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Posts posted by AutumnLily

  1. I was also wondering about this. There is a commercial for Prilosec (I think) where there is a disclaimer at the bottom of the screen in teeny tiny writing about how you should only take this medicine for 14 days unless your Dr. says you should take it longer. Well, that worries me. I mean, even if the Dr. says you can take it longer, what is that warning about? What is the reason you should only take it for 14 days?

    You can get liver damage from long term use with several drugs (Tylenol is one). If you are using the maximum dose every day there is the chance that your liver could be damaged. I think most of us are on a low dose (20mg or next stage up 40 mg a day) and I am sure the maximum dose is higher than 40mg. If you are worried you should try to keep to as low of a dose as possible and at some point (you choose) try to ween yourself off of them, or get yourself down to one every other day.

  2. Please be careful about this one all. . . yesterday i was at work just caring on like normal and all of a sudden I felt very very drunk and like i was going to pass out. . . then i got so very sweaty that i literally soaked my uniform clothes. . . i don't remember much of anything after that but got home somehow, my hubbie took one look at me and right away took my blood sugar. . . 47 !!!! He said all i was doing was going in and out of conscienousness. . . after the blood sugar was stablized i tried to rethink (which is really hard to do) what i all ate over the day, plain bagel for breakfast, 4 oz of macaroni salad for lunch, Pork rinds for snack. . . good enough for me. . . but apparently not good enough for the blood sugar. . . . be careful ya'll spread out the food and have Snacks and from now on I'm carrying a glucose drink with me just in case. . . .

    Is that high or low as here in Canada we read in mmol/L and the range is 4 - 6. If its this range then its super high but I have a feeling your range is different across the boarder.

    Something to be aware about that can happen. Thanks for the heads up.

  3. Another way to look at it is your body has 2 fuel tanks a primary tank (uses carbs) and a secondary tank (uses fat) when the primary tank is empty.

    So if you keep on filling the primary tank with carbs over a certain amount for your body (some people can eat more carbs than others) then you will burn the carbs but will not make it to the secondary tank to use the fats.

    I found this analogy somewhere and it made total sense to me. Hope this helps.

  4. I went in to have my blood and urine tests before my UGI so will update when I get those results in.

    So today I went in for my upper GI to have my 3 month leak check. I brought my xrays from Mexico with me incase the radiologist needed to see them. They gave me this powder and Water to make it bubble. I was concerned as it was the normal stomach amount and I asked if I really needed it. The had me take it then said try to keep the burps it. Umm no they just started flying out like there was no tomorrow. Next I was being questioned on what surgery I had. He had never heard of it (glad I brought my xrays as he looked and got a better idea). I got on the machine and was positioned. I was given my chalky barium drink. Told to take one sip and before he could say hold it in your mouth I swallowed. Oops my bad. So he had to race to follow the Fluid. Next I had to gulp down the yummmy drink and then they proceeded to follow the fluid alst the while being questioned by the radiologist from his little room. Where did I get the surgery? Why didn't I get it done in Canada? How much would it have cost in Canada and how much in Mexico? Why were they checking my stomach at 3 months? Had I lost a significant amount of weight with the surgery? What was my doctors goal for me for weight loss? Was I hungry? The list truly goes on. I was not sure of the questioning but I answered truthfully and in the end after making me roll around on the table to assume several positions. He said well good for you. I thought I was going to get a lecture about what I had done after all the questions but no he verbally applauded me. Told me there were no leaks the stomach looked great and to keep on taking my PPI. Whewww that was an interesting day.

    Oh and one more funny thing there were 2 ladies waiting for their turns as I was leaving and they said we couldn't help over hear the conversation in the room. How is everything going for you. When I said almost 70 lbs in 3 months they both said good for you. Did I luck out in finding strangers who were understanding ! It could have played out soooo much worse. Glad it didn't :D

  5. What is/was your losing plan: 60- 80 grams Protein less than 40 grams carbs at least 64 of Water

    How far out from surgery you are what percentage have you lost? depends on my goal weight going to aim for one weight and if my body keeps on going down then I will aim for a lower weight. Depending on my goal weight I have lost 36 - 40% excess body weight in 3 months

    How many times a day are you eating? 3 with 2 Snacks

    What is the amount of normal food (non liquid) you are now able to get down? 2-3 oz dense Protein little more for not so dense protein. Depends on the food I can eat half a can of tuna, a whole filet of sole, 3/4 of a 1 egg omelette with ham and cheese.

    What kind of supplements are you taking? Types and Brands Wellesse liquid calcium citrate with vit D, Gummy vitamns, B12 every other day and 20mg of omeprazole

    How much protein are you supposed to be getting and how much are you actually getting in daily and what are your sources of protein (brands of shakes etc), all my protein is from food. I drink a shake once in awhile to boost my protein but body is starting to not like them.

    How much Water you are actually getting down each day 70 to 96 oz

    What is your exercise routine, type of exercise, and how often. have not started one yet will do soon

    How is your energy level? energy is fine when I get in all my protein.

  6. Booking directly with an airline is usually cheaper than the online sites. Check out the different airlines that fly out of your area to San Diego and then plug in the dates and times. See who has the best price. Oh and I packed too much I travelled alone. I did however have a few days before hand that I spent in San Fancisco so that is where the extra clothes came from.

