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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by BenisaMartim4

  1. Just noticed that my ticker said 14 days til VSG. Wow, 14 days! It's taken a long time to get here. Everything appears to still be on go, but still keeping everything crossed

  2. So, this morning my oldest son (autistic) pick up my bra, puts it over his eyes and says, " Mom, this is kinda like 3D glasses." I just laughed and said, "it three D alright (DDD)." Lol, never know what we will say :0)

  3. I baked four dozen cookies for school teachers today and ended up eating three of them myself. Bad mama! I sure did do a good job though..lol. :0)

  4. I lost my 6 Christmas pounds last week + another 2.5 this week. I am also amazingly pain free. What in the world is going on with me?!?!

  5. I lost my 6 Christmas pounds last week + another 2.5 this week. I am also amazingly pain free. What in the world is going on with me?!?!

  6. Well it is official..knee surgery for me. I am scheduled for arthoscopic exploratory a week from Friday. He said after a bit if scraping and vacuuming, I should be as good as new..almost 

  7. Well it is official..knee surgery for me. I am scheduled for arthoscopic exploratory a week from Friday. He said after a bit if scraping and vacuuming, I should be as good as new..almost 

  8. The Hubby and I went to the country auction tonight. I LOVE IT! ya just never know what you will leave with. Especially if you are me. Tonight I almost come home with an extra child. Sad, but true. We live in the Podunk South.

  9. Surgery date moved from Dec. 6 to Feb. 14, 2012. Good luck December sleevers!

  10. I just talked to Anthem and they said my doctor's office eneceated the approval process on Oct. 26. He said they usually tell people to give them 15-30 days to finish, but that mine was already in coding and it should be finished this week! He said that they had my surgery date set for Dec. 6, so it looked like everything was fine. I'm getting really excited. I hope it all comes through good :0)

  11. My surgery is in 7 days; my Aunt Flo has been here for two days and she been trying to make me buy chocolate covered strawberries the whole time. I just want to cry

  12. Still waiting. My nerves are on edge. They need to hurry up. I don't know any reason why they would, but it the deny me I'm gonna freak. If I have it done before the end of the year, I don't have to pay for it. I hope they wouldn't deny me just so I would have to pay them more. AGGGHHH!!!! I'm going nuts!

  13. My Hubby bought me a Gold's Gym elliptical trainer at the flea market Saturday for $50! Now if I can just get over this fibro

  14. Got to file my taxes today and I spoke with both the ins. and the dr.s office yesterday. Maybe things are getting ready to improve for me * fingers and toes {and eyes if it will help..hehe} crossed*

  15. I'm down 42# and have made a good step into Twooterville at 292.1# Yay 

  16. Hi everyone! I've been MIA for a few days, but here is the run down. I am two weeks out and down 17.5# post-op, 40# in total. I am feeling well and drinking great. I have had a wonderful week and am LML 

  17. I bought four six-packs of isopure at a salvage store in our area today. I paid a grand total of $7.50 for everything. What a steal!

  18. Ugh, I got another set of X-rays on my hip Friday; they still say it's not broken. Got a cortisone shot in the hip joint (also one in my rotator cuff) but, it didn't work. I've had fractures before; think I'm gonna have to go get a bone scan. This is killing me!

  19. Lost another 3#...down 81# as of this morning. YAY! Century Club here I come.

  20. Had to take my littlest one to the doc today. A few chest x-rays later, they tell us he has pneumonia again (10+x). Also found out his eardrums are scarred 

  21. I have everything finished. Having a bit of a runaround between the doctor's office and the insurance company, but my tentative surgery date has been set for Dec. 6. Here's to hoping everything goes well and quickly!

  22. I was telling my husband's sisters and mother about you the other day because your starting size was the same as I am. My MIL looked me up and down and said, "you will never be a size 8." I just chuckled and said probably not (admittedly I am large boned and did look thin in a 16). But after I got to thinking about it, I got hot. I think I would ride an elliptical to hell and back just to prove her wrong. Maybe I need to put that on my bucket list..lol. Come on Feb.!

  23. I'm slipping into a funk. My nerves are bad enough already, I don't need them jerking me around over this approval. Just tell me yes or no so I can get on with my life. I have probably developed another co-morbidity or two just from the stress. I need this surgery. I want a better life!

  24. WatcIng "The 12 Dates of Christmas," on ABC Family. Romantic..ahhh:0)

  25. I got a letter from my insurance company requesting "additional information" on my condition to determine "if your plan covers the requested services." this is a bunch of baloney! They know my plan covers it and that I qualify. They just don't want to pay up.

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