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Everything posted by Sassygirl06

  1. just got sleeved on the 16th and i am not doing very well in getting calories in. i think i got about 100 calories in today. i just cant do anything else. when i drink anything it sends painfull sqeezing up my stomach into my esophogus. i dont know what it is but it hurts. i cant even think about getting any protein in right now. i am getting worried that i will muscle waiste....any tips on getting in the protein?
  2. Sassygirl06

    Loss of friends

    i hope that i dont lose friends d/t weight loss. i have always been the fat friend since i have been an adult and im tired of it. none of my friends know about the surgery though. so i wonder how they will react to the loss. i didnt want to hear any of the bull about how i could lose the weight on my own and, your taking the easy way out. nothing about this surgery is easy....i hope the friendships arent all about weight. i know that my sister might have issues because she has always had her weight over me. she is 5'11 and weighs about 130. she has fake boobs and is beautiful, but she is getting older...she is 12 years older than me and she is really sensitive over her age. when we were camping together last month my 12 year old son said something to her that i thought was disrespectful and i told him to respect his elders....she totally went off on me and said, 'i might be old but at least im skinny and beautiful, what do you have?" i couldnt believe what she just said to me. i told her that was mean and i wasnt trying to insult her, that of course she what my sons elder, hes 12. she apologized but she let her true colors show, and i most definately did not tell her about the surgery for that reason. she would always bring it up whenever i am around her. its hard not telling my friends but my husband and my oldest daughter know and they have been really supportive.
  3. Sassygirl06

    What SIZE are you???

    well my surgery was just tuesday, but my biggest sizes were: 4x shirts, 23w pants, 44dd bra, 10 panties, 10.5 ring, 11 shoe after more than 50 pounds lost pre op my new sizes are 2x shirts, 18w pants, 40dd bra, 8 panties, 9.5 ring, and still big ass feet size 11
  4. Sassygirl06

    learning that my stomach is different

    i know! last night i tried to drink 1/4 cup of protein drink. i sipped it slowly, but when i finished i felt like throwing up, i actually gagged. i hurried and crushed up a nausea pill and licked it up. it helped me really quick to not throw up, but i think i am gonna stick to 1/8th of a cup for a while now because i dont ever want to feel like that again! hiccups are so scarry for me, i am so scarred that i am gonna rip my tummy open. i thought you got hiccups after eating to fast, but ive never eaten so slow in my life! what the heck?
  5. Sassygirl06

    just got sleeved 3 hours ago!

    thank you. i got to see my stomach on the xray after my swallow test. btw that stuff was the worst tasting s*** i ever had in my mouth! my tummy was SOOOOO small! it was this tiny little thing the size of 1/2 of a regular banana! i couldnt believe that was mine! i was thankful to have the swallow test though even though that stuff was nasty it gave me a sorta peacefuln feeling knowing that there were no leaks. i thought that all docs just automatically do the swallow trsts, but they dont.
  6. ok my peeps, i am one day after getten my sleeve on i havent been able to sleep much i think its a combo of the meds and the hospital enviroment. i havent had any complications so far. (knock on wood) i really love this hospital even though its hard to sleep. all of the staff here are really sweet and kind. they seem like they really care about how you are feeling. it is a big change from the last hospital i stayed in when i had diverticulitis. so i will keep everyone posted on how im doing, im gonna go for a walk right now. ttyl
  7. Sassygirl06

    1 day post op

    i do get some pain in my lower tummy but not all the time. it kinda comes and goes. i was able to go to my kids belting cerimony today and nobody could tell i just had surgery this week. everyday gets better. im not like all the other people that say they didnt need their pain meds either. some people are really strong, and that is great for them. for me i would rather not feel any pain and there is no shame in that. studies show that when people are on medicines that help them with their pain relief they heal faster, because they move around more. more movement equals more blood flow and more blood flow equals faster healing! congrats on your sleeve, and im sure that you will be feeling better and over that hump very soon!
  8. Sassygirl06

    Got sleeved today too

    thank you mememeee!!! im feeling great today!
  9. Sassygirl06

    Where are my Flirty Thirties?

    im 34 gonna be 35 in september!i cant wait to see the skinny version of me looking back in the mirror, but im scarred that it will also be a disapointment because i dont want to have more wrinkles looking back at me too. i dont have very many now because of my fat face, and im scared that all the fat is going to go away and im just going to be left with saggy old looking skin on my face.
  10. Sassygirl06

    scared to death

    congrats indy!!! i knew you could do it. im so happy you feel great. keep up the good work, and dont expect to lose any weight while you are in the hospital. as soon as you get out it will start melting off like butter in the sun! keep me posted on your progress! -sassy
  11. Sassygirl06

    one month

    im on day 3 and im right in the middle of the worst i think. i still dont regret my decision as im sure that things will improve since they have already begun to get better, a little at a time. congrats on the great weight loss results. your doing great!!
  12. Sassygirl06

    A Fresh Look....

    i definatly believe that no one should go it alone for this surgery. i was in bakersfield and if i didnt have the support of my husband and daughter i dont know how i would have made it. your going to be in a foreign country so having noone with you would definatly be terrible. get that extra fat off now, it will definatly make for an easier recovery. dont let this get you down, youll also have a couple more angels looking after you now as well. im sorry for your losses. best wishes to you.
  13. Sassygirl06

