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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. cheryl2586

    First fill and Im starving

    Your going to be hungry because you are on liquids I dont know anytime that I was on liquids I was not hungry. Wait until you are back to regular food before you jump the gun so to speak. Liquids are not filling thats why no one could stay on a liquid diet forever. I cant say the hunger will ever stop because that is an ify question. I still get hungry and I am tight at only 3 cc's in my band. I dont want anymore fills because it is miserable to eat now. I still get hungry but I can eat and be satisfied for a few hours. I have become serverely hypoglycemic since the band with a blood sugar of 41 after a meal so I have to eat frequently. I can not say that your hunger will ever stop or that it wont because there are some that it does help and some it doesnt you just have to wait it out and see whats going to work for you.
  2. They will fade in color over time but I wouldnt waste money on coco butter there really isnt anything that helps stretch marks except time.
  3. cheryl2586


    Pop corn is not a bad snack its what you put on it. Light butter its fine you just cant over do the butter and oil. Air popped its hardly no calories
  4. cheryl2586

    weird hunger pains

    Its not uncommon to feel nausea when you hungry because your blood sugar has probably dropped tremendously. Dont wait until you get to that point eat before this happens
  5. cheryl2586

    Do you still enjoy food after lapband...

    I enjoy good tasting food. Seasoning is the key and I must say I have really enjoyed vegetables more now then in my whole life. I try not to eat carbs ie bread pasta or rice because they make me feel like crap because I went so long without them. Dont miss them actually. On days when I do have tightness and issues with eating I hate food.
  6. cheryl2586

    Post banding diet

    Yes that is a normal post op diet. You need to be asking your doctor if he thinks you need to progress its not our decision of whats best for you.
  7. cheryl2586

    Depressed and confused

    You dont need another fill you are 1 not chewing well enough 2 eating too fast put you fork down and swallow first then wait a few minutes before you eat the second bite. Even if you could eat two hamburgers why would you. Come on you have to do some of this yourself and your not going to lose weight eating two hamburgers on buns.
  8. cheryl2586

    Vitamins & The Lap Band

    I use the solutron chewables from gnc they are great and make you feel great.
  9. cheryl2586

    "Stuck" on nothing!! HELP?!

    You asked for HELP and I told you to call your surgeon so I am being condescending. Well next time you yell Im STUCK HELP dont sound like your desperate for help. Say well maybe this is the cause of the problem. I wasnt being nasty since you know me so well.
  10. cheryl2586

    No weight loss :(

    If you dont practice chewing now while you have no fills when you do start to get them and get stuck you will wish to God you had learned to chew well. Its painful and not desirable. You need to stick to the diet the surgeon gave you and dont sway from it and just because you can eat as much as you want dont do it. Stick to what they told you. You have to help some or most even with fill the band is not going to make your food choices for you.
  11. cheryl2586


    Go back to basics from the beginning of the band. Start with liquids then move up slowly to soft foods and then to proteins and some good carbs like veggies and fruit. When I slip up I go back to the beginning and get back on track again. Sometimes you have to do that. Go get a fill if you need one to get you on the road back to success. Dont give up ever.
  12. cheryl2586

    "Stuck" on nothing!! HELP?!

    I dont understand why people will not call their doctors with these issues. It really isnt anything to play around with and waiting for answers on here. Call him/her they have to take your call if its urgent. Do it now.
  13. cheryl2586


    Just because you can eat as much as you want does not mean that you should. You have to have some constraint on food intake. The band will not stop you from eating too much food it only stalls your hunger for four to five hours. You have to do some of it also just think you do 90% the band does 10%
  14. cheryl2586


    You do not get dumping syndrome from the bypass every time you eat its only when you eat sugar and carbs like bread, who told you that. 40% of body weight is normal for the band but it doesnt mean you can lose more. You can lose more but you have to work at it.
  15. I dont drink with my meals however I do not agree with his video the food only stays in the pouch for less than a minute so that is so wrong of him to suggest that it stays for hours because it does not. Drinking with meals is however washing your food down. Just dont do it. If you cant stop drinking with your meals then you cant stop all the other things either. I dont think giving up liquids for 30 minutes is leaving you limitless
  16. I cant imagine swallowing a small particle of chicken would become stuck. That makes no sense how big do you think that particle was. If it was a chunk yes a particle no.
  17. cheryl2586

    Does it hurt???

