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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by goldenraisin214

  1. Hi AKMama--

    Things are going well overall for me too--so far down 26 lbs, so I'm a quarter of the way to goal ^_^ . there have been a couple of days where my tummy didn't feel quite right (threw up once I think from eating cream of wheat too fast), but they've passed in a day or so. Just started eating salmon over the weekend, and I can only get about an oz in before I feel full--so weird! Thanks for starting the check-in, hope the other 2/9-ers are doing well!

  2. Hi kittenkate,

    My surgeon required that I be off the pill for 1 month prior to surgery and wait until 1 month after to start taking them again. So at this point, I'm just waiting for AF to show herself so I can start back up. Problem is, my cycle was like clockwork before surgery and now I'm about a day late--I'm definitely not with child, but I wonder if the surgery has already thrown my hormones out of whack. And I know one day is like nothing, but still, I don't feel signs that it's coming either--hmmmm...

  3. I tried that 42g Protein shot before surgery and it was the WORST! Tasted like cough medicine...My surgeon said we can only absorb about 25 g at a time anyway, so I switched to a 24 or 26g version that isn't quite as bad. I'm 25 days out now, and am finding that I'm afraid to eat. I feel pretty good, but it's hard to really know when I'm full, so I often end up eating less than I probably could. Having trouble getting the 70g of protein without those little shots since I'm not eating meat yet, but once I can get some fish in (next week), I should probably be fine. Some trouble with liquids too, but I attribute a lot of that to having to wait an hour after I eat to drink--there just aren't enough hours in the day! :) Glad to hear others are doing well!

  4. I've been under twice. My biggest issue was the IV needle in my arm (I HAAATE needles), but if you can make it through that, it's like falling asleep and waking right back up (though a lot of time has passed while you were napping :) ). I requested a patch that they put behind your ear before surgery and leave on for 2-3 days for nausea. Had it for both surgeries and didn't have to battle with feeling nauseous. It is perfectly normal to worry on some level about this stuff, but like others have said, if you are religiously/spiritually inclined, or even if you meditate, that can help with the anxiety as well. Hope this helps.

  5. Ok, so I have this lightweight jacket (kind of like a cross between a trench and a peacoat) that I love and have been wearing for a couple of years. Ihe problem is that the sleeves are a bit tight up top and prior to surgery, they would cut into the top part of my arm--near the armpit, sometimes to the point I had to take the jacket off. I was even considering pulling some of the seam out of the armpit to make it more comfortable. Well yesterday I wore the jacket, and I got all the way to work before I realized that my arms weren't hurting! I was totally comfortable, even with a long sleeved shirt underneath! I wore it again today with a long sleeved shirt plus a light sweater, and while it was a smidge tighter--still no pain! YAY! I'm only 3 weeks out and have lost about 20lbs (including 4 pre-op), but this was a nice treat for me to feel better in clothes that have previously made me suffer. Woop-woop! ^_^

  6. Ok, so last night i was feeling a little less than ideal, but this morning was the worst. This is day 8, and the pain was as bad as ever--felt like i was going backwards. I guess it was gas, in my abdomen and shoulder, which was weird cuz my shoulder was never really hurting prior to today. I called the surgeon's office, and they called me like 3 times throughout the day to check on me, which was nice. They said it sounded typical, but to let them know if it got any worse. Sucks, cuz i was all excited abt advancing to Soup and yogurt, and barely had anything today because i was n so much pain. I basically slept all day and had one trip to the bathroom. Doing better now, but wow, what was that? Anybody else have what felt like a setback at this point post op? Thanks for reading...

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