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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BenisaMartim4

  1. BenisaMartim4

    3M3W3D Update!

    Congrats to you girl! You look great :0)
  2. BenisaMartim4

    Goodbye 11 Lbs

    Congrats  Sent from my iPhone using VST
  3. BenisaMartim4

    Finally - 8 Week Stall Is Over! (I Hope!)

    WooHoo!! Congrats on breaking out of stall prison. Hope you can make a full on run for Onederland now. Run, Mini Run! :0D
  4. BenisaMartim4

    Holy Wrist Bones!

    Isn't it great! I can see my wrist and collar bones. What a beautiful sight! Congrats to you. Here's to further success in our anthropology project...digging up bones :0)
  5. BenisaMartim4

    Feeling Full

    I am 8 weeks out and I have that feeling. I always say it feels like a rock in my chest. Now I can take about three drinks of liquid at once before I get that feeling and It goes away pretty fast. When I eat though, it is a completely different story. I can only hold about two table spoons of food before the rock shows up. It takes a long time for it to go away then.. and if I take one more bite or even swallow what is left in my mouth, I WILL throw it back up. I spit out a lot of food. I have a very tight restriction.
  6. BenisaMartim4

    Massive Migraine After Hard Wourkout

    Does Exercise Trigger Your Migraines?. By Jeanie Lerche Davis WebMD Health News Reviewed by Jacqueline Brooks, MBBCH, MRCPsych July 2, 2001 -- If exercise sets off your migraine headaches, here's a tip. Warm up -- go for a leisurely walk -- for 10 minutes before starting any strenuous exercise. According to a new study, it might just prevent those horrendous, delayed-reaction headaches from ever occurring. "We speculate that if one warms up slowly before engaging in intense exercise, it will prevent the headaches -- much better than taking drugs," says study author João Araújo e Sá, MD, MSc, neurologist at the Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra and researcher at the Institute of Biomedical Research of Light and Image in Coimbra, Portugal. His study shows that women prone to migraines already have high levels of a chemical called nitric oxide in their bodies. And sudden bursts of exercise -- even for as little as 30 seconds -- seem to release even more nitric oxide into the migraine sufferer's bloodstream. The study compared 21 women prone to migraines and 12 women who don't get the headaches by having them perform intense bicycling for 30 seconds. The findings: 11 of the migraineurs (52%) got headaches between four and five hours after the exercise, while none of the other women did. Nitric oxide levels were measured both before and after exercise. Even before exercising, women in the migraine group had nitric oxide levels that were higher than the other women. Those levels increased by an average of 20% after intense exercise, while the nonmigraine group had only a 14% increase in nitric oxide. "Nitric oxide may be an important triggering mechanism in migraine," Sá tells WebMD. "It is not the only mechanism, but perhaps it starts here." This information could lead to new drugs that prevent nitric oxide release, he says. Nitric oxide is a chemical that the body produces naturally for a number of functions -- to protect the heart, stimulate the brain, and kill bacteria. But overproduction of nitric oxide has been linked with onset of Alzheimer's disease and with migraines. Nitric oxide causes blood vessels to dilate -- and blood vessel inflammation has long been associated with migraines. Sá advises women "to perform a nice warm-up before exercising. We ask them to gradually increase heart rate for about 10 minutes -- to take a slow walk. This seems to prevent the sudden burst of nitric oxide and onset of migraines." He is currently conducting further studies of this theory. "We've known that nitric oxide was involved in migraines, but little has been known about why it is released or the role it plays in migraine -- whether it simply dilates the blood vessels or whether it also affects nerve cells that cause pain," says Alan Rapoport, MD, director and founder of The New England Center for Headache in Stamford, Conn. "They've found a mechanism that may be contributing to headaches," he tells WebMD. "I don't think it shows us that only nitric oxide causes these headaches, but it may be one of the contributing factors. I'd like to see more studies of this." © 2001 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved.
  7. I am 8 weeks out and have much of the same problems. My doc just keeps telling me to hang in there, I am doing great. I have had IV infusions 6 times. He has put me on Previcid two times a day and Carafate four times a day. He said much of the pain and nausea/vomiting was from acid. Also you get trapped in a cycle. If you are sick, you do not drink and if you do not drink, it will make you sick. Dehydration triggers nausea/vomiting also. They told me, at this point they didn't give a flip if what I drank was sugar free or not, as long as I was drinking. I have sweet tea or Gatorade every day. The tea stays down, but not always the Gatorade; it burns and comes back up often. I just try to stay hydrated the best I can, any way I can. My intake is about 24-32oz of fluid and maybe 20g of protein. I do not get hungry, but I do feel like I am starving myself to death. I just do the best I can and try not to worry too much. What good would it do me anyway. What's done is done. I just have to learn to deal with it now...whatever my hand may be. Hope you find some relief soon. Just try to drink what you can. Don't worry about food right now. As a matter of fact, they told me to stop eating all together. The NUT said it was better to take a rest from food altogether than to eat and throw up at every meal. The throwing up swells the sleeve and makes it even harder to get anything in. She told me to do liquids of any kind (hot, cold, sweetened) for a week to let it rest. Then to easy back into food, but not to push it. Hydration always out ranks eating. You might want to try some sweetened tea. It is on the BRATT diet (banana, rice, applesauce, tea, toast) that doctors put people on when they have nausea/ vomiting. I have much experience with it. I had hyperemsis in all four of my pregnancies and the doc made me live on it for months. I still lost 70# during my last pregnancy.
  8. BenisaMartim4

