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Sweet Tooth

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Sweet Tooth

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/25/1947

About Me

  • Biography
    my name is nancy i have three wonderful grandchildren i love to watch 24 and Grey's anatomy my favorite color is purple and i love to read in my spare time
  • Interests
    shopping, reading, grandchildren
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  1. Happy 66th Birthday Sweet Tooth!

  2. Happy 65th Birthday Sweet Tooth!

  3. I created the Six/One Rule. For six days I follow my band rules and on the seventh day I eat what I want. This way I am not depriving myself of foods I know I still want to eat. I hope that helps.

  4. I there...I hope you don't mind if I ask you a question...How do you control your sweet tooth?

  5. Hi there, Is this meeting for lapband people or just anyone with a weight problem come. I had the lapband surgery in Jun and I live an hour away from Richmond and it sure is hard to get to those.
  6. Welcome to the over 60 FatAttack, I was banded in Jun 07 and I am 60. I have lost 26lbs and have had three fills. I am slowing down on my weight lost now, but am working to keep it off and continue to lose. Good Luck on your surgery and keep in touch.
  7. Welcome...where do you get this Isalean? Good luck on your surgery and diet.
  8. Sweet Tooth

    Soon to be banded in Richmond

    Welcome Pretty B...I am from Dinwiddie and was banded on Jun 27 by Dr Batista. I have several friends that have had this and is doing great. You will get hungry, but just hang in there. You will cheat some of the time, but most of the time you will find something to eat that will fill you up. I try to read the VA input once or twice a week. The best think I have found to help with the hungry pains are the protein drinks....Blend the carnation light, with a little ice, one splenda and put a scoop of Protein powder in it. I use the Soy Protein Powder, plain, which has 20 grams of protein. It works for me. Good Luck...
  9. When you say shots...are you talking about a syringe with it in it? Boy that would be cool, because I am so tired of the nasty taste of protein powder. Will try you shake...it sounds great.
  10. Sweet Tooth

    Weight Challenge: Labor Day to Thanksgiving

    Start weight 246 Goal weight 175 Current weight 223 To Goal 48
  11. Sweet Tooth

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Waters...where can you purchase this book? Sounds very interesting with a lot of infomation about lapband. I just tried to eat a peach and it didn't go down at all. I guess I will stick to strawberries and small fruits.
  12. Sweet Tooth

    June 2007 Bandster Calender

    Thanks Heather....this is great....I am trying to get my ticker to work so I can change my weight since I had surgery on 28 Jun. Thanks again
  13. Sweet Tooth

    Pre-Op Binge

    Hey, I have had the same problems with the pre-op diet. I do good one day and the next day I cheat. But not as bad as I use to . I have surgery on Jun 28. I am getting quite nervous, but excited. Good Luck on the 29th. Will look for you when I return from surgery.
  14. Sweet Tooth

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    What is bathroom equipment? Thank you
  15. Sweet Tooth

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Is this a chart of everyone being banded in June. If so add my name for 28 Jun. Thanks

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