    5 hours post op

    ok, well i am on demerol and morphine right now, causes me to be wired and cant sleep, however im in minimal pain right now because of those beaautiful drugs. i feel like i have the stomach flu, the best way to describe it. i went pee as soon as i got into my own room. i also went on a walk after about 1 hour post op. it does feel good to walk as many people have said on here. its helping to get rid of the gas. as for the gas, this is gonna sound bad, but dont judge me please...when i was younger i used to smoke pot and if anyone has ever smoked it then you know it gives you this feeling like you have air trapped in your lungs and your esophogus and you could just get it out if you burped really good, however you are never able to get rid of it until the high goes away. that is how this gas feels right now. its not painfull to me, just annoying. im not supposed to have anything by mouth, but i snuck some gum in because i had a cotton mouth really bad since i havent drank anything since 12am this morning. none of the nurses have said anything about it, and im not truely putting it into my stomach anyways, its just helping my cotton mouth. oh, by the way, i got the whole room to myself! its a singe bed room only so i know i wont have to share with anybody! which is great because i dont really feel like getting sick from somebody else right now. anyhow, i guess i'l post more later......I'm finally on the other side sitten on the losers bench!!!!!!!
  14. Sassygirl06

    5 hours post op

    yeah the meds work the opposite for me, if they are supposed to make you groggy, then i am wired. if they wire you then im groggy...lol
  15. Sassygirl06

    learning that my stomach is different

    thank you for the words of encouragment!
  16. Sassygirl06

    1 day post op

    it was san juaquine in bakersfield, its a religous hospital, run by the 7th day adventists. i was unsure at first if i wanted to go to a "religous" hospital, but i tell you what, that hospital rocks! they have valle parking for you. you have not only your own personal nurse, but then you have a nurses assistant that does everything for you, then the person who brings your food comes in on the start of their shift and writes their name on the board for you as well as their personal number that you can reach them at if you need anything. not only does the food person have their own phone, your nurse, the assistant, the charge nurse, and anyone else that you need to reach at anytime, for anything. they are so organized and really make you feel special the entire time you are there. i remember for my whole stay i was saying "i cant believe this is a hospital, you guys are so wonderful" i really would recomend them to anyone!
  17. Sassygirl06

    just got sleeved 3 hours ago!

    thank you so much for all the wonderful support! im feeling a little better today, but that aching feeling is still there. im scarred to drink anything right now because of the pain. i think im gonna try to drink some warm broth as that is what they gave me in the hospital and i seemed to feel better aafter drinking it. im trying to take it easy for right now, but its hard with three kids. they all want mom to do something for them, lol. my youngest was "helping" me by bringing all of her laundry downstairs for me to do instead of me having to go get it myself. i told her very sweetly thank you but you can do your own laundry now. she didnt know what to think. lol....my husband has really stepped up for me even though its hard for him since he works the night shift. my teenager has all of her school prep to do and he has taken her for the first time ever to take care of it. im so happy to have such a wonderful man. i have pictures of him and i in my album if anybody wants to see. we have been married for 17 years now on sept 20th! high school sweet hearts. i dont know how the single people on here get along without a wonderful partner to help you guys! ttyl !!!
  18. Sassygirl06

    5 hours post op

    thank you ladies
  19. Sassygirl06

    learning that my stomach is different

    thank you for your comment. i feel like such a baby right now, but im also scarred that this wont go away.
  20. Sassygirl06

    1 day post op

    thank you ! loven my sleeve
  21. Sassygirl06

    just got sleeved 3 hours ago!

    no i didnt have a catheter, the nurse told me it was from the meds they give you so that you dont spasm. I had a funny reaction from it where i couldnt get my urethra to relax enough for the urine to come out. it lasted the first 2 days, but i am all good now. pink- im totally addicted to this site, so a little thing like surgery wasnt going to keep me away lol im glad you are recovering well and that you are back online
  22. i hope all went well with your surgery. keep us posted!

    i am doing very well still. having a little pain in my esophagas when i swallow stuff, but other then that i feel great!

  23. Sassygirl06

    just got sleeved 3 hours ago!

    i got out and am home! im very happy about that. the doc said i could be on full liquids. so my question is for people that have already been sleeved. when you drink something do you have this sort of aching feeling as it goes down? this has been happening to me, kinda like its hitten my stomach like a brick...i am making sure to swallow little amounts and very slowly. just wondering if this is a normal feeling, and if so does it go away anytime soon? im just hoping that it wont be hurting for long. i know i dont have a leak cause i just had the leak test this morning. thanks for any input that can be given!
  24. Sassygirl06

    just got sleeved 3 hours ago!

    im hoping that they let me out of the hospital soon! my leak test was negative, i have bowel sounds, all i need is the doc to give the go ahead! i already have my street clothes on (i changed when they had my iv hep locked) i think the nurses think im a lunatic, but i just want to get out of here and get home and start my new life....also i havent seen my youngest 2 children in 3 days. I miss my babies! i really am feeling so much better today. i have no hunger what so ever. i havent eaten real food in almost 5 days and my stomach doesnt even know what its missing...lol
  25. Sassygirl06

    just got sleeved 3 hours ago!

    thats great broadway! thanks for your well wishes, and we are sending them straight back to you as well for a quick and speedy recovery!!!!!

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