, and fats should be less than 5 grams per serving. This is harder than it looks at first because of how many foods have added sugar that you just wouldn't figure would. So, ordering appetizers (which are typically bready or fried) might not be the best answer. But you can eat a nice side order sized salad with some grilled chicken and balsamic or other dressing that would fit your personal restrictions. I've eaten a whole slice of pizza, took me a while, no dumping or major issues, except I felt like crap shortly afterwards, very run down and drained. It's a major lifestyle change. Not to scare you off, I wouldn't go back to eating the way I did for any reason at this point. Don't think you can't enjoy yourself, oddly (for me anyway and it seems most people are the same) I have ZERO problem with natural sugars. So, I could sit and eat a ton of strawberries and not have a single issue. Plus there are the whole taste changes that seem to happen to folks. For me, I can't stand the taste of things that are too sweet or have too much added sugar in them anymore. So, bottom line, you can flub a bit, tell folks that you've made an eating habit change, which isn't a lie exactly, and that's why you are eating differently, but that's really going to depend on your friend/family base if that answer is going to appease them. Good luck on whatever you decide!
  20. Banded in 2011 and Bypass March 21st 2018. I too wish I went for the bypass up front. Just be ready for the potential slower weight loss due to you already having some of the restriction already. Congrats and good luck!
  21. Focus on sales and cheap clothes over fashion, for now anyway. Thrift stores are a major key, I know it kinda sucks... but it's just a stop gap until you hit your goal or stable weight. You can also get items from amazon, ebay or some overseas sources for a good price.
  22. Matt Z

    Frustrated by progress

    Welcome to the stall. As stated, your body WILL go through periods of "stall" or "re-calibration". If you have the means, get yourself a scale that does body fat as well. Once you transition to heavier/solid foods, and once you start hitting the gym more, you are going to potentially see more "gains"... for me, I weigh in every day, some days I increase, but body fat will decrease. So as long as 1 of the 2 sets of numbers is decreasing, I'm ok with that. As long as you are getting in the proper amounts of water, protein and exercise, you'll be just fine.
  23. Matt Z


    Are you exercising, drinking at least the minimum amount of water and consuming the proper amounts of protein? Stalls can happen as your body tries to re-calibrate itself. Are you noticing any non-scale victories?
  24. Matt Z

    Weight gain over night

    Are you moving your scale by chance? Newer scales can become un-calibrated if they are moved/lifted. And it can take around 5 consecutive weigh-ins for it to re-calibrate itself. Does your scale also do body fat? I've been weighing myself daily, and some days I gain weight, but body fat either doesn't change or lowers. So (for me) as long as one of the 2 numbers is decreasing, I don't stress about it. This was 20 hours ago now, how are you doing today?
  25. I guess this would depend on if you are talking about the RTD or the powders. The RTD's take some getting used to, best when consumed as cold as possible. Or you can add a non-calorie flavoring to them to help out. If you are talking about powders, I've enjoyed pretty much all of them, for a while, then they start to get old. I'm using the unflavored protein blended with frozen fruits right now.

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