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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lrs

  1. Good for you Stateofzen. Love that name, by the way smile.png.

    Rejoining WW has been good for me. I've lost every week for the 5 since I joined. I have been losing consistently since my pre op liquids, in to banding, and after. But WW gives me the accountability weekly and makes me track food and activity which is key to losing weight. I had my first fill on 12/1 and lost 3 lbs this week! The band is amazing. I went out for lunch yesterday, ordered a small Caesar salad and an individual pizza. I ate the salad, minus croutons, and could only eat two small slices of this thin crust pizza. I used to be able to chow it down. And, I tracked it on my etools. I feel that the band gives me such an edge to keep my points on track. Does your WW leader know you're banded? Mine does and it's not a problem.

    you go girl

    sounds like the band is working

    i can't wait to get to the point where i feel full

  2. Always make sure you're getting LOTS of water...like 60+ oz's every day. That will cause your band to be really tight if you don't. And like the other poster said...go back to liquids for a few days. I'd use an unfill as an absolute last resort but definately keep in touch with your dr. If you can't keep liquids down then definately get a small unfill.

    i had to have an unfill because i was uncomfortable drinking water

    now i feel great but no restriction

    going back in a week and a 1/2 and they may put less in then the fill i first had

  3. Elizabeth, thanks for the information. I definitely relate to this "discomfort with moderate pain" issue if I didn't eat slow enough. It's all a learning experieince. I learned that lunch meat gives me problems but beef or chicken doesn't... how odd... tongue.gif

    all this is very helpful

    i too have pain if eat to fast or take to big a bite

    i know what you mean about a learning experience

    we just have to try our best

    i am getting my 3rd fill tomorrow

    let you know how that goes

  4. Hi everyone: Please can you help me out? I had my surgery 10 days ago and I'm supposed to be on a liquid/mushies diet right now. Unfortunately I experienced no restriction in the band I started to get worried thinking the band may have slipped...I ate 6 glasses of soft desert, two large[!] chocolate bar and, sushi rolls, 4 slices of cheese and felt absolutely no restriction at all. I know I shouldn't have eaten all these things, but I can't believe that with 5cc restriction in my band I can eat this much. Please give me advice. I'm "only" BMI and feel like I'm on the track to gain weight. Should I get a fill now? Please help as soon as possible!


    you will not feel any restriction in the beginning

    you have to do it yourself

  5. I started at 326lbs which is more than most of you it seems. I have lost into the 190's now but my personal goal is 150lbs. I went from wearing a tight 28 to a loose 14 (sometimes a 12). I am much happier now but dont feel that I am done. I went to my Dr this week and he asked about my personal goal. When I told him 150lbs, he said that was unrealistic. He said that I had already passed his goal for me which was 200lbs (70% of excess weight). This upset me. I think that he should motivate me, not tell me to just be happy where I am and try to maintain. Since this visit I have been working out 1-2 a day and going full force. I want to show him that I am not done. I may not reach 150 due to all the excess skin but I will at least reach 175lbs. I am 5'6 tall. Has anyone else had their Dr say this? Keep in mind that I was 326lbs. Congrats to everyone that has reached their personal goals!!

    i am so happy for you you look terrific and you are an inspiration to all

    can you tell me when you felt full and knew when to stop eating

  6. This is a tough question and one that we have all asked at one point in this journey. Just trust in one thing if you continue to have fills and eat the right things you will get in the green zone. It took me 9 months and 6 fills but when you are there it is great. I think i am at 9cc in an 11cc band. Just try your best not to get discouraged and remember this is a life long journey not a sprint. We are all here to support you on this.

    thanks for the encouragement

  7. I totally understand! you and i have the same surgery date, and i too have a ten cc band, after 4 fills i have 6.5cc's and FINALLY feel some restriction. i too was discouraged, and thought i had wasted a lot of money for the same 'ol let down, but that jump from 5.7 to 6.5cc's was just what i needed...you may be close and not even know it, i was. it went from nothing to a lot of difference pretty quickly. keep letting your dr know you're ready. i damn near had a breakdown in the office and sure enough next fill and that wonderful restriction showed up! it will for you too,promise! and then it's game on! now go tell that band "what time it is!"=)

    best of luck!

