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Posts posted by TiffanyIsMajor

  1. Well, I am 24 (as of march 15th), and I am in hair school. The best job I ever had, I was hired in at about 180 pounds. I actually lost weight while there, and was fired for being a total crazy bitch, I weighed 163. That was in October 2007. I have YET to find a job, since then, although I wont lie I haven't been diligently looking either. I am the largest I have ever been though now, and I will say I cant help to relate to the experience in this article. In the 5 or some interviews I have had I have expressed that I am willing to take minimum wage, and that I am ok with whatever schedule because I am in school. Every time I just feel like I am being looked down at almost. I thought "No this cant be, I am STILL attractive, just a little fat" That is part of the reason I am doing this (the surgery), I will be working in the beauty industry, and just like being in front of the camera, there really seems to be no room for any extra weight. I mean i DONT want to be fat, and while I love to eat, I am ok to eat in moderation if it means ill be thinner and happier. It just all pisses me off because I cant even seem to nail down a crappy RETAIL job during the holiday season because of my size 24 ass.

  2. I had read a year or two ago about "gummies" I really wanted them then, but at the time had no clue I could go to MX to get them...It is soooooo on, in a years time...I'll have GUMMIE BOOBS!!..Dun dun DUN!

    I know for a fact that the TT is going to be the first thing I am going to want to have done - heck, I've been wanting that done for several years; however, was going to wait until I lost my weight ... well here I am several years later and guess what? No TT and not enough lost weight. I will probably need the boob job too as I've wanted a perk job and once I lose the weight, since my boobs always seem to be where I lose first, I will probably need not only a perk job but implants as well. I'm going to see if the PS that I hope to use in LV will be able to write it in such a way that insurance will help cover the cost -- they won't cover any WLS and I don't know if they will consider this due to WLS and deny it as well. If so, I will check out the doctor in Mexicali.

    There was a gal that left Mexicali with us yesterday morning who had had a TT and boob lift/implants several months ago and she said her implants were something called Gummy implants -- not yet available in the US ... she said they feel very real and they certainly looked real ... I'm sure a Bob would have been willing to test them himself if he hadn't been sitting in the back of the van...LOL

    I won't need to do anything to my arms except weight resistance, I am lucky in that my arms have never really carried much fat ... it's mostly all in my tummy and my inner thighs ... built in pillows is what I call them... LOL

    (If this is a duplicate post, I apologize -- I thought I had posted something along these lines on this thread; however, nothing shows up ... I'm so ditzy today I probably forgot to hit the right button):thumbup:

  3. Ughh I am such a jealous hag over you...but it is SOOO on come April 20th...Im trying to be sexy by the time my friend, who I am in love with comes home from Iraq in October....My dad is also coming home from his third tour in Iraq in August, and he is paying for this, soooo there had best be some change by then...lol

  4. Ok well here is my question then. My surgery is April 20th. I am having to wait until April 1st to get my passport, and I was originally going to have it expedited ,which is an additional 60 bucks. On the passport website it says they can get it to you in two weeks, which would be just right, BUT I have had a couple friend try it and it not work out. I guess my question is if all I need is a receipt saying I have applied, do I really need to pay the extra 60, especially if it still may not make it on time anyway?

  5. Well, today, technically yesterday was my 24th birthday. Sooo a little bit of info. In a little bit over a month I am scheduled for my life changing event, SURGERY! My date is set for April 20th as some of you already know. I am so excited I may indeed piss myself. Also, since is was my birthday and I am a big baby, I got a new digital camera, so I am going to start a youtube channel as promised, mostly about my surgery, the pre and post op business. So people can really understand the journey. Right after I figure out how to operate this Sony Cybershot. Ill soon be posting my first annoying video = D Thanks for all the support everyone.


