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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fluffylibra30

  1. fluffylibra30

    Am I Allowed To Sleep In A Bed?

    I slept on my side when I came home, I had a drain so I just slept on my left side, when I rolled over in my sleep my drain let me know immediately! Just do what feels most comfortable. You need your sleep.
  2. fluffylibra30

    Why Am I So Cold?

    I was cold for months. I am 6 months out now, still a little cooler but not nearly as bad.
  3. My tummy did it all the time until I started on Nexium. In my case it was stomach acid.
  4. Dont get discouraged! Its up to you how much you lose! That is the "average" amount, some lose a lot more and some lose less. WHo wants to be average right? As long as you stay on the path of eating right, exercising, there is no limit. :-) good luck.
  5. fluffylibra30

    Fast Food Drinks

    i dont know about any of the above places you mentioned, but just about anything at starbucks you can get sugar free, as well as 7-11 has a sugar free slurpee now. Dunno how good they are though.
  6. fluffylibra30

    Where Is My Period Ladies?

    Mine has been crazy since surgery. Early, late, long, short. Heavy, light. It's crazy. Getting pregnant early out is really bad so make sure you are using some form of Birth control so that will be ruled out when your periods are all over the place.
  7. fluffylibra30


    I guess this varies for each surgeon, because mine said never. And my MD said I would never be able to take arthritis meds. She has given me a steroid shot for my heel spurs.
  8. fluffylibra30

    Need Exercise Regimen Ideas

  9. fluffylibra30

    I Cheated I Was Depressed

    You haven't stretched your stomach, but I would encourage you to stay on the diet your doctor gave you. Your stomach is still healing and you could damage the staple line. Try to stay busy and resist the temptation and take this time to overcome the bad habits that got you to the point you needed the surgery. Trust me it will be worth it when you are dropping many pounds a week!! Good luck.
  10. fluffylibra30

    Two Weeks Out And Need Help

    Sugar carbs and starch are what got you in the situation you are in now. You need to get back on the strict guidelines your doctor gave you. You need to take this healing time to get past the bad eating habits. Trust me it is worth it!!
  11. fluffylibra30

    What Workout Attire

  12. I bought a couple bras smaller, (band not cup) then got a few bra extenders so they will fit for longer.
  13. fluffylibra30

    Inconsiderate Family

    My hubs did that with me tonight with watermelon ( I can pound that stuff lol) he ate almost half a one himself. he said "I figured you wouldn't want all the sugar" I saved my carbs for that dang watermelon HUMRPH!!
  14. I would steer clear of the meat. That's the hardest thing on your sleeve when it is new.
  15. I don't consider it "cheating" I consider it living. Think of what you used to eat. I could eat 2 corn dogs, probably all the fries, frozen lemonade and want desert later. You might have eaten a 1/10 if that. We have to get past feeling guilty, we can't live with that for the rest of our lives. As long as you are eating as prescribed (high protein, low carb) 98% of the time and exercising I say go for it. Have a smidge of junk. You can't stay so rigid for ever, that's what makes us snap. Remember all our other "diets". Don't know about you but mine usually failed when I had been depriving myself for so long and I just snapped. I broke my cycle and no longer think that way.
  16. fluffylibra30

    Stupid ? I Know

    I have had DQ once, about 3 months out. It was HORRIBLE!!!! My stomach had fits for hours. Diarrhea for an hour. Cold sweats, shakes. I know some people say sleevers don't dump but I would like to know what else it could be called. Now when I want an icream i have a skinny cow (yum) or TCBY. McDonalds plain ice cream would be healthier i would think, its a type of yogurt custard. My town also has a couple frozen yogurt places but I don't enjoy any of those flavors. It's all about portions and moderations. If you want some ice cream, get a small amount. Usually If I get it into my head I want something I say, if I want it tomorrow still I will get it. Sometimes I eat it, usually I won't.
  17. Yeah our emotions are extreme and over the top. Just try not to completely push people away and they will probably forgive you lol. I was a crier anyway, so the first month rocked me. Oh and as long as you don't swallow the gum it is ok. The worry is blockage. After my stomach was healed I started chewing again. I chew sugar free orbit bubble mint. Everyday.
  18. fluffylibra30

    Clothes - Size 24 - Need To Sell

    i sold all mine on craigslist, for a great price! it is local so you dont have to ship. Plus size clothes are hard to find so people are always looking!
  19. fluffylibra30

    Butt And Leg Excersices?

    you should try the squats with the ball. you get a full ab workout. The ball helps me keep my form cause i always want to use my back and neck too much. I do one leg lifted, toes raised, pliee squats work your inner thighs wonderfully! im always sore the next day.
  20. fluffylibra30

    Post Surgery Workouts?

    At 6 weeks, i was at 4 hours a week cardio. I started at walking and just kept adding different stuff and more minutes.
  21. fluffylibra30

    When Did You Try Salad?

    When im craving a salad i try really hard to get in all my Protein for Breakfast and lunch then im ok for later to have a salad, and have it with a couple oz of chicken breast or turkey.
  22. fluffylibra30


    My dizziness is ALWAYS dehydration!! My doc tell me not to let it get to bad, if i feel like i havent gotten enough waster in 48 hours to go get an IV. I have really good insurance and only have to pay 10 bucks to make a trip to the doc so i just go get an IV. If you feel like you cant get enough Water try sugar free pop-cicles, i NEVER get thirsty unless working out so i struggle with my water EVERY DAY. I have these 2 big smart water bottles that are 32 ounces. i know when i get those 2 empty i am ok. Sometimes i have to stay up late just to get it all in. Good luck and feel better!
  23. fluffylibra30

    6 Months Post Op Question..

    Also remember, the bigger you are when you start the more weight you take off at first. I am half way to goal, i lost the first half in 5 months, not sure if i will lose the last 75 in 5 months. I will be happy if i can do it in 7.
  24. fluffylibra30

    Pre Op Size Vs Post Op Sizes

    i was in a 24 pants from Lane Bryant 22 3x tops (some were tight) now i am in an 18 pant and XL in misses or even some L in misses tops. im pear shaped.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
