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Posts posted by TiffanyIsMajor


    Well I had NO IDEA what she was doing really I just figured it out because I got a little more educated about it. The onld scale said if my tsh levels were above 5, they were too high...so she gives me JUST ENOUGH of a dose to get under 5...WELL the new scale says I am supposed to be under 3....AND she just like REFUSES to accept it...Because the AACE "suggested" it...Like that is their job or something? lol I have never met a woman I want to throat kick 90% of the time I have to talk to her. I REALLY THINK it is because I am fat that she wont listen to me. I think that she thinks I have this misconception that my levels are what is making me fat..and honestly that shouldn't matter. I want to be under three, do you f'ing job and get me under THREE!

  2. But I mean...Can you just buy things without a script down there? I dont really know how that works. I mean I SPOKE with my surgeon and he said he would be happy to test my levels and I asked for a 3 month supply and he said that is fine...but if it is cheaper can I continue to get it from there (MX) somehow? I wouldnt care but honestly my pcp is a bitch. She refuses to use the new scale so my levels are higher than normal and she just wont adjust my dose. Plus her head nurse is ...well....someone I wouldn't mind hitting with my car..You would THINK that my thyroid meds were narcotics or crack cocain! I swear they way they both act it is ridiculous..

  3. Lol I will be drinking a newcastle....or 6.. honestly I know that say it isn't "goodbye" It is just "see you later" about alot of the food we eat...But the one thing I always notice is that lots of people can not handle carbonation and bubbly stuff after...I will miss beer, so much. I am still praying that I may one day be able to get down a Mimosa or two after surgery...My two favorite things...Beer and champagne...I am such a high class trailor park dweller LOL I kid I kid!

  4. UGH I am gonna need for you to feel better lady! I am right behind you on the list and if you REALLY want ..I'll fedex you my tummy...Although I am SURE you dont want that = P Well honestly I am a little afraid this will happen to me to just because I really havent been that worried at all about it = / NOW SIP SIP and go take a nap....sure you cant take another week off hun?

  5. Well I changed my mind again and again...I actually found like all travel size things of my hair and skin routine. I got really lucky because at my school we had a bunch of travel size thing laying around that I can take... SO that helps so I decided to go back to the carry on...I HATEEEEEE Checking a bag..Like REALLY REALLY HATE....But then I was thinking I am going to have my purse and a carry on, and my laptop will be in there and camcorder, and my digital cam on top of all my clothes(Not really taking many things) and I really think that is going to make it really heavy though...I am looking for a carry on with wheels in the house right now because I Still dont want to check a bag but i also dont want to hurt myself either = /

  6. You people are KIDDING yourselves if you think that MONEY isnt the reason people actually go over the boarder. It is one of the deciding factors... It is hilarious to me when people say they wouldnt sacrifice their health but STILL manage to make it over to MX for surgery. One surgeron is just as good as the next and if you say money has nothing to do with it then I guess you wouldnt mind staying home and paying double or triple the price for the same thing? Where you may also get shittier care, and possibly staph because you are just as likely to catch it in a US hospital = D I CHOOSE ALmanza because of price and my ability to speak directly with so many happy people on this forum DIRECTLY about him. I am sick of seeing all the posts trying to make me and other like me feel bad because we cant shell out the extra 5000 to go somewhere else JUST BECAUSE people say it is better. I am not even paying for my surgery. My father has agreed to do so and contrary to popular belief, he doesnt want to shell out 10 or 15 thousand. I WILL NOT feel bad for paying less than anyone for my surgery. Call me naive or stupid or whatever. I am not saying that it is a brilliant decision but what I am saying is that I am not different THAN ANYONE shopping around for surgery. Everyone is guilty of wanting a cheaper price. ANd EVEN ONE of those stories?so are you saying that if you found out your surgeon had one leak or discrepancy you'd cancel your surgery. Probably not.

    Holey mosus. If even one of those posts is true about the aftercare, why would anyone consider going there?

  7. Sandy what are you talking about? That whole post was by someone who hasnt even had surgery yet and has CHOSEN to go to Almanza. I too have chosen to go to Almanza but I must say that is the SECOND incorrect outburst in this thread hun. I understand you are passionate about your job and you don't want anyone bad mouthing, especially those that have not experienced it first hand but you are looking very defensive...and almost, accidentally I am sure, a little rude....You just have to take the time to really read these and respond logically...

