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Everything posted by Butterthebean

  1. Butterthebean

    Compulsive Overeating

    Nighttime eating for me is all about fatigue. It's not a lack of will power, our bodies are tired at the end of the day and they need fuel to keep going. The body sends you signals to refuel when it's tired. Anyone ever snack mindlessly when you stayed up late? Anyone ever found themselves standing in front of an open fridge at night staring at the choices....trying to figure out what you want even though you're not really hungry? It helps keep you awake. It's a strategy we've all learned over a lifetime, that eating wards off fatigue....temporarily. The solution for me, as simplistic as it sounds, was to start recognizing that I was tired and just go to bed. I don't need to stay up later if I can't do it without raiding the fridge. I'm always afraid I'm going to miss something if I go to bed early, but really what am I missing? Nothing but mindless snacking.
  2. Yep. Search for plateaus.....lots of people have them and commonly they are busted by changing up your tactics. My wife tried unsuccessfully for years to break a certain plateau. She finally changed her diet from low fat everything to paleo, and added in heavy weight lifting to her fitness, and low and behind she busted right through it and kept going.
  3. Butterthebean

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Nice going...and very true. Running outside is so much more rewarding than a treadmill. It becomes less about exercise and more about exploring. Keep it up.
  4. Butterthebean

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Nice job. And do not expect to be running a 5K in 30 minutes. That's the one assumption that c25k makes that most people cannot do. It will come on time but not in week 8. No matter though. You've finished it and congrats on signing up for your first race.
  5. Butterthebean

    Compulsive Overeating

    I think once eating got easy, that's when it got harder. I remember I just flipped my 1 year surgiversary....and I was training for a half marathon and really stressing about it. I was worried about my fitness level and not sure what my nutrition strategies ought to be. I was semi convinced I needed to eat more to help my running, and that I needed more carbs because conventional wisdom always says endurance athletes need carbs (which I now think is bunk but that's another thread). So I changed the way I was eating to increase my calories, including the carbs. And the more I did, the worse I ran and the more I stressed. Which led to snacking and having regular chocolate treats. I'm talking daily candy bars. The final 3 weeks before my half marathon I gained about 15 pounds. With all that running, you'd think that wouldn't be possible. Which of course stressed me even more. Since then, I've figured out my nutrition strategies and I know what I need to do. But stress will still set me off. Sad part is, the "cheating" stresses me even more and leads to further "cheating"....it's a vicious cycle for me. And it doesn't help that I can eat 2000 calories a day easily...even while eating clean. I've had a couple of 3000 calorie days. Those carbs offer no satiety at all to me.
  6. No it's not correct. It has been documented that persons who were once overweight but lost need less calories to maintain than someone of the same weight who was never overweight. MFP doesn't account for that. Not to mention, we're all different. Our bodies do not all work the same way. If you want to know exactly, you can have your resting metabolic rate tested and you will get the exact RMR number.
  7. Butterthebean

    Compulsive Overeating

    Ouch.....I really identify with alot of those symptoms. Sadly. I was, and still am, a sneaky eater. Not like before....but it's still there. A big example is something that's coming up....that I'm dreading. At Xmas, we'll go to the inlaws' for a few days. And they will make big food feasts 3 times a day...always with leftovers. You cannot walk through the kitchen without good food sitting right there on the counter 24/7. And I can't seem to pass through without grabbing something. I cannot keep my hands in my pocket. Being hungry has nothing to do with it. It's so stressful for me, that I actually dread the whole visit and do not look forward to the holiday any more. I resent them for making everything such a food centered event, but I resent myself more for not being able to resist.
  8. Butterthebean

    November fitness challenge

    I hope it's nothing serious. I think you're gonna be surprised at how much better you'll feel by xmas.
  9. Butterthebean

    November fitness challenge

    Hey fitness freaks....and wannabe freaks. Time for the November installment of the fitness challenge. To try to be more inclusive and get more participation, I'm going to open things up in a new way. The point of this challenge is to set a goal for yourself for the month of November. A fitness goal which will be challenging.....slightly more than you know you can do, more than you did last month. The goal needs to be a concrete measurable goal. The goal can be miles run, walked, biked, swam, ellipted or paddled....or a combination of all of them. But it can also be a goal of hours of exercise. 30 hours of exercise in a month is a challenging goal for many people. It can also be a specific exercise if you prefer....like 3000 squats and 1000 push-ups. Whatever it is, make it challenging, not easy. As I always say, growth and comfort cannot coexist. You want to be slightly uncomfortable. The goal should challenge you...make you slightly nervous as to whether or not you can reach it. Then....GO FOR IT! Introduce yourself and spell out your goal for the month. Then come back here everyday or as often as you can and update the group as to your current progress toward your goal. Whether or not you make your goal is not the point. The point is to push yourself just a little further than you thought you could go. I'll start. I'm only 4 weeks post op from my TT so not back to 100% yet, but I anticipate getting stronger as the month goes on. So my goal for November is to walk/run 60 miles. That's double what I'm going to do this month, so a challenging goal. Wish me luck. Please join in and get moving.
  10. Ouch. Sorry to hear that. Can't he get continued coverage through cobra? It's been a long time since I've been in that situation but isn't that still a thing?
  11. I agree with what you said....except your assumption that it's "almost everyone." It may very well be, but we have to be careful putting everyone in that box. I do believe ......and we've discussed it before....that there is a heck of alot of denial floating around this forum. But it's not all denial. There's also a probably a healthy dose of lack of self awareness, and I do believe there is a difference. Denial implies that someone knowingly denies the truth. Lack of awareness (to me) means they have no clue. And to make things even more convoluted....I think both qualities can coexist in the same fat brain. We may have issues we deny....and others we aren't even aware of....all contributing to the problem.
  12. Butterthebean

