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Everything posted by StewsHunnyBunny

  1. StewsHunnyBunny

    Had my 1st Post-Op Appointment today!

    I dunno why I am not having any issues with foods.. the only bad thing that has happened to me was when I tried Pasta.. I ended up in pain from that.. but everything else I have had no problems.. Don't get me wrong.. I am glad that I am not having problems, but at the same time, I am questioning the fact that I do not have an issues.. lol I know.. I am a dork.. lol but I am worried that I will pack on pounds if I am not having issues and I can eat. I dunno.. guess I should just turn it over to God.. I know it is hard for me to allow God to take the reins at times.
  2. Enjoyed my dinner!! Looking forward to this weekend! Going to be going to Southern Indiana for a family reunion!! I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!

  3. Well, I had band placed on August 31, 2011 and according to the papers I was given, I am still supposed to be on "full liquids". I was getting very down and depressed and had the craving to CHEW. I just wanted to chew something, and popsicles, and icee pops were not working. So I bumped myself up to pureed foods. I tried it and it did not cause me any issues, so I have pretty much stayed there. My 1st post op appointment is on the the 13th of September and I am a little worried that my Doctor is going to be unhappy of what I have done, but my family has said to do what my body will allow... My mom tells me to treat my belly like it is a new baby and starting it on foods for the 1st time. So that is what I have been doing. I do still use the "full-liquids", as some foods are not very happy for me to eat. (found that out the hard way). I have not thrown-up, but I have had that over full feeling like I ate a HUGE meal (Thanksgiving dinner feeling). I have all sorts of funky feelings going on inside... but I have just attributed them to normal for being this soon after surgery. I do know, however that getting hunger pangs don't feel good at all. It is not like, "drop me to the floor" ouch.. but they hurt. Also I get cramps from time to time on my left side.. much like the cramps you get when you drink Water and then walk or run.. don't know if that makes sense.. lol I get shoulder pains from time to time as well. Also once in awhile I get pain in my diaphram area. Hurts to breath in... I was told that is from the band. Hope that goes away for good soon.. I do not like that feeling... I would hate to make trips to the ER for fear of a heat attack and it be from the band... I am really looking forward to being able to get back to using my Wii Fit... OH there is one other thing.. Why do I always feel like I have to burp? I don't have to.. but my body goes through the motions as if I were going to and then.. nothing.... it does cause some discomfort. I think that I have hit everything... I think.. I am up for this journey, and I have a long way to go.. pre-op I was 297, I am now 287 post-op, and I want to get to 150. So my path to walk is a long one, but going to do it!!! Thanks Shell-
  4. StewsHunnyBunny

    Had my 1st Post-Op Appointment today!

    OH I FEEL AMAZING!! :Dancing_biggrin: THANKS!!!!! :thumbsup:
  5. Getting ready to have my dinner.

  6. StewsHunnyBunny

    Pity, party of one.......

    Oh my goodness.. I hope as soon as your Doc takes some Fluid out you can heal right and be on better terms with your band. I feel so bad for you. it breaks my heart. No one should have that much hardship with the band.. I will keep you in my prayers.
  7. StewsHunnyBunny

    I bumped up.. is that so wrong?

    @ Sistersue. WOW I have to say I hear what you are saying!! I have found that sweets are not so exciting anymore. I am not craving pop, ice cream, cake, Cookies, and such anymore. Also, I am not thrilled about chips, breads, popcorn and the like either. I LOVE IT! I would much rather eat steamed broccoli, Brussels sprouts and other veggies over all that.. I am craving fruits as well... I had my follow up today, and the Doctor said that I am doing great! I have lost 11lbs. and he said no fill needed at this time. I am to come back in 4 more weeks. So on the 18th of October I go back (unless I am still loosing then I can push it out further he said). He approved me to move onto pureed and soft foods. He said that everything looks great and I even told him all the stuff I did with my trying foods and he said that was fine. Today I had my 1st "real" lunch and I ate 3oz. of food and I am still not hungry and it has been over 2 hours now. I am in such a super good mood today!!! *doing a happy dance*:bananapowerslide:
  8. StewsHunnyBunny

    I bumped up.. is that so wrong?

