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Everything posted by Butterthebean

  1. Butterthebean

    Impact Of Pain Medicine On Post Workout Muscle Growth

    I totally get it. I'd rather ache from running than ache from sitting. I've been swimming every other day for the last 2 weeks. I swim like a 1 legged camel. It's not pretty. I swallow a lot of Water. Thank goodness it's calorie free. And it's not aerobic, not yet. At each end of the pool I have to stop and catch my breath. But I can't swim any slower or I'll sink. I'm just waiting for my form and stamina to catch up to my pace so it may become aerobic. But my point is, afterward I don't ache at all. Anywhere. I'm so tired I can barely lift my arms but nothing hurts. Pretty amazing. I can see this being very sustainable long into the future.
  2. Butterthebean

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Watch out. You're turning into a runner. It sneaks up on you.
  3. Butterthebean

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Watch out. You're turning into a runner. It sneaks up on you.
  4. Butterthebean

    Two weeks from Plastics - progress so far

    Dr Izaddoost in Houston.
  5. Butterthebean

    December Fitness Challenge

    You're absolutely right. The VFFs (toe shoes) never leave blisters. I was wearing some new shoes with no socks. And it was hot as hell so I was drenched with sweat. The sweat makes blisters much worse. I caught myself being foolish and impatient. I was trying to up my mileage too fast and new I couldn't do it in my VFFs. I'm desperate to get back to my fitness level before surgery, but I need to give it time.
  6. Butterthebean

    December Fitness Challenge

    Oh yeah I felt this thing. But when you're 3 miles from the trail head you have to get back to the car. You can't quit. And honestly, it hurts more to walk than run.
  7. Butterthebean

    Impact Of Pain Medicine On Post Workout Muscle Growth

    It seems some docs ban NSAIDs forever, and others don't. Kinda like soda. I think they are erring on the side of caution since our stomachs are so small. We can't afford an ulcer.
  8. Butterthebean

    December Fitness Challenge

    7 mile trail run this morning. Only 2 new blisters.....ouch. 18.2 MTD
  9. Butterthebean

    So Down:(

    Who's this girl right here? Cause she's cute.
  10. I think I do well with all of these when things are going well....but when I'm struggling, I can struggle with any if these.
  11. Butterthebean

    Oh Em Gee! Squeeeeeeek!

    I used to have 2 chins. Now I have 1 chin and one turkey waddle. I hate it. It's not as bad as the second chin, but it's not good either. Sorta looks like a chin-gina
  12. Butterthebean

    Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...

    http://mybodygalleryformen.com/ LOL....I'd like to say thanks but I put in my height and weight and no results found. WTF?
  13. Butterthebean

    Please Help Me Wrap My Head Around This...

    Don't they have one of those for men?
  14. Butterthebean

    30-Day Plank Challenge: Who Is In For This One?

    So you and fiddle? I'm gonna do 20 seconds...hang on. Ok....done. Fucked that.
  15. Butterthebean

    If I Had A Known...

    If I only knew then what I know now....I can't decide if I'd be better off or not. I might have just been dangerous.
  16. Butterthebean

    30-Day Plank Challenge: Who Is In For This One?

    Who's the other one?
  17. Butterthebean

    Impact Of Pain Medicine On Post Workout Muscle Growth

    I think it's interesting. My knee jerk reaction is to say if someone needs NSAIDs immediately after exercise perhaps they're over doing it. I can understand taking it for DOMS but that should be outside the 24 hour window they mentioned. Today when I was leaving the gym, I was sitting in my car about to leave and I saw a guy walk out of the gym...he looked like he was in his mid 30s but was walking like he was 90. It was way beyond fatigue. I thought exercise should not make you feel this way. It should leave you fatigued, but also invigorated, refreshed, emboldened. But then I thought how I felt after my long run yesterday and...yep...I looked just like him. Of course, I know I'm over doing it as well.
  18. Butterthebean

    30-Day Plank Challenge: Who Is In For This One?