    December Fitness Challenge

    Whew....did a 9 mile run this morning. Not an easy run. One of those days where every step was painful. But I'm getting ready for aha of marathon this month so I need to get my miles back up. I'm still not where I was before my surgery 2 months ago, hopefully I will be by the end of this month.
  13. Butterthebean

    November fitness challenge

    Yes there is a december challenge. It's in the fitness forum. Join in. I know you're not 100% yet but I'm sure you're ready to get back to your previous activity. Are you walking?
  14. Butterthebean

    8 Habits Of Successful Losers

    My fat brain always says...."go ahead and have that treat. What's it gonna hurt? I can burn off those calories." But my problem is...it won't end there. It gets easier every time to say yes. It gets easier to justify. And lets face it....there's a whole lot of justifying going on in our fat brains.
  15. Butterthebean

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    The problem is they are also naturally skinny and we are not. Everyone's bodies process food differently. Some of us had ancestors who were really good at storing fat for the upcoming famine. My ancestors were Olympic champion fat storers. Point being my maintenance eating won't necessarily look like theirs. Doesn't mean I have to be on a diet.....just more mindful than some folks.
  16. Butterthebean

    Considering Liposuction

    Hi. As mentioned, I recently had my TT. Here's a link to my thread. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/266280-tummy-tuck-today/page-3 If you scroll down to post number 41 you can see the before and after photo. In the before photo I looked very fat still. In the after, I have visible abs. It was just the excess skin but it totally looked like fat. My point is even if you have lipo now, with the excess skin left behind you may still not see a drastic improvement. I know that's not very encouraging and I don't mean to be discouraging, but I want you to see my pics so you can see the difference. I also highly recommend that instead of asking here, go visit a plastic surgeon because he can give you a real accurate assessment....much better than any of us can.
  17. Butterthebean


    The one over yonder.
  18. Butterthebean


    I've been told I say y'all way too much. I didn't think that was possible.
  19. Map my run is a good app for tracking runs/walks/hikes/ bike rides. There is a map my walk, map my run, map my ride....they are all exactly the same just with different names.
  20. Butterthebean

    New Foods For My Diet

    You should try posting this in the food and nutrition forum. You might get more responses. As for me, Proteins keep me way more satisfied than any Pasta. Even though brown rice or whole wheat pasta is better than the white versions, it's still way too high in carbs for me. With the limited food intake, I'd rather eat something more nutritious. I've also found that being hungry is not the worst thing in the world. Sometimes I get hungry and other times it's just my brain telling me to eat something, but when I do a true self assessment, I'm not really hungry.
  21. Butterthebean


    Way to go redbean. You're doing great.
  22. Butterthebean

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    See, my problem is...everything I used to eat was killing me. Even in smaller amounts, it would eventually cause me regain, not to mention diabetes. I was living on the fast food diet. I just didn't take the time to cook, or even grocery shop. My kitchen was nothing more than a place to store the pizza boxes that were constantly arriving. And even after I got married to a woman that loved to cook....and reasonably healthy meals, I still supplemented her cooking with frequent stops at Whataburger or wherever else I felt the need. And sadly ate that food and destroyed the evidence before I got home to eat her healthy cooking. I know that has nothing to do with the point of this thread....but rather just with your statement I quoted above.
  23. Butterthebean


    Nah....I've been married so long, I have no self esteem left.
  24. Butterthebean

    Soda And Carbonated Beverages

    I don't personally drink them, but I know some sleevers do. Most prefer to let them get a little flat as the carbonation can be upsetting to our smaller sleeves. At least that's what I've heard. I've had no more than 2-3 sips of Rootbeer since being sleeved. It was a tough thing to give up but actually I haven't missed it. Wish I could say the same for chocolate.
  25. Butterthebean

    Day 16 Post Op

    Hi Tiki. Congrats on your progress. Glad everything is going so well. If you don't mind me saying, be careful of your expectations. The scale will do funny things. Don't let it set you up for disappointment. It will move in spurts. It will slow down. It will stall. It's a dirty lying scumbag. Don't get too invested in it. Instead measure your success in inches lost, and wellness gained. As for your stall....read the link in my sig about stalls. It will explain right where you're at. Good luck and keep up the good work.

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