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Everything posted by Butterthebean

  1. Butterthebean

    Protein Shots

    Check the ingredients. They are likely not whey protein. They use the word whey in the name, but whey is not the main ingredient. They have a trace amount of whey. It's almost false advertising designed to fool you.
  2. Butterthebean

    Eating capacity for males

    Aaron....how many calories are you eating. I really like to go by percentages. My preffered is the 40/40/20. 40% protein, 40% fat, 20% carbs. Works well for me. So if you're eating 1500 calories a day, that's 150g of protein, and about 7 g of fat and 75g of carbs. I eat between 1500-2000 depending on what I'm doing that day. I run alot and on longer run days I always hit or exceed the 2000 mark. I eat alot of lean turkey, fish (love tilapia), eggs, cheese, almonds, cottage cheese with strawberries, blueberries and Protein powder mixed in. Usually some asparagus or brocolli...although these days I just throw my greens into the vitamix and make green shakes.
  3. Butterthebean

    question about extra skin

    The loose skin issue is never as bad as it seems. Now I say that humbly because I just had a TT to have a bunch of it removed. But I lost alot of weight and the majority of it was around my waist. But the thing is, no matter how bad the loose skin is, it's still better than the fat. And you'll feel better and live longer. So don't let the possibility of loose skin deter you.
  4. Butterthebean

    7 Months Out Feeling Pretty Good! :-)

    Congrats da1stladie. You're doing terrific. Being able to move and climb stairs....to breath easy and enjoy the little activities...that's what it's all about. Those things are way more valuable than a number on the scale. BTW I moved this thread out of the veterans forum. The criteria for veterans was recently changed to 1 year post op.
  5. Looking good LPL. Very very sleeve-tastic.
  6. Butterthebean

    December Fitness Challenge

    Great job on your first 5K. May you have many more. I swam 1050 meters today....total so far is 3450 for the month.
  7. I was already an Olympic ADHD champeen. So welcome to the club. I don't think it's the surgery. It's this crazy ass forum. Plus you're probably daydreaming about that bikini you're gonna rock next summer.
  8. Butterthebean

    Protein Shots

    Agreed. The protein shots seem enticing but they are misleading. Read the ingredients. If whey protein is not the first ingredient then it is not what you need.
  9. Butterthebean

    I Have A Leak And I'm Scared.

    Anabanana....sorry to hear this. Yes it seems quite unusual. I'm glad you had it properly diagnosed and I hope the glue works. Even though you are a self professed worry wart (who can blame you) it sounds like you are handling it very well. A positive outlook will go a long way. Best of luck and keep us updated on your progress.
  10. It's amazing what people think is appropriate to comment on. Next time someone says anything, tell them they have something hanging out of their nose. They'll think it's a booger and I promise they will forget all about your food. Over time, your eating will get more normal (just less) and there will be nothing to talk about.
  11. Butterthebean

    I Traded Fat For Old!

    I may look older....but I weigh the same as I did in the 8th grade. And I feel that young. I'm sure I've added 20 years to my life so in the grand scheme of things I have gotten younger. I just don't look it from the neck up. But from the neck down? YES!
  12. Butterthebean

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Slow Burn will give you a great idea on how to fuel your body including pre run snacks. Everyone's body is different but I actually do better on high fat foods like almonds. It sounds counter to the traditional "carb loading" philosophy that has been so prevelant. But if you run in the fat burning zone, fat is what you need, not carbs.
  13. Yes I love it that we all get happy about being overweight. It's all a matter of perspective. My overweight is healthy and happy. Congrats LPL. Looking forward to some pics.
  14. Butterthebean

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    The classics really never get old do they.
  15. Butterthebean

    Body Composition Test

    How did they do the test? Was it Water immersion? Bodpod? Something like that? I've had my BMR tested but I'd love to get the body composition tested as well. Where did you have it done?
  16. Butterthebean

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I've been running 14 months and I still have days where I feel like my fitness just slipped back 6 months. It happens. Lots of things cause it for me. Too hot....not enough rest....improper nutrition or hydration....over training/chronic fatigue....not enough sleep...or the biggest one of all.....running too fast. Do not hesitate to take a step back if you need it and also....don't think you always have to run continuously from here on out. You don't. Don't be afraid to take walk breaks as needed. Somedays you just will not feel as strong. Somedays I can run forever and other days I'm ready to walk after 2 miles. I just go with what my body is giving me. But if I do feel the need to walk I always do a systems check...ask myself what's going wrong? Alot of the time simply slowing down a tad makes a huge difference. Best thing I ever did was read the book Slow Burn by Stu Mittleton. The guy ran 1000 miles in 12 days. He shows you how to run in the fat burning zone rather than the glycogen burning zone. With that you can run forever without bonking.
  17. Butterthebean

    December Fitness Challenge

    5.1 blister miles in 35 degree drizzle.....love it. MTD 23.3
  18. Butterthebean

    Compulsive Overeating

    This is what I was thinking as well. Fluff...unfortunately this is not my area of expertise. I was the sneaky eater. The searcher of food. Stopping in secret to buy food and eat it...then destroy the evidence so my wife didn't find out. He's probably doing that now I hate to say. The more my wife tried to stop these behaviors in me, the more secretive I became. When I think back on those days...the best thing my wife could have done (and did do) was to model good behavior, but put as little pressure as possible on me. The more pressure, the more I'd eat. Also...whatever professional help he's getting, I would focus your efforts on that. Make sure he's going. Hell go with him if you can. Make it a team effort. Joint therapy. That way he won't feel like it's just him losing the struggle. Together, he might feed (sorry for the pun) off your success.
  19. Butterthebean

    Sex Sent Me To The ER

    Omg I'd weep for humanity if I wasn't so busy laughing.
  20. Yes map my run will run in the back ground but with my c25k app it mapped the distance for me so I didn't need it. Plus it would not run in the background. If I minimized it, it would stop. I use "ease into 5k".
  21. Butterthebean

    I've Hit The Dreaded 3-Week Stall...ugh!

    Nothing much prepares us. The best advice anyone ever gave me was put away the scale for 2 weeks and get on with living life. We don't want our weight to define us....yet we often let our losses (or lack thereof) dictate our happiness. Let's not do that anymore.
  22. Butterthebean

    Help Lump In My Throat

    I would try the ice if it's in your throat. Keep trying water and if it doesn't go away today I'd definitely call your doc. If it is a blockage you don't want it to sit there too long. But blockages are fairly uncommon for sleevers.
  23. Butterthebean

    December Fitness Challenge

    Globetrotter....I'm not surprised you're weight is up. Intense exercise will cause some inflammation/ water retention initially. Don't be discouraged.
  24. Butterthebean

    New Holiday Traditions

    I'm kinda like PDX man now. I just eat less and try to enjoy the family. Hard as that may be (the family part I mean). But you nailed it...nothing like being sleeved to make us realize that it has all been so food centered.

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