    I will plank in the name of host solidarity.
  19. Butterthebean

    Post Workout Caffiene Consumption

    Dang fiddle, I typed a long response to this and the website crashed and lost it. Lets see if I can remember everything. Very interesting. I see alot of runners at races downing coffee pre race. But never post race. I suspect if they knew of this study they certainly would be drinking it by the camelbak full. I do have a couple of concerns. First is this experiment was done on highly trained triathletes. I dare say their physiology is different than most people here on the forum....especially their sugar burning capabilities. The increased blood glucose and insulin would worry me....being insulin resistant. Second, the amount of caffeine was extreme, and I wonder what affect that much caffeine would have over someone who is more caffeine sensitive....and on a regular basis (as opposed to the one time trial they did in that study). I am not terribly sensitive to caffeine but my wife is extremely sensitive. One cup of coffee in the afternoon will keep her up all night. I suspect if she took the amount of caffeine they discussed in the trial, and on a regular basis, she'd suffer from chronic lack of sleep which would likely lead to fatigue and possible increased hunger (doesn't fatigue make alot of us hungry?). I wonder if the fatigue and extra eating would negate any gains from the glycogen storage advantage. I have no idea, just thinking out loud and suggesting that maybe that study isn't completely definitive. Do you see crossfitters drinking coffee post workout? On another note, I had an interesting conversation with a guy the other day, who insisted runners could not run without carbs ....that we needed to intake and burn so many calories an hour. He also does crossfit and I asked him which burned more calories....an hour of running or an hour of crossfit. He said crossfit....to which I said "aren't most crossfitters eating paleo or something similar?" I thought I made a pretty good point.
  20. Butterthebean

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    I think so too. There has to be a difference in the my feeling of satiety and someone else who can leave 2 pieces of bacon on their plate. I can always find room for 2 pieces of bacon.
  21. Butterthebean

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    So I've been meaning to respond to this thread all day, but I got sidetracked. Is it too late cause I have more to share. RJ...my wife would agree with you. She comes from a rather large and highly dysfunctional family. I was going to write about their dysfunction, but not sure it matters to this thread now. But as to my brother....when I say I disconnected from family....I mean the bonds of shared DNA mean almost nothing to me. I decided long ago that if someone won't treat me with honesty, respect and decency....I don't need them in my life. Blood relatives are no exception. I wouldn't have a friend in my life who would steal from me....who would deny his parental rights of his two kids....who would steal from his mother who lay dying in the hospital of cancer, and then profit from her death. Just because that person shares the same gene pool with me doesn't mean I can excuse or accept that behavior. Perhaps that makes me a cold fish. But on the other hand I'd give the shirt off my back to any friend in need. They don't have to be blood related.
  22. Butterthebean

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    Yes he has his own demons. As I turned to food he turned to drugs. And we both detached ourselves from family completely....including each other.
  23. Butterthebean

    Compulsive Overeating

    Yep...another one of those assumptions that became "common knowledge" without any basis of truth.
  24. Butterthebean

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Don't fret. That is a fault with the program. Very few people can run the speed they assume when you're first starting out. Perhaps if we were young and already in shape we could, but not us bigger runners. Just run the speed you can maintain and don't worry about how fast or slow you are. You will gradually get faster but it's important to build your aerobic base first. Trying to add speed too soon can lead to injury. I waited till I had been running 10 months before I tried any speed work. But honestly, when I did running ceased being fun and became a chore. I enjoy it too much to ruin it. I am still getting faster but my goal is really to increase distance not speed.
  25. Butterthebean

    The Uncomfortable Truth....

    One thing I do want to say....yes my mother should have never had children. I know because she told me so on countless occasions...every time she got angry she let me know what a mistake I was. I won't go into all the details, but here's what bugs me. My brother and I were both victims of her uncontrolled anger and frustration, and his eating habits were as bad as mine. And yet he has never weighed more than 170 pounds in his life. Why? The man could live on fruit loops and not gain weight. I hate him.

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