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LAP-BAND Patients
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About catebobait

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  • Birthday 10/25/1985

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  1. Happy 27th Birthday catebobait!

  2. catebobait

    belly pain

    I called my surgeon's office and I'm still awaiting a call back about this. The pain is located near the port, in almost the center of my abdomen right below my ribcage. It's most prominent when I breathe in. It's not a terrible, unbearable pain, but it's prevalent and just sort of worries me.
  3. Kind of random question here. I'm nearly 3 weeks post-op and am experiencing some stomach pains today much like the ones I felt initially post-surgery...that uncomfortable, "there's a band in there" feeling. I have not eaten today and the last time I ate something was nearly 12 hours ago, so I know I can't be "stuck." I took some Tylenol to alleviate the pain, but there's always that nagging worry that something is going wrong down there. I guess my question is...is it normal to experience this random soreness from your band nearly three weeks after surgery?
  4. catebobait

    I miss food

    I DID eat more before I had the surgery...I gained 20 lbs from eating crap for 2 months and I don't regret it one bit. It was a lot of fun. However, I do not recommend this for everyone because depending on your BMI and your surgeon, some doctors won't do the surgery if you've gained weight.
  5. catebobait

    New Sensations

    Thank you all for your input! I love knowing that I'm not alone when it comes to the weird stuff. I'm now 2 weeks post-surgery and it gets easier and easier to get back into my routine. Once I was allowed soft solid foods again, my body seemed to chill out some. The emotional part has subsided, thank GOD! The only thing that concerns me lately is that I lost 21 lbs in 10 days and have since gained about 7 lbs back (once I started eating solid foods again). I don't understand how this can happen since my calorie intake is sufficiently less than it was prior to surgery, but I'm thinking maybe my body is still in shock from being starved for 10 days and then being fed again, but with significantly less portions than it's used to. I'm not too worried about losing weight...I know it will happen...but isn't that the whole point of the surgery? Ahh!
  6. the SAME thing happened to me the other day. I had surgery the day after you did and felt exactly the same way on day 5...starving but miserable when I "ate" too much. I have found that pouring a SMALL amount (maybe an ounce) of Protein Shake into a glass or sippy cup (which was recommended to me by a nurse to prevent taking in air) and slowly taking in that over a period of about 20 minutes helps. I ate too much the other day...too much protein shake and a few too many bites of SF yogurt....and I was miserable for hours! Last night I ate broth and stopped before I even felt full and that kept me from feeling terrible. I've found that my limit lately is probably an ounce of "food"-like liquids. I can drink more Water than that, but I have to limit myself when it comes to "filling" liquids like broth or Protein shakes. I felt just as frustrated as you do, and I know that I will only feel more frustrated as I learn what I can and can't handle. But this is all a learning experience, I have to keep reminding myself. Try taking in smaller amount of protein shake in greater intervals, and don't forget to NOT drink while you "eat." (I put that in quotation marks because who am I kidding, broth isn't FOOD!) Good luck!
  7. Tomorrow makes it a week since I had the surgery. The third and fourth days were the worst, I think. The most pain I had was from the gas in my left shoulder...it REAAALLY hurt! I haven't even had any pain medication today, and am pretty excited about that. I have not been taking in as much Protein as I should just because I get so full so easily. Tonight I ate maybe an ounce and a half of broth from chicken noodle Soup and 3 hours later, I still feel full. Yesterday I had a little too much of a Protein Drink and light yogurt and felt very full...almost miserable. It's tough because you can't get comfortable when this happens. I would sit down, stand up, walk around, do everything I could, but the full feeling didn't pass for a long time. What a strange sensation, so be full off so little "food" (I will be so glad when I can eat softer foods...even mashed cauliflower sounds like heaven right now!)! I see people who are comfortable with their bands and the types of things they can eat and tell myself not to worry about being "deprived" later on. I know I won't be able to have pizza or anything "fun" like that anymore (which honestly makes me kind of sad, it's like saying goodbye to an old friend, even if the friend was toxic and helped make me fat), but only a week in, I am anxious to eat more filling foods. But how on earth should I expect to eat more solid foods when a teensy bit of broth fills me up? Here is another experience I've had...I am VERY emotional post-surgery and cry at the smallest things. I already have anxiety issues and am on medication for that but even with the medication, I still find myself crying at random times for no real good reason. I think I am just worried about adjusting to "normal" life again...but perhaps the adjustment is the kick in the butt I need to feel "myself" again. Sorry to babble about random things, I've just been lurking for a few days now and figured it was time I registered and got my thoughts out!
  8. Welcome to the Lap Band Talk forums catebobait! Stop lurking and please introduce yourself in our introduction forum! Don't be shy!!! ;-)

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