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Posts posted by sleeveorbust

  1. like i said before, i definitely appreciate you bringing that to my attention and I have no problem with that part.. i guess i was just put off when you said that if i wanted a "real" sleeve this doctor is not the one to go to.. anyway that is neither here nor there because im sure that your intentions were just to be helpful...

    just a side note.. i have been doing some more looking into that thread that you linked and because of her previous 1980's stapling a doc is unable to cut that scar tissue as it will lead to massive hemorrhaging therefore making it very difficult to create a regular sleeve.. thus the Y shaped sleeve she was given... just some food for thought :)

  2. If you are satisfied not getting a sleeve then that is certainly your business.

    The type of surgery she does leaves large portions of the stomach intact and both people reported having no restriction because of it.

    Again...my intent was not to stir up any negativity but simply to put it out there for informational purposes.

    But if you go there expecting you're going to get a true sleeve....like the one I have...you're going to be disappointed.

    I understand that you are looking at those two stories and assuming that all of her VSG surgeries are the same but if you look at what those two people had in common is that they had already had a stomach stapling which created alot of scar tissue ..... I know personally people who have gone to Dr. Pompa and have indeed a "real" sleeve.... they have had massive weight loss experienced the same side affects of having the sleeve such as only being able to eat extremely small portions and also feeling freed from their previous cravings...If i had a procedure such as my stomach stapled 15-20 years ago I may have to look at the repercussions of going into that region and disturbing the scar tissue that was left there... Now i am not a doctor nor do I know all there is to know about VSG but those are definitely isolated cases in which im sure we can all understand are not the norm for a doctor that has done hundreds of sleeves within the last six years. I thank you for bringing that to my attention however I do not think that it is fair to say that if I want a "real" sleeve like yours i should probably not go to that doctor.. I do not think that that is very appropriate to say based on two isolated cases.

  3. yes Im going with the weight loss forever here group on Sept 17th - one facilitator comes with me... cant wait!! she does look and sound amzing through alot of people Ive heard!! Congrats Pink Betty!! Its a very exciting decision!!

    I am also going with wlf and I am taking a facilitator with me too... I am looking forward to going through all of these stages but I wish I lived closer to sask so that I could meet others that have been sleeved but they r trying to do more online meetings so that's really good... I also got pm'd by goodlife and checked out her link... What are you thinking about that?.. Right now I'm listening to allsides but at the end of the day I know I will be making a god decision to advance my life from here on out!... Oh yah.. I have a date set for oct 1 yay!:confused1:

  4. I couldn't believe it too me so long - I feel like I've wasted valuable time - waiting to get my life back. I finally feel like I'm on the right track! ..... I'm cautious to tell anyone anything because I don't want their opinions or to feel judged. Perhaps I'll tell others a week before surgery or immediately after...or should I just keep my mouth shut? I typically don't care what others think, but this, my lifelong weakness, is difficult to open up about.

    I am glad that I am only 22 and this will forever be a tool of mine that will feed a long and happy healthy life... I know how you feel though.. and I am hoping to get a date the end of Sept to beginning of Oct! and its all looking good....

    I have spoken to my husband about all of this and after really mulling it over he realized that this will definitely benefit me in a positive way that i just couldnt do on my own... I have not told my parents or really anyone else in my family because i feel like i will have negetive reactions from them and i need to surround myself with positive vibes at this point!! .. for example... my mom has told me in the past that if i didnt lose weight.. that my husband would eventually cheat on me... and also that I will not go as far in life like this because i will be looked down upon by other people... in some way she thinks that this will motivate me to lose weight but it just makes me feel crappy and want to eat more because of it.. if you know what i mean.. so thats why im keeping that from her.. because she will probably think im copping out even though i know i have done everything to try to be that perfect whatever lol.... ANYWAY!!!....

    Im excited just to be in a positive atmosphere with my husband and know that he is supporting me through all of this :biggrin2:

  5. I have a friend of my family's who used weight loss forever and went to Dr Pompa and that is how I found out about her and all of this.. such an enlightening experience thus far!!... If you dont mind me comparing.... her price was 9000$ incl flights and the whole package.. is that what you are also paying? this was the price given to her from the centre.

  6. Well here in Canada there are not too many places that do the procedure and waiting lists for years!!!... I do not want to wait and I do not have 20,000 + to do it in the US.. so Mexico it is... and plus from all of my research thus far Dr Pompa is looking like my decision of choice however alot of people are choosing Aceves or Almanza(i think that he is the other big one) lol... How did you go about making your arrangements with Dr Aceves?

  7. Hey everyone!

    So, I have made my decision to have the VSG procedure done... I have approximately 85-90lbs to lose... I have tried everything to lose weight.. sometimes i have lost some weight but of course as all of us have probably experienced, i have gained it all back and then some!!!:svengo:... Im done playing around and I want my forever solution!!!!... I will be self paying (credit line) and going to Mexico for my surgery.... if anyone would like to shoot me some advice or whatever that would be great!! :)

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