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Posts posted by Iwant2Bthatgirl

  1. Hi everyone!

    I posted quite a while ago, but just wanted to give an update. I'm 5'1.5'' and started at 264lbs. My surgery was on 6/12 and I'm am now down 59lbs!! Can't wait to get under 200 and into "Onederland!" My weight loss has really slowed lately and I've had several weeks of plateaus (which are NO fun!). I'm ramping up my exercise and working with a trainer, so I think that will help. I've also slacked off a bit on counting my daily Protein intake so I need to get back on that as well. However, I do find if the scale is not moving for me my inches are!

    I am SO happy to have my sleeve. Having this surgery was THE best decision that I've made. :)

    Best wishes to all of my "short sisters!"


  2. I've had 5 surgeries including 2 C-Sections (I labored without pain meds and on pitocin for hours with my first baby). To me, the pain from my sleeve surgery didn't even come close to comparing to that of labor and/or c-section recovery!! I actually didn't even have much gas pain. I was sore and used my pain meds a bit in the hospital (the nurses kept on telling me, "You know, you really can use the pump!" but I just didn't seem to need much). Once I was home I only took my pain meds a handful of times. And, the 4th day after surgery (the day after I was released from the hospital), I walked around Target leaning on a cart for an hour. I have no complaints about my sleeve surgery. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!!

  3. It breaks my heart to read everyone's stories. I have a few similar ones to share.

    I was in 6th or 7th grade and wearing an oversized sweatshirt that was white with reddish-brown spots. I had to talk to my math teacher so I went into his classroom while he was with a class of 8th graders. One of the older boys said mooo and that I looked like a cow. Mind you, I was 130lbs at this point. It's amazing that I remember every detail about that experience because it was 25 years ago. I guess some things just stick with you, especially at that age.

    Fast forward to two summers ago. I was at a local fair and wanted to ride the scrambler with my then 5 year old son. I've never had problems on rides before (especially not the scrambler-types). It took all of my might to climb up into the seat and squeeze myself in. Once I did so, the safety bar wouldn't lock. The carnival guy came up and said, "No, it's not going to work for you." I felt so bad to have to tell my son that we couldn't ride the ride. And I was embarrassed because everyone on the ride and in line saw what had happened.

    Last summer I was at an end of the school year pool party. It was a really hot day and I was chasing my 3 year old twins around and watching my older son swim. A few neighbors and I were talking and one neighbor (and fellow mom) said, "Oh, you went swimming?" And I said, "No." Her response..."That's impressive!" I was dumbfounded that she said that to me. I was totally drenched in sweat (even my hair was wet), but for her to say that that it was impressive? It really left me speechless.

    So happy that I now have my sleeve. I'm already noticing that I don't get overheated and so sweaty outside anymore. I'm encouraged that all of us will have positive stories to share as we continue on our sleeve journeys!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear this -- both that you are having so much pain and that your doctor was so insensitive. Praying for you that your pain goes away and that your doctor takes out the drain asap. It's strange how different doctors have such differing opinions about drains. I didn't have one either and have healed really well. Hang in there!

  5. Thanks for posting these NSVs -- they are encouraging and so fun to read.

    I had my first NSV last week. I was about 2 weeks out from my surgery and realized that I needed to tighten my CPAP straps because they were too big!!

    Hooray! I hope that no longer needing the CPAP will be on of my NSVs down the road. :)

  6. Hi friends,

    So, I'm almost 3 weeks from having my surgery and today is my husband's birthday. We're going to take him out to dinner and our kiddos chose Buffalo Wild Wings. I'm pretty sure (after looking at the menu) that there is really nothing that would work for me to eat there. I'm considering just bringing something with me like yogurt or pureed chicken salad. Either that, or convince everyone to go to a Mexican place where I can get refried Beans (the Mexican place was choice #2). What have you done in a similar situation?

    It's really not about the food (anymore!) and I'm sure I'll enjoy being out with my family, but I'm just wondering if you all might have some advice.


  7. I'm feeling the same way. Today was my first day of purees and I had a scrambled egg with a little bit of cheese for Breakfast (no milk). I ate it all slowly and felt satisfied. I enjoyed a little bit of chicken salad (canned chicken pureed in my food processor) with light mayo for lunch and mashed potatoes (1/4 cup) for dinner. I also had a small piece of mushroom-spinach quiche for a snack as well as liquids and a Protein concoction/shake that I put together. Everything went down well, no issues! Though, I know that I'm still getting acquainted with my new tummy -- every time I eat I wonder how it will feel. :)

    It's strange how having this surgery makes me question when I don't have problems! Hoping it continues (no reflux, etc.) and I'm satisfied with just small amounts from here on out!

    Best to you!

  8. I also had my sleeve on the 12th and am down 25lbs (although 14 of those were from my 2 week pre-op diet). I'll take it, though! I think that I need to go back to weighing weekly, because I've been the same weight for the past 5 days. I so don't want to get back into letting the numbers on the scale discourage me.

    Congrats to you! :)

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