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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by electronicart

  1. electronicart

    First Fill Tomorrow

    Cool-e-o! I am ready for the liquid diet, all stocked up on broth, protein drinks, jello and popsicles. I've been mad at myself for getting off track the past week or so. Its time to get with the plan! We can do this thing!
  2. Well, tomorrow makes six weeks since I was banded and I am scheduled for my first fill. I know I will have two days of liquid diet and then solid food with a fill. So, let me ask you, what was your experience? I know I have challenges ahead of me, mostly slowing down and chewing my food. What helped you the most? I feel good, but, have been both nervous and excited about getting the first fill. This past week, I have caught myself stress eating, which is my weakness. I also have eaten things with bread because I have heard so much about not being able to eat soft bread once you begin getting fills. I know thats a good thing, because I need the restriction, I would never do it without the help of the band. Thanks in advance, Jackie O.
  3. electronicart

    Before and After Photos

    Thanks for sharing! You inspire me.
  4. I've been banded five weeks and have not lost any weight since the second week in. I get my first fill next week. For me, its easy to forget about the band. I have had a good recovery and am able to eat just about any kind of food. Old habits rear their ugly head on occasion. I'm a stress eater and as we all know, there is A LOT to be stressed about! Everyday, I wrap my head around the process a little bit more. One of the biggest factors in my journey was the nutritionist looking me square in the face and tell me what I need to eat. No more "what I don't need to eat". I need Protein, I need veggies, I need Vitamins, etc. Reading the message board helps. I get to see that there are people out there just like me. We have good days, and sometimes bad days. Hope for more good days than bad. Don't beat yourself up, that won't help. (I know because I have a lot of experience in that, ha) I know LapBand surgery is not the complete answer, but, it gives me motivation. I spent a lot of money and time getting here and I'm not going back. I'm exercising, drinking Water, eating healthier and I'm ready for a change. So, keep going! If what you are doing isn't working, do something different. Food diaries are great. You can look back and see exactly what you have taken in.
  5. Just made a weight loss signature. Hope it works! I was banded on September 29th. Can't wait to get my first fill November 10th.
  6. electronicart

    Finally banded & Feeling good!

    Congratulations! Glad surgery went well for you. A couple of down days on the couch and you should be moving around well. Don't forget to take in a lot of fluids! ...and Gax X, ha.
  7. Hey everyone, I'm almost five weeks post op and I get my first fill November 10th. It cannot get here soon enough! My surgery went smoothly and in the first couple of weeks I lost 14lbs. As I have healed, so has my appetite. Since I haven't had an adjustment, the band is wide open and I can eat all kinds of foods. For the most part, I've made good food choices, getting a lot of Protein, staying away from junk food, etc. Still, I feel stressed and alone a lot of the time. At times, I eat too much. Old habits rear their ugly heads, like eating when I'm stressed. Is this normal? What is your best advice for me? Do I need to prepare for the fill in any way? I began exercising last Monday and have kept it up. (30 minutes/4 days a week) Thanks in advance:)
  8. electronicart

    Support needed from the Bandsters

    The nutritionist told me that Protein is the key. I have a Protein Drink in the morning and afternoon. It really helps with the hunger. She said ALWAYS begin with protein. Still, thats easier said than done. She also says slow down and chew. Its easy to forget. If you are two weeks post-op, you should be on mushy foods. I made vegetable soup with ham and puree'd it. It wasn't pretty, but, it was delicious.
  9. electronicart

    Support needed from the Bandsters

    Thank you for your support! Love the part about having surgery on my stomach, not my brain! I tell people that I think my brain is hungry! Congratulations on your weight loss! Jackie
  10. electronicart

    Personal Inspiration

    I am only three weeks post-op and have not had my first fill. So, I'm getting hungry now but do my best to make good decisions every day. I realize I can no longer live to eat, and now must eat to live. What keeps me inspired is the person I am slowly becoming....the person that can walk up the stairs without panting, the person that puts on pants she hasn't worn in years and they zip. I turned 50 this year and have decided its MY time. There are so many things I want to do that I haven't been comfortable doing in years. Its a new life for me. Down 14lbs 1st Fill November 10 My turn....
  11. electronicart