  6. I have the same problem as most. For instance my sister and I were sitting on the couch watching food network, she is a cullinary arts major, and started watching this show about the food challanges at various resturants, which in turn got me to pipe up about my surgery and how i'd be glad when I was able to eat like a regular person. She just doenst get it though...."if you had will power then you could just lose it and keep it off, You just have to have will power" When did the whole fucking planet become so reliant on the fact that the only difference between someone who does something and someone who doesnt is JUST will power. Like, that is ALL you need? That's it? Plus she is thin and always has been, but of course has body issues. I told her she would never understand because she hasnt been big and the only reply I got was, "You are not the only person unhappy with the way you look." Coming from someone who is 135 by nature with perky boobs... It does make me want to kick her in the throat...I have always been the "funny" girl.....The pretty "big " Girl.....And the "You are so pretty, but if you Just lost ___ pounds youd be sooooooooo Gorgeous" girl. Lol To think I now weight at leat 270, and I can remember a day when I thought 180 was fat..... I cant imagine what the crap I'd even look like at 135 because I havent weighed 135 since freshman year in high school, like 8-9 years ago? I honestly don't even know what to say when people are like well you CAN do it, You CAN lose the weight on your own, Like I am deny that and completely ignoring it, like surgery is the easy way... It is all just such a mess to deal with....I would have RATHER no one knew ever, then like in 20 years when I was still thin, tell everyone lol....I am rambling for NO reason..Like I just reread this, and there was like NO point in here...at all.... ill post it anyway though...= ]

  7. But humor me...

    It just occurred to me that I gulp EVERYTHING. Watching this forum as made me extra aware of a lot of things that I am not supposed to do after surgery. So I started watching the way I drink things. I just discovered that I turn up all of my drinks. Water, cokes, tea, all of it. So I tried sipping things. Apparently I am completely incapable of sipping correctly too! Every time I sip I bring in so much air, I burp every time. I'm like sipping handicap! So is sipping sfter surgery more to air on the side of caution of portion size, so you dont drink to much? Whats the deal with it?

    Sorry I am an idiot.:thumbup1:


  8. I absolutely 100% dont want you to take this the wrong way at all, but it is stories like yours that scare the crap out of me. I am 23, I will be 24 when I go in for surgery. I weight 265 and I am 5'3. If I only lost 60 pounds or honestly, even If I got down to 170, I would be so upset/pissed off/ terrified. BUT at the same time maybe that was your goal and we are all different, thats why I hope you dont take offense. I do understand about not throwing away food now though, I eat everything that doenst eat me first, and I finish everything unless I KNOW I will reheat and eat (like chili).

    I guess I am just wondering if there is anyone else out there that has only lost minimal weight? And what yours and their eating habits are like after surgery if that isnt being too prying (sp). And I say "minimal weight" not to downsize your accomplishment by no means, 60 pounds is NOTHING to shake a stick at. I just know if I only lose 60 pounds I wont even be in the 100s, and for me that means the surgery would be useless.

    Any info welcomed,


  9. Just a heads up, although I am STILL preop this may not matter at all to you. Biotin is kinda known to mess with people's skin, lots of my friends and I take it simply because we all do hair and it can help promote healthy hair. My friends used to take like 5 1000 mcg pills a day, at the time he couldnt find 5000 mcgs. It really messed with his skin. On the other hand I take 2 5000 mcgs capsules a day and so far my skin is the same. I think it has something to do with the filler in the pills.


  10. Great suggestions guys. I am going to Dr Almanza. Dr. Belancourt is the one that suggested if I was going to film it that I definitely need someone there to film it. He likes the idea, but they didnt really make it seem like there was anyone extra there to help out. If I really cant find anyone, which it is still quiet early out, I am going to email back and forth and see if either someone there could possibly do it or if I can just set up a tripod. As for paying someone, that is really out of the question for me, I am totally broke but thanks for the suggestion. Although this will be informative, and documentary like, it will most likely be split into tiny films and slapped on youtube for your viewing pleasure.



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