    I would pack a couple pairs of your favourite pajama's, socks (keep feet warm if chilly there), shoes that slide on or a flip flop (reduce the amount of bending needed). Travel clothes home should be loose and comfortable. Oh and I used my chapstick for my dry lips. Maybe a pair of sweat pants and a tshirt for when you want to walk outside the hospital. Keep it minimal and you should do well.

  7. Checking in

    SN...........................Starting wt...............current..............goal.................lbs to goal


    SN............................starting wt...............current.........goal............lbs to goal


    Slow week but back on the wagon and seeing where I will be next week

  8. Is it head hunger or physical hunger that makes you eat these large portions? Sounds like you are on the right track seeing a therapist about your addiction.

    The sleeve will reduce your stomach capacity and you will not be able to eat anywhere near the amounts of food you are now. That being said are you fully prepared and understand that you may grieve the loss of food. There is a chance for depression. I would suggest that you research everything about the sleeve and its benefits and possible down falls so that you know it is the right surgery for you. A doctor telling you vs you knowing you want it will help you with the journey.

    I am saying all this because from reading your post you do not sound like you want to do the surgery but are being told you have to do the surgery.

    Become informed and you will know if this is truly the tool you want to help you lose the excess weight.

  9. Just say you are having surgery. If you make up a surgery like gall bladder and you do not have it out. Lets say 6 months out you need to have gall bladder surgery you will be pegged as a liar. I would say surgery and he/she asks for what just say its personal.

  10. I am sure the local restaurants and pubs serve up shepards pie, steak, chicken, lots of different kinds of curries and a large variety of foods that are higher in Protein. If you want get some Protein powder single packages (of a kind you like) or get snack size sandwich baggies and measure out one scoop per bag from a tub. Take a shaker bottle with one of those mixers in it and you can get milk when you are there to mix. Or mix with Water if you like it that way. Find a Protein Bar you like and pack them with you for Snacks. Nuts are a good snack that are higher in Protein (may also be higher in salt so watch Water retention). Wonderful cheese is also a good higher protein snack.

    Hope these ideas help you.

  11. I had my sleeve surgery on Monday morning. I came home yesterday. They really didn't give me liquids at all until right before I came home yesterday. They have instructed me to drink one ounce of liquid (Water or crystal light) every 15 minutes. Each time I drink whether I take very small sips or medium sips, as soon as the liquid hits my stomach I have extreme pain for a brief time. I spoke to someone who had the procedure and they said I was drinking too much too fast, to sip the one ounce over the 15 minute period. I have tried that and still no real difference, and besides how can you sip nonstop all day long? I am concerned that I am not getting enough liquid and very concerned about the pain, as it seems like an unusual happening. I have to call the clinic tomorrow to report on my incisions and plan to tell them but I told the DR before I left the hospital. I figured it would go away but as of yet it has not. They also told me to get 64 ounces of Fluid a day but if I drink one ounce every 15 minutes for 12 hours that is only 48 ounces.

    I am drinking special K Protein Water and I tried some of my Protein shake this afternoon and about an hour after drinking I had an episode of reflux of a clear slimy substance...not the shake. I assume this is gastric juices as I have heard of similar instances on this forum.

    I realize it is still very soon and I am trying not to worry, but I'll be honest I was not expecting to be in this much discomfort. I have not really been able to pass any gas other than a few burps.

    Can you offer any suggestions or reassurances.


    Lose for Life

    What is the temperature of your liquids? I found in the beginning that if I started with a warm broth or Decaf tea that my stomach relaxed and I was able to take in room temperature water. I stayed away from cold as my tummy did not care for it in the beginning. I have heard some people were able to drink cold water so I would try out different temperatures and see if your tummy is more agreeable to a certain temperature.

    Your tummy is still trying to adjust. Try to keep on getting in your fluids. I promise it will get better just when is the question.

  12. My very good friend had vsg about three weeks ago and she is an emotional wreck. She cries constantly and just looks so sad and depressed. She is starting to worry me ALLOT! how can I help her? She is now at the point where she won't talk to me about anything. She just crys and has a blank look on her face. She lives a couple doors down from me so im able to at least check on her. Will this pass? I've asked her to talk to someone and she actually has a therapist she talks to quite often but it is not helping!

    Does anyone know how long this emotional stage lasts?

    How can i help her?

    The rapid weightloss will release Estrogen hormone that is stored in fat cells. Which could be causing her to be an emotional wreck. She may also be having issues with the changes that have happened and will take awhile to adjust. It is good that she has a therapist to see to talk through her emotional problems. She may also be depressed. Was she depressed before the surgery?

    If it is her hormones it takes a couple of weeks for the body to adjust to the changes. Is she a member of any forums where she can ask others whom have had the surgery. Maybe suggest this site or obesity help boards to come and get answers that she probably has no answer for. Depression should be dealt with by a professional and maybe she needs to make an appointment with her PCP to see what her options are.

    You are a good friend for worrying. The best you can do is be supportive and hope that she breaks free of the emotional rollercoaster she is on.

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