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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by aroundhky

  1. aroundhky

    Any Crossfitters In Here?

    Been thinking about doing it for a while now. But the one right down the road from me closed, or maybe it moved, not sure what happened to them. Love doing power cleans.....really gets the heart pumping!
  2. aroundhky

    Favorite Workout Tunes

    I like a little more heavy/metal/grunge kind of stuff while I'm lifting. Not sure if you prefer that or not, I think it makes me a little angry or something and gets my testosterone pumping. : P Danzig, Pearl Jam, Metallica, etc If I'm doing cardio, I can take the music down a level or two.
  3. aroundhky

    Help I Am So Frustrated

    Yep, more cals and more carbs (especially some complex carbs about and hour before you workout). I love a banana or some low/no sugar oatmeal before I workout.
  4. aroundhky

    Hot Dogs & Sausages

    Love me some Butterball Turkey Polska Kielbasas! A good bit of salt as expected, but not as high on calories as hot dogs or regular brats. Also they are really low in fat and have about 25 grams of protein each. I usually eat them on a fork with a little mustard.
  5. aroundhky


  6. aroundhky

    My Boyfriend Left Me

    So sorry to hear that. He obviously wasn't there when you probably needed him most. I hope things improve on the romance side. Maybe channel that anger/negative energy towards exercise or something productive. Hang in there!
  7. aroundhky

    Nectar Protein..

    I got the Isolate/Lemonade, it's ok. It tastes ok. I like the isolate and they also make a lot of products that are Aspartame free. Doesn't mix all that well and can get foamy, so I mix mine in advance, then store it in the fridge until I drink it, by that time, the foam is gone.
  8. aroundhky

    Addicted To Exercise

    Congrats, I know what ya mean! For me, I love that testosterone rush I get from lifting! I'm a bit addicted to it.
  9. aroundhky

    Still thick in the middle...

    Yeah, I'm not buying into you saying that you are worried about your weight. You are looking good! : )
  10. aroundhky

    Carbs And Fat

    On days I lift weights/cardio my ratio is around 35% protein, 40% carbs (complex) and 25% fats (good kind). On days I don't workout it's more like 45/30/25. I basically raise my carbs on days I exercise. But everyone has their own unique situation and sensitivity to carbs.
  11. Hang in there and stay the course. This happens when you add resistance training. You can add a cubic inch of muscle and lose a cubic inch of fat, and you will gain a slight bit of weight since muscle is more dense. But the main thing is, you are losing fat and I'm guessing that's the goal of most people on this board, if not all of them. If so, "body composition" (body fat %) is more important than a number on the scale. You're doing great!
  12. aroundhky

    Hitting The Beach

    I just got back from there myself. Stayed at Sea Isle, but went to Cape May some too. Also spent a day in Atlantic City. I took my protein and made shakes right before I went out to the beach. That would hold me for an hour or two. Then I snacked on protein bars, almonds, peanuts, etc until time to leave. Also took some bottled water, so a cooler would come in handy.
  13. aroundhky

    Anyone From Southwest Virginia?

    Cool! I'm in the Hickory area. You?
  14. aroundhky

    Anyone From Southwest Virginia?

    No, but kind of close. Northwestern NC here.
  15. aroundhky

    3. 144

    You were sexy then too!
  16. aroundhky

    How Can People Not See It?

    From my past experience in noticing other people's weight loss..... sometimes you just don't know how to say it or bring it up in fear of upsetting someone. What one person takes as a compliment, the other may take differently like "so you are saying I was fat before???" or something like that. So maybe people want to compliment you, but just don't know how to say it? For me, the people that have mentioned it, I try to just say thanks and I'm human, so I'm glad they noticed because I knew I was way overweight before. "Butterbean"... I'm guessing if you've lost 40+ pounds, they've noticed. : )
  17. aroundhky

    What To Eat Post Work Out?

    Protein, especially if you did resistance training. And you can get away with some carbs right after a really tough workout and it will actually help you recover....good time for carbs if you've been wanting them.
  18. aroundhky

    Excess Skin?

    I had some slightly sagging skin a few months ago after the rapid weight loss, but I can't tell that I have any now. I think the muscle building back up and the skin (elasticity) meeting it halfway has helped me.
  19. Hang in there! You'll be glad you did. You just have to figure out if you want enough to jump through the hoops. It's very frustrating, but in the end, I'm sure you'll be glad you stayed the course.
  20. aroundhky

    2 months prior to surgery

    That's a good approach on the "package" comment! Happy Belated Birthday!!!!
  21. Congrats! Makes you look taller!
  22. That's the first place I went to when I first started thinking about having the surgery. Make sure that you ask for everything required and all costs that you can expect. I ended up not being really happy with them and went elsewhere. Some of that's my fault for being naieve. But I also don't feel they were completely up front with me on all that was required or at least understanding of me being new to the process and being thorough with me. Not saying they are deceitful, just not sure they are aware of how much information overload it is to use prospective patients and making sure they are clear on all of the details.
  23. aroundhky

    2 months prior to surgery

    So.... you've looked great all along! : )
  24. aroundhky

    Sleeve Stretching

    The way my Dr told me was this.............. "Your sleeve should not stretch, but it will become A LITTLE more accomodating for food over time. Meaning, like an old shoe does after it's been broken in, it doesn't really stretch, but it is a little less rigid and you're able to fit more socks (a little more food) onto your feet and still get into the shoe." It took me a second to catch what he was saying, but it made perfect sense to me. I'm almost 7 months out and I started noticing this around 4-5 months for me, but still far less than I could eat before the sleeve.
  25. aroundhky


    On days I exercise...... about 60-80. On days I don't exercise.......no more than 40. For me, carbs can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on 1-type of carb (whole grains and slow digesting carbs are better than simple or processed carbs) and 2-when they are consumed. I eat my slow digesting carbs (beans, brocolli, nuts, etc) around my workouts. But everyone has their own unique sensitivity or lack of sensitivity to carbs. Try to find out what works best for you in consideration of your nutritionists guidelines and go from there.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