    can you tell me when you get restriction do you feel full after eatin i have not had that feeling as yet

  8. thak you great information

    but i can't wait to fell restricted haven't as yet

    Hi there, I was just banded in November for the second time; but I have 9 years of experience with an Inamed band (Allergan bought our the Inamed company.) In my experience, almost always, the band tightens up due to stress. Many people tighten up their shoulders from stress; likewise many people tighten up their stomach due to stress. For me, when teaching....during lunchtime, if the other teachers were talking negatively about their students or their day, I had trouble swallowing and could only drink Soup. However, if the atmosphere in the lunch room was calm or positive, I had no trouble eating my regular Protein loaded lunch. Think of when your band tightened.....were you experiencing stress at that time? One way to relieve the stress in the stomach is to drink a warm drink like tea. Alcohol, though not recommended, also does the trick. LOL. Best of luck, Julie G. in Ontario, Canada

  9. everyone is doing so great

    i had my 2nd fill on tuesday they wouldn't put in a full cc becasue it is holdiay and they would be afraid i would get sick

    that stinks but she said i can come back in 2 weeks if i don't feel restricted becasue i haven't as yet

    happy and heathly holidays to all and may next year be a skinny one for all of us.!

    Hello fellow bandster's!!

    I had my 2nd follow up with my Dr. today. Down 11 lbs in 1 month!!! Yayyy! he says I'm right on track, even though I feel like I should be losing more! My last fill was Nov 22nd, he filled me to 4 cc's. i convinced him to tweak it a little bit, which he did. I know have 5 cc's in my band. I just wasn't feeling like I had that much restriction, if I let myself I could really chow down!! Hopefully now i'll have more restriction. Also, I really noticed a hugh difference in my clothes fitiing, I've gone down 2 sizes!! I wish I could say it is all with the help of the band, but its definatly more in our minds, eating the right things and exercising are and will always be the key to our success!! I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy, HEALTHY, New Year!!!

  10. Just wanted to send best wishes to all the October 2011 bandsters!! I'm an October 2008 bandster (my surgery was Oct. 23rd) -- just hit my three year bandiversary and all is well!! I've been under goal for more than a year (I am 5'6 and started at 230 lbs) and maintenance has been easy! I encourage all of you to take your measurements and some "before-ish" photos now if you haven't done that already! Also, I feel like my blog really helped to keep me focused and on track -- it's been a huge source of encouragement and has kept me accountable through the past three years (not to mention that I use it all the time b/c it's a great record of the past 3 years of banded life). I encourage any of you who are interested to start one!

    Best wishes for LOTS of success for all of you!!


    you look fabulous and very familar

    are you from ny

  11. Good luck Lisa! I'm having my second fill on Wednesday. I'm ready because I can still eat a lot if I let myself.


    i can eat most of the time as much as i want

    but on yesterday tried to eat chinese omg ate to fast and my bites were to big

    got stuck it took 2 to 3 hours to feel better and i got sick a few times

    today stomach is a little irritated but ok

    anyone else have this problem

  12. Things have been going very well since I got the timer

    Am eating slow and small amounts and except for thanksgiving I have been real good with no major problems

    Well yesterday afternoon I was eating my lunch late around 3pm , I had a drinkable yogurt and a few pieces of Roast Beef left over from the weekend. I had no problem with the meat on sun night but yesterday …after a few very small very tiny bites I started to feel the pain in my chest

    I immediately stopped eating but it was too late…it took almost 2 hours to clear and finally ended up throwing up a little….i was scared and mad at myself for doing such a dumb thing …but the worst part was that I was at work…went through all of my emergency tissues then keep running to the bathroom because I couldn’t stop the phlegm afterwards my throat hurt and it still does a little …

    This is the part of the band that I hate

    why do you have a timer

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