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Everything posted by Butterthebean

  1. They kept me in the hospital gown the whole time and after surgery, I didn't much care. It made things easier.
  2. Butterthebean

    More Protein, Less Carbs

    Yep, there is no great way to do it without protein shakes at this stage. It will get easier soon. I lived on scrambled eggs and chili for 2 weeks during my soft food stage and loved every second of it.
  3. Butterthebean

    More Protein, Less Carbs

    Not a very good choice at this point in your journey. Right now you need to maximize your nutrition with every bite. If you want to mix something, try mixing some Protein powder with some sugar free Jello mix or pudding mix? But yes, they are good. My wife buys those and I tried one.
  4. Butterthebean

    Men With Before And After Pics

    Here's mine. Not really after pics, since I've got a long way to go. But I've lost almost 100 pounds.
  5. Butterthebean

    More Protein, Less Carbs

    I'm wondering the same thing, what were you drinking to get so many carbs so early in the day? If I missed that info I apologize. On full liquids, it really helps to have a Protein shake you can tolerate. I really like the met-rx Meal Replacement shakes. The first one never tastes good, but after a couple they start getting better. I guess you acquire the taste. My doctor told me during the full liquids phase, these things weren't super critical. Getting in my Water and walking were the most important things. He told me to try to get in my protein and don't worry too much about the carbs. Once you start eating, you will have so many more protein choices.
  6. Mine looks different. I guess one day I will earn that ability, if I don't get banned first.
  7. Butterthebean

    Water Wait Gain

    Maybe so, but still you single me out and turn a blind eye to others. I will try to play nice.
  8. Butterthebean

    Water Wait Gain

    Why is the OP's statement okay but mine is not? Why is gender bashing okay when a female bashes a male? If I called women a bunch of "useless b*****s" I would be crucified. But apparently it's okay for the OP to call men that. So hypocritical.
  9. Butterthebean

    Water Wait Gain

    You are so right. I hate myself because you can't spell. I frankly don't care what gender you are. And I don't care about typos, but intentionally misspelling every other word in a post makes it harder for the rest of us to read.
  10. Butterthebean

    Why Did You Select...

    Less invasive. Less complications. Less hunger hormones. Better quality of life after surgery.
  11. Butterthebean

    Just Braggin' - Got Me A New Bicycle!

    Hey Rootman, here's some of mine. Don't laugh at my short shorts. The wind was blowing them up. The second one is my wife on my Dahon folding bike.
  12. Butterthebean

    Water Wait Gain

    I feel dyslexic just reading that.
  13. Butterthebean

    Ok Im Confused!

    What? A psychologist is not an M.D. He or she should have no medical opinion.
  14. Butterthebean

    Excess Skin

    Kim, I think the point to understand is, while there may be excess skin after weightloss, it's much better than the excess weight. It's certainly better than all the other health problems caused by obesity.
  15. Butterthebean

    Easy Way Out

    It's all born out of the fact that most people still believe that diet and exercise are all it takes. Most people have lost 10 or 20 pounds at some point in their life using this method. They don't realize that if you're trying to lose 100 pounds or more, there is a very slim chance that it will work the same way. We all know that losing that first 20 pounds is easy. Then suddenly your body puts a stop to the weight loss. It's not just will power, your body puts up a fight to maintain the weight. And if you do lose the weight, it's even tougher to keep it off.
  16. Butterthebean

    Just Braggin' - Got Me A New Bicycle!

    I feel your enthusiasm Rootman. I am a bike fanatic. I got 6 bikes and 2 more frames hanging in my garage, and cycling is my preferred method of exercise. Enjoy your new bike.
  17. I get your question. You would be better off eating something like guacamole, nuts or other healthy fats. They are calorie dense, but not loaded with sugar. I have not had this problem of not being able to get in enough calories, but yes, some do.
  18. Butterthebean


    I stopped reading at..."tones the muscles" Yep, I know it's an old thread. Die thread, die.
  19. Butterthebean

    First 20 Pounds Update:)

    Way to go. I wish you many more updates. BTW...it's not the carbs...it's the starches. Bread, potatoes, corn, Pasta...and yes, grits....all starches. They are high on the glycemic index. They elevate your blood sugar, causing your body to release insulin. When that happens, your body wants to store what you eat as fat, even though you are trying to burn the calories. You end up gaining weight and having less energy because the calories aren't being burned. It's a double whammy. Yes you need to focus on taking in Protein at this stage. But as you get farther out from surgery, don't be afraid to eat a few carbs if they are low glycemic (green veggies).
  20. Butterthebean

    Weight Loss Numbers

    I'm 3 months out and I've lost 93 pounds. Honestly though it's gonna be different for everybody.
  21. Butterthebean

    Pain In Stomach

    At 1 month out I wouldn't hesitate to call your doctor. If you can't eat or drink like you should, he needs to know.
  22. There is an awful lot of misconceptions about weightlifting in the fitness world, even among the so called experts. There is also alot of anectdotal evidence that gets passed around as fact. Just go ask any 3 trainers at a gym, they will all give different answers. I've done alot of weight training in my life and I've read many a bodybuilder mag from cover to cover. Two things seem to be universally believed amongst all bodybuilders.... 1. You can't build muscle on a calorie deficient diet 2. You can't gain muscle without also gaining some fat unless you are a mathmatical wizard and happen to be eating the precise amount of calories you need to build muscle, and not one calorie more. Typically, bodybuilders go through a bulking phase where they put on as much muscle as they can, but also fat. Then they diet like crazy for a show and lose as much fat as humanly possible. They lose some muscle too but they have so much, there is still plenty left by the time their bodyfat hits rock bottom. Now, knowing what I know about not much of anything....I would never say never. I would certainly not say that the above statements are absolute truths and could never ever be contradicted by anyone, because every one is different. But I will say that these statements are believed by the majority of the bodybuilding culture, and I suspect they know a thing or two about building muscle. Also, having said all of that, I certainly believe there are some benefits to weight training by VSG patients, and I'm doing so myself. But I don't expect to "bulk up" on muscle during my losing phase. I think that would be very difficult.k
  23. Butterthebean

    Please Dont Judge - Yes Or No Is Fine

    What did your Doctor say when you called and asked him this question? I'd go with whatever he said.

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