  8. @jodoza

    The 15th or 16 of THIS month or next?

    The reason I ask is because I will be at EM on the 19th. Pwn is flying down with me = D I am doing a Vlog for the whole trip including recording my surgery (pwn is doing it cause i'll be knocked out) my trip down and back up and my recovery...If it is next month you cant watch on Youtube to get an idea of if it is something you would like to do or if it would help you decide the other way too.

    Best of luck either way


  9. You know, I went to Starbucks earlier this week for a meeting. I ordered a Tall Caramel Frap w/ no whip. While I was standing there waiting for them to make it, she told me they were out of the regular caramel (I guess mixer?) and only had Lite. I said that was fine. I swear to you, the Lite Caramel Frap tasted like Aquanet fumes. Bleh! LOL

    Back on topic, I'm going to have to kick my Big Red addiction. I drink 1 20 oz a day usually from lunch onto bedtime. Sweet Tea is another thing I'm going to have to get used to giving up. That shouldn't be a problem though because I tend to go in cycles with Sweet Tea/Unsweet Tea (aka dirty Water as a friend calls it!)

    I am a crazy coke addict...I MEAN Coke-cola = D But It really is only for the caffeine..I don't see anything wrong with caffeine, so after the surgery I am just going to opt for modified sweet tea...Iced tea+splenda or stieva or a liquid sweetener +raspberry torani....hope it is good cause that is really the only ideas I have.....LOL

  10. UGHHH WHY IS THIS POST EVEN STILL UP!... I have been trying so hard to ignore it but I get an email every 5 seconds with a new post. All this is now, is a mess. I mean, do any of you have a leak or problems with ANY of your surgeons? NO. I dont either. If we did, we should be talking about that AT the very LEAST. No one is, but yet this thread is FOUR PAGES long...HOW? People like me I guess = /

    YAY for posting off topic = D

  11. I am guessing that is how you spell it lol. Just wondering if anyone had it before surgery and how they lived with it after...Did it just go away or what? Did you see any increase or decrease in your THS levels? Could you take your meds right after surgery? How is it even possible for it to disappear...Someone smarter than me chime in..

    Thanks = D

  12. Lol this has just gotten hilarious.....If you guys DO have something to say about an "unnamed clinic" Or a particular "dr" .....wth is with all this hilarious code, why dont you use the real name?..We ALL know that you are talking about Dr. Almanza and his kids. Why all the bullshit speak. I am sorry but this post has just gotten sooo funny to read..I feel like I am reading a comic of James Bond or Inspector Gaget with all the code and secretive language... I dont care what you post about him honestly, He can have a third nipple and be missing two fingers...doesnt matter, he is still my choice. Am I scared to go to him, not anymore scared than I would be to go anywhere else in MX. I agree that there should not be any good or bad On this site when it comes to a decision like picking a surgeon..If you want someone opinion you should just have to ask.

  13. Sooo today, I was getting ready for school, just minding my own business when boom it hit me....Staring in the mirror looking at my hairline I started to notice that I can see MUCH more of my scalp in between hairs than I remember. freaking out a little I started parting my hair and combing and seeing how much of my scalp i could see here and there....And what do you know...I DO have thinner hair. But wait! This can't be! I HAVENT EVEN HAD SURGERY OR LOST THE FIRST POUND YET! What is horrible about it, is I have actually lost my hair twice before ( I am a hair stylist, It is what we do LOL) But for some reason watching it go over time like I might have to, DOES make me a little sad. So when I got home I started googling, and behold maybe an answer? I have hypothyroidism, which APPARENTLY cause hairloss but I havent been taking my meds = [. My pcp is being a bitch and wont write me another script for my meds until I come in again (I dont have insurance)...WELL I am 10 days from surgery too... I WAS planning a visit for about a month after surgery but at this rate I feel like I might be bald by then. I am actually a little scared! I havent been scared this WHOLE time about any of it.. Only excited, but now I am feeling just blahhh = [

    Sorry this post is not really about anything...I am just freaking out a little

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