    Just Curious

    I don't believe there is an average. It swings wildly from person to person. I gained weight while I was in the hospital. Then lost it, then gained it back and lost it again 3 more times ( while I was back and forth to the clinic having IVs.) I lost 36# during that first little bit, but it was the same 6-8# over and over. I thought it would never stop! Now at 8 weeks out, the scale has finally stayed in one direction for awhile. I am down 58# and people say I am ahead of the curve now. So I believe anything less than you went in is good. You just never know what hand you will be dealt.
  9. Well it is official..knee surgery for me. I am scheduled for arthoscopic exploratory a week from Friday. He said after a bit if scraping and vacuuming, I should be as good as new..almost 

  10. Well it is official..knee surgery for me. I am scheduled for arthoscopic exploratory a week from Friday. He said after a bit if scraping and vacuuming, I should be as good as new..almost 

  11. BenisaMartim4

    Staples? Drain Removal?

    I was glued with my VSG, but I had staples with my C-Section. They didn't hurt coming out. As far as the drain tube, I lucked out. My doc did not give me one. Sent from my iPad using VST
  12. BenisaMartim4

    Concerns About Pain

    I walked something like 8 miles while I was still in the hospital. The pain was not bad to me at all. Sent from my iPad using VST
  13. BenisaMartim4

    Sleeved 4/4/12

    If you are still really sick, you might want to try some no sugar added real juice pops. Edy's makes some small ones. They have been a lifesaver for me. I have had complications and many days that was the only calories I took in. You can also buy diet ginger ale. Put it in your shaker with ice and shake it flat. The ginger will help calm your stomach to. Sent from my iPad using VST
  14. BenisaMartim4

    So Excited

    Way to go! Congrats Sent from my iPad using VST
  15. Weight before: 335# Day of: (2/14/12) 317# Current: 278# Weeks out: 7 weeks Weight loss: 57# Inches lost: 36" Went from a 3X to XL From a size 28 to 22 Sent from my iPad using VST
  16. Way to go! That is great news girl. Keep up the good work  Sent from my iPad using VST
  17. BenisaMartim4

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    I'm in. I'll be conservative and say 15#. My surgery was 2/14 and I'm down (counting pre-op) 57#. I figure it will start slowing down soon, especially because I do not exercise. I have got to see the doc tomorrow about my knee injury...possible surgery. Still excited though! SW 278 CW 278 GW 263 Sent from my iPad using VST
  18. I am 7 wks out today and have lost a total of 50#. I have also lost 21 inches this month, for a total of 36 inches. That is a whole 3 feet..YIKES! I have had many setbacks, but still continuing slowly but surly. I still do not feel the best, but all in all I am pleased Sent from my iPhone using VST
  19. BenisaMartim4

    I Finally Wear "normal Sized" Clothes!

    Woo-hooCongratsI can't wait to be there too Sent from my iPad using VST
  20. BenisaMartim4

    Any Regrets?

    I have had a lot of issues to deal with and several set backs too. As I write, I am sitting here hooked to any IV. But my opinion on the surgery is: I was dying before and now I am getting healthier. I was crippled with pain and now I can walk. I was on 21 meds and now it is 5. I weight 42# less than when I started. My surgery was Valentine's day and I have lost 24# of it since then. I have also taken off the extra 30# they have pumped on me in IVs and steroids this month. So, I guess you can say that I have actually lost 72#, but I only weigh 42# less That was the long way around of saying, no regrets, just lots of losses Sent from my iPad using VST
  21. BenisaMartim4

    Nsv Better Than The Last!

    That is wonderful girl. So proud for you. {It's always nice to see him smile, isn't it} Sent from my iPad using VST
  22. Yay Dooter yougogirl rockthatsleeve {how was that attention?} Sent from my iPad using VST

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