    SLD21.. I am glad to hear from you! I try stuff and if I have an issue I stop. I am mostly doing full liquids again, and I plan to stick to that till Wednesday, when I can switch to pureed foods for real. I am trying REALLY HARD to "blow off" the growling and the pain the growling gives me.. it is not easy, but I have been doing it. I do eat (drink) stuff that is healthy.. Right now I am enjoying a V-8 type drink. I am missing out on the fresh veggies from the garden though, and that makes me sad. I am a little nervous about my visit to my Doctor tomorrow... it is my 1st one and I dunno what is going to happen.. I see where others put it was their 1st fill, so I am guessing that will be the same for me... :/ I plan on working hard to stick to the plan.. but at times.. I just have to try.. It that makes me bad.. well then I guess I am bad then lol Hoping to jump this 10lb hump that I am on... I have only lost 10.. BUT I have not GAINED ANY!!
  9. Taking my dog, and going for a walk

  10. I wish I could just get into a rhythm here...

  11. Hello fellow Buckeye! I see you and I had our banding about the same time! Good luck on your journey and I am sure you will do great!

  12. StewsHunnyBunny

    I bumped up.. is that so wrong?

    I know what you mean!! I have seen other peoples posts and seen what they have or have had for a eating schedule and I am at a loss on that one. I think that my Doctor has me on a very strict eating plan, and that if fine.. but I have found that I have to try other things to get past some feelings. I am not eating solid foods at all, but I do eat pureed foods from time to time. I am really trying to stick to the full liquids, but it is hard at times. I am also having trouble getting in all the water that I a supposed to get in. I am not sure which is right.... when I was in the hospital and post-op, just after I was only allowed a sponge on a stick dipped in water to suck on. I was not allowed ice chips till the next day later in the afternoon, and then right before discharge I was allowed jello and chicken broth. For two days I was on clears and then for over a week I am on full liquids.. I am supposed to start pureed foods on the 14th. I can soft foods on the 28th and then in October on the 5th I can start solid foods. As for you cheating... I say no, if you are following what your Doctor told you to do and you are not having any issues, and still loosing...
  13. StewsHunnyBunny

    I bumped up.. is that so wrong?

    Had my soup.. now I am back to water till dinner time.. Good times good times.
  14. I have looked at all your pics and I have to say.. I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! You look amazing! I am still so impressed with your journey and how well you did! I can only hope that I am as blessed as you have been. You are an inspiration!!

  15. I too seem to have times that I eat way too fast. It lets me know pretty darn quick. I have found that I can not eat and watch TV. I have to set at the dinning room table and eat. For this.. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my DVR! lol I have been a "food Inhaler" for MANY years and it is a really hard habit to break... BUT I know that we can both do it!! We are better than that old habit!!
  16. I got into a pair of capri's today that I could not fit into pre-op!! HOOORAH!! *giggle*

  17. Blended Hot and Sour soup for lunch. :)

  18. StewsHunnyBunny

    I bumped up.. is that so wrong?

    I feel the same way. I do not want to be "*****-footed" around, but I do not want to be chastised and drawn and quartered either... Tell me the truth and do it with respect. nuff said I believe... It has been 4 hours since I had my Breakfast... (late start to my day today).. I am thinking Soup for lunch..
  19. StewsHunnyBunny

    I bumped up.. is that so wrong?

    Thanks for the reply... I am sure it can be hard, when folks come on here "wanting" to cheat and "wanting" to go against what the doctor has set before them. I am not doing that. I just want to be comfortable. I totally understand "Bandster Hell" now.. lol It is crazy at times. I have put my mind to it, that I will not be eating breads, drinking pop, eating Pasta or rice, at all any more. It is okay.. I do not mind it at all!! In fact.. it is a WONDERFUL thing, as I was a POP-O-HOLIC!! I used to LIVE on Pepsi...Now I do not even care if I see someone else enjoying one. It like like cigarettes.. I quit smoking over 8 years ago and I do not even have a desire to have one anymore.. and I can be around those who do and it don't do anything to me as far as make me want one. It is a mind set I guess.. BUT... I know.. you can not ignore or trick some cravings.. I tried to do that before and ended up worse than if I would have just taken care of the craving in the 1st place. I am going to do this. I am going to make it to my goal weight. I will make it!! I did not go through surgery just to end up back to the starting gate and in worse shape than I started the 1st time. As for the other lady... well.. I am done with that now. Take care and God Bless
  20. good luck on your journey. I am trying to do this right.. just seem to find some bumps along the way, and I have not been on this path much more than you I see. I have lost 10lbs. post op, but no more than that at this time. I am not worried about it yet.. I will see what happens after my doctor visit on Tuesday. Are you loosing anymore post op?

  21. Thanks for your reply. I am really trying to make this work. I am hoping that once I really get used to this I will get in the groove and kick butt! :)

    Thanks again!! :)

  22. Thanks for your reply. I try not to cheat too much.. I know it is not right.. but I know how it is if you do not do something for a craving.. I end up in a bad place. So I give in a little just to get by in a better place. :)

    Thanks again! :)

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