    No they do not hurt and ekg shows the heart rythm and an upper gi you drink some barium and they take pictures of your stomach to make sure your food digest ok or that you do not have any issues before banding.
  18. cheryl2586

    Blood clots one month out!

    Dont know why they would put you on lovenox with inconclusive findings. Blood clots do not usually form in your side. Legs, arms, lungs.
  19. cheryl2586

    Question... How do u cause ur band to "SLIP"

    Excessive vomiting is the main culprit. If you get stuck do not force yourself to throw up. Try to wait it out no matter how painful it is.
  20. If your having trouble eating bread then why eat it. There are other things you can substitute without drinking with your meals just to get the food down. If you have to drink to push food down then you shouldnt eat that food. Because this is what your doing: Pushing food through the band over time causes thickening of the pouch at the stoma and could eventually cause you to have problems eating. I would say just dont do it.
  21. cheryl2586

    Are Fluoroscopic fills exact? Precise?

    If a doctor has been doing lapband surgery and done many then 99.9% of the time they can fill the band without any fleuro. It takes less than five minutes to get the band filled. They know they are in there when fluid that is already in there comes up in the syringe. Why be afraid to get a blind fill when they have been doing it forever. Some doctors have nurses do fills. It just a port. Its up to you but I would say just get the plain fill unless afterwards you should have problems. I can feel my band tighten when I get a fill so I know he is in the right place
  22. I did pay for my dietician who was with my doctor because it is mostly required by insurances and it was convenient. She wasnt much help except to get my surgery but I met with her once a month for six months the first visit was 150 and the rest were 50. Some doctors have nutritionist working with them but they get paid by us not the doctor and if your insurance does pay for a nutritionist it probably wont cover all of it. After the seminar if you were not planning on using him why would you visit his office anyway? Just askin not being smart. I would have went to a few more seminars by different doctors. I never saw my surgeon but one time with an office visit and breifly before my surgery and after surgery other than that I saw his nurse once a month for band fill clinics. I never needed a fill for after a year and by that time I moved and started over with another surgeon but I only see him also if I need a fill. Most surgeons are busy and if you do get an appointment to see them you will get about 15 minutes at best
  23. cheryl2586

    Burning sandpapery feeling in the chest?

    First of all I have had great success 70lbs and I do get satiety, however I have to know when to stop because you can surely out eat your band if you want too. I have consumed more than a cup of food on occassions. Sometimes satiety doesnt always happen thats why I said that. Sometimes you have to know you have eaten enough. The purpose of the band is not about restricting the amount of food you eat because the pouch starts dumping the moment food enters it, its about eating and being satisfied for four to five hours after eating. You have to control the amount you put in your mouth.
  24. cheryl2586

    Help with terraible skin rashes

    If it is a fungal rash the worst thing you could do is give it moisture because yeast loves moisture and darkness. I would dry it well and use gold bond or even cornstarch to keep it dry. I dont get rashes anymore since I put deodorant under there but I dont have an excessive hang but the deodorant keeps it from getting sweaty and keeps it dry.
  25. cheryl2586

    Something Positive

    curves is 38 if you sign a one year contract if you do monthly its 49 but if you can find a planet fitness where you live they have a ten dollar a month plan. As far as the nutritionist goes my insurance did not pay and I paid I think 500 for the six months because they are very expensive. My doctor(surgeon) had all the people I needed to see working for him so I did not have to bounce around from place to place.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