    7 days post op

    My doctor/nutritionist had me on liquids for five days, then creamy liquids for seven days. (includes thin mashed potatoes, oatmeal, yogurt, etc.) At my week check up I asked him if I could have an egg. He said yes. I have tried to stay on the puree'd portion of the program, but, have been eating soft chicken, rice and vegetables. I just chew it well. As far as the shoulder pain, had that too! The doctor told me it had to do with the hernia repair. It has gotten better!
  12. I think my brain is just hungry! Since I've been banded, I have moments when physically I am not hungry. Still, I think about snacking, especially at night. If I do, I make sure its only a small handful of Snacks. Sometimes I just tell myself I'm not hungry, I just think I am. Old habits are hard to break, but, do-able!!!
  13. electronicart

    protein help

    Syntrax Nectar (vitaminshoppe.com) There are several flavors and one scoop has 32 grams of protein. Its not gritty or clumpy and it is delicious!
  14. Popsicles, Jello, chicken and/or Beef broth (all sugarfree) Plus, Gas X! My nutritionist/doctor let me have Syntrax nectar. (vitaminshoppe.com) It has 32 grams of Protein per serving Good Luck to you!!!
  15. electronicart

    How's everyone doin?

    I was banded September 29th . I was out of energy the first week. Today and two and a half weeks, I am feeling great! Of course I am getting hungry and tired of mushy food, but, I know it will be worth it in the long run. Cannot wait until my first fill on November 10th!
  16. electronicart

    One Year Ago Today

    As I sit here eating my puree'd vegetable soup, you inspire me. I'm two and a half weeks post op. Congratulations!!
  17. electronicart


    Hey, I was banded September 29th. Surgery is never pleasant, but, I can honestly say mine was not bad at all. Surgery was at 9 am and I was on my way home before noon. I took it easy Thursday-Sunday, pain pills, popcycles, chicken broth and a lot of sleep. I went back to work on Monday. I feel better than ever today, Wednesday. I'm on creamy foods like soupy mashed potatoes, yogurt, pudding. One of the best things I bought is Syntrax nectar Protein drink mix. You can get it at the Vitamin Shoppe. It has 23 grams of protein per scoop and tastes delicious. My nutritionist said I could begin drinking it the first day. My shoulder has been sore, sometimes my chest feels sore too. But, no problems from my stomach. Just a lot of gurgling, ha. Overall, I feel great. I am so happy to be post-op, it is stressful. But thats normal. I got on the scale for the first time today. I'm down nine pounds. I'm sure being on a liquid diet contributed to the loss! Good luck to you! Keep the faith!
  18. I was banded September 29th . I was nervous up until a few days before surgery. I began to get excited. My surgery was a breeze, spent a couple of days on the couch and slept a lot. Now, I'm five days in, I am going by all the post-op rules and feeling good overall. So far I can say it was worth it. I researched LapBand surgery and knew it is right for me. Now, if you truly believe its right for you, go for it.
  19. I had my LapBand surgery September 29th. When I woke up afterwards, it was with new eyes. I slept most of the weekend and was back at work Monday. So, I'm learning how to sip and chew Vitamins and drink Protein drinks. I'm excited about my future. Before surgery there were a lot of "what ifs". But, now that I'm banded, the focus has turned to following my nutritionist's plan for me. I began to get a little hungry on the fifth day and got to have some thinned out sweet potatoes. (Yum) Every journey begins with one step and I have stepped over the line to a healthier life!
  20. electronicart

    stuff to take to the hospital???

    Well, tomorrow is THE day! I'm taking my pillow, comfy slippers, soft pants/shirt, Gas X and my chapstick.
  21. electronicart

    Emotional & goodbyes

    Ditto....less than 40 hours to go before surgery.....goodbye to the old me, hello to the girl that is screaming to get out.
  22. electronicart

    October Bandsters!!!

    Getting my Lap Band this Thursday, September 29th I've been on the Sugar Buster's diet for almost two weeks. So far, I've been pretty good. Had a weak moment over the weekend and ate a piece of fried chicken. As far a sweets go, there are lots of sugarfree candies that have taken the place of all the sweet treats I use to eat. I am ready.
  23. Hey, Good luck with everything! Sounds like you are on the right track! Once your doctor submits ALL the paperwork to your insurance it usually takes just a few days. In my case my doctor's office contacted me. I had to resubmit the paperwork, the regular jumping through hoops, ha. I was approved a few days later. Scheduled for Thursday, whoo hoo!!!! Ready to begin my new life!
  24. electronicart

    September Bandsters

    I hope everything goes great for you tomorrow!!! I am scheduled for Thursday, the 29th. Take Care!
  25. electronicart

    Thursday morning is the big day

    Good Luck!!! Hope all goes great.

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