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Posts posted by sleeveorbust

  1. I just wanted to revive this P90X thread because I am starting to do it tomorrow... and I was wondering how the program is going for people... and whether or not the extra materials that you need to buy are mandatory???

  2. Hey Diva!!

    I think that every day should be lived in a way that makes you feel happy and full as a person inside and out... if that means one week you have a piece of cake or a few glasses of wine.. then so be it!!!! We are all here to try to improve our quality of living by trying to achieve a healthier weight range... So, that does not mean you deprive yourself of ALL lifes pleasures.. but rather something that we have in moderation! The reason why I say this is because I want you to know that by no means should anyone beat themselves up over the fact that they had some cake on their birthday or the scale didnt move much in the last while... We have to be willing to accept the process and soak in the whole experience... one day we will all reach our respective goals and feel ecstatic but some will get there faster than others and that is OK!!! :)

    I am glad that you are doing so well physically, mentally, and emotionally!!! That truly is the biggest accomplishment of all!!!!!!!

  3. Hello everyone!!! so I just posted my 10 week update not to long ago... and this weekend My hubby and I went to Montreal for a weekend away and I got all dressed up :) took some pictures for sharing too!!!!! Hope you all enjoy.. i will put a before and after for you ... the after will be from this weekend... I am ALMOST at my halfway point... just 4 lbs away! :P

    Here was before surgery... I am appx 214 lbs here

    This was on the weekend.. right now I am 174lbs ... 40lbs down!! :)



  4. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! :) I love my sleeve... and I know this is a very uneducated comment to make.. but in a way I feel like Plication is oh so similar to stomach staplingof the 80's.. obviously its a better procedure then that.. but I wanted the whole package and to say bye bye to that ghrelin producing part of my stomach

  5. DIVA!! thnks so much... I buy that pre made coleslaw mix of shredded cabbage and use that as my lettuce rather than actual lettuce... it has a better taste and also I am not into lettuce at all..i dont want it in my mouth hahha... all of my meals turn out to be about 1/4 cup for each serving.. thats what i aim for!!! try it though.. its delish!!!


    So, today I am 10 weeks out from surgery and I only weigh myself once a week on fridays... SO, this morning I weighed myself and the scale went down again YAY!! ... I am now 40lbs lighter than I was 10 weeks ago!! THATS 4lbs a WEEK!!! and Im only 4lbs away from being at my halfway mark!! I love looking at my ticker and seeing my little bikini girl so close to that middle mark!!! it really puts it all into perspective!!!

    SO, I just want to share what I normally do in my days since having the sleeve operation...

    in the morning I have a Protein Shake with milk... the kind that i drink is called isoflex and im on vanilla right now.. the chocolate and penutbutter chocolate are good too!

    I normally have a salad for lunch that consists of 1/8 cup of shredded cabbage, one slice of deli meat chopped into little pieces, shredded cheese, a sprinkle of craisins and walnuts and a sprinkle of french dressing..... it is SOOO gooood for me lol (taste that is)

    and then for dinner i usually have some sort of meat mostly ground turkey or chicken spiced with taco seasoning and made into a little taco salad or grilled chicken with some sort of vegetable...

    I go to the gym in the evenings at least every other day but sometimes every day... AND i feel great!! :D

    NOW, for all of you who are wondering YES i do once in a while have a small snack here and there but i try to avoid slider foods like they are the plague HAHAH... My hubby and I went to a Christmas party and I shared with him a ginger molasses cookie and I did have a hand full of S&V chips... but I knew that this was a treat... it wasnt going to happen every day and so I did not beat myself up about it and moved on with my week

    I hope you are all going to have a wonderful weekend!!... for any of you who are into the UFC.. my hubby and I have tickets to see the fight tomorrow night in Montreal... we are so excited.. and I am totally going to wear my high boots that come over my knee!!! YAY!!!

  7. thank you lisa bug for ur post!... No body really understands that need to chew on something until you are on the clears or even full liquids! I know its a rough go to get an email about delicious crunchy Cookies when your in that stage post op!... But keep ur head up girl! We all get throug it ;)

    btw this was the appropriate spot to post ... Anyway I love this site because of the positiveness and supportiveness... Lets keep it that way!

  8. make sure this decision is right for you!!

    my highest weight was 214lbs and tomorrow I will be 10 weeks out... I feel normal aside from eating alot less.. And I feel as though I made the best decision of my life!.. I have not had any children yet as I am only 22 but I know that when I do have my children I will be an active participant who will not be ashamed of myself because of my weight!!..... I hope this helps you out but the #1 thing is to have ur head in the right place before you make ur decision

  9. YOUR DOING GREAT>>> i had that moment last week where i was being a bit brat like and not stepping back to take in the whole picture... im 9 weeks out and down 38lbs.. i thought it wasnt enough but now im thinking to myself and realizing that this is AWESOME and would never be able to say this otherwise .... so take a second and congratulate yourself on a job well done.. your doing amazing and this time its going to keep coming off!!! just keep rocking ur sleeve :D

  10. I enjoy watching Biggest Loser and Jillian is a hard ass which in some cases is life changing for the people she trains.


    BL is based on sensationalism... it is what TV is all about .. SO, it comes to no surprise to me that their method of rehabilitation is the "old fashioned way" although no body in a million years exercised a minimum of 8 hrs a day! I believe that everyone can use a little exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle but MOST people who are obese NEED another solution to help get them to that point where they CAN incorporate that into their lives. Her overlying message is a good one but misguided in my opinion .. I know that my obesity problem was more complex then just calories in calories out because my incessant exercising did absolutely nothing when push came to shove... NOW... its a totally different story :D I absolutely love my sleeve and would never be able to say that i have lost 38lbs in only 9 weeks!

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