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Everything posted by fluffylibra30

  1. fluffylibra30

    What Average Weekly Inches Loss?

    If I had to pick 4 inches or 4 pounds inches would win every time! 7 inches in a week is awesome!
  2. fluffylibra30

    Work Out Pants

    I wear the Danskin YOGA pants. They aren't skin tight breathable cotton, have dri wicking, and are 10-12 bucks. They have cute tops of every color. Now when you get to wear your not losing a size every month, Nike and Underarmour have the best workout clothes. I swear my Nike compression pants make me look so good!
  3. What your feeling is completely normal. Most of us have felt like that. Trust me, there is resistance. You will feel it much more when you start on solids. Right now everything is sliding right down. The hunger will pass. There is left over grehlin left over in your body, it could take a few weeks to completely leave your body. Also, you said your mourning food, it could possibly be head hunger. When your thinking about food find something to do. Take a walk, light stretches, read. I started doing crafts and actually have had some success at selling my items. The feelings will pass, the most important part is don't give up! This is the hardest part. I am 11 months out and barely remember that time :-) good luck!
  4. fluffylibra30

    What Does Goal Look Like For You?

    I don't have a goal weight. I just want to have a healthy BMI. I am an awesome (sorry I think after my hard work I can be a little vain) hourglass shape and I will never get to a size 6, I've got womanly hips lol. So whatever size I end up it won't be a a big deal.
  5. Have a great day my sleevers. I know it's a hard day for some. All ill say is think about your calories and make sure what you eat is worth it (my dads pumpkin pie is so worth it.) this year I will only have a sliver instead of a half pie :-D
  6. fluffylibra30

    Cheating? Already?!

    It takes awhile for the hunger hormone to thin out i guess you could say. There could be a lot stored up. My advise is DON'T cheat. The phases are not only to let your tummy heal but to get used to eating less, different foods. The sooner you start on certain foods, then you want another food and before long you've completely messed up your diet. Fight the cravings! Trust me because eventually you will be able to eat any food you want, and you need to learn to resist. The head hunger will still be there you just need to work through it. Take a walk, do some laundry. And if your still feeling hungry I would ask the Doc about Prilosec or another PPI. It may be stomach acid. Good luck and welcome to the losers bench.
  7. fluffylibra30

    Myfitnesspal Confusion

    Yeah don't listen to MFP, it's just a computer doing what it thinks is its job. If you are eating on track to what you and your doc say you should be at dont even sweat it. Ignore and go on.
  8. fluffylibra30

    Closet Cleaning

    Are you at goal? If not and don't want to spend a lot of $$ I would go to Marshall's, TJ Maxx Gabriel Brothers. They have excellent clothes for 1/2 the $.
  9. fluffylibra30

    First Spin Class...nervous

    I'm not goin to sugar coat it. Spinning is hard. Your butt legs thighs arms are gonna hurt. But you will make it through and feel great it on the other side. You can burn 700 calories in an hour! Go get on that bike :-D
  10. fluffylibra30


    I started Ab workouts at 6 weeks with the docs ok. I actually have a pretty nice 6 pack now, just some lose skin so you can't see it unless I suck it in. Listen to your doc but most people are ok at 6-8 weeks.
  11. fluffylibra30

    Why She Lost More Then Me?

    Your right. :-) You can lose the weight without working out, but why? We did this to be healthier. Why wouldn't you want to get your heart healthy and your body lean and In shape? I have lost 115 pounds you can see my muscles, my shoulders and the start of a six pack. And I can run a 13 minute mile. Exercise has proven benefits besides losing weight. Also; skinny looks good with clothes on. Sexy looks good naked.
  12. fluffylibra30


    Skinny people problems right? I am never warm. Invest in a good lap blanket and some "cozy" socks. I have about 30 pairs!
  13. fluffylibra30

    Jeans Sizes

    Jr sizes are cut different. Usually lower in the front. Slimmer Cut legs and rear end. They are targeted towards teens and college ages I guess.
  14. fluffylibra30

    Boot Camp!

    How was it? I love Boot Camp! My trainer kicks my butt. I only go every other week cause its $20.00. The place I go even has a sand pit. You do high intensity cardio, weights. I love the way I feel afterwards!
  15. Mine was a month. I upped my calories and Water and CARBS for a week and it broke. Lost 4 pounds the next week. Water is most important thing that sometimes gets overlooked. Almost all of the posts I read about stalls people say they could do better on water. The more you drink the less your body holds on to. My NUT told me 8 glasses is just an average for everyone, you should drink 1/2 your body weight in water daily. Also stir up your exercise routine. Your body gets used to the same thing every day. Good luck I know it stinks!
  16. fluffylibra30


    It is the swallowing thing. Gum stuck in a new tummy healing = bad news!! I have been chewing daily since 3 months out. Orbit white bubble mint. My fav. Just make sure it's sugar free cause gums like bubblelicius are nothing but sugar. (My old favorite lol)
  17. fluffylibra30

    Postop Drain?

    I had the drain for a week. It didn't hurt just uncomfortable, makes it hard to sleep. Doesn't hurt when they remove it, just feels funny. Don't stress the drain, not worth it promise :-)
  18. fluffylibra30

    Challenge: New Year's Day 2013

    I am 10 months out. Hoping to get to goal by my sleeveaversiary. Dec 28 but I'll just say 1/1/2013 Surgery day dec 28, 2011 292 Today 181 Goal 150 Then I'll be in maintenance!!
  19. fluffylibra30

    Stupid Candy!

    I went to the Dollar tree and bought tons of those little cheap fun treats kids love. Bubbles, pencils, erasers, rings. It wasn't much more expensive than candy and I kept it out of the house. My daughters treat bag got rationed into small portions and my husband put them somewhere. Candy is my trigger. I eat all candy. Even little kid candy that grownups think is gross. HUGE trigger!!
  20. Pooh Halloween final weigh in. 182. 2 pounds from goal :-/
  21. fluffylibra30

    120Lbs Unreasonable?

    I am 10 months out and have lost 110. I have 32 more to go. You can do it I promise!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
