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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. Isn't it great when you know when you are truly hungry. The first time my stomach ever growled after surgery was the first time I ever heard it for my whole adult life.
  2. http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/health-and-nutrition-systems-hoodia-superthin-weight-loss-system/ID=prod6212824-product?ext=gooDiet_ampersand_Fitness_PLA_Diet_Aids_prod6212824_pla&adtype={adtype}&kpid=prod6212824&sst=6bcb8b5b-7967-03e9-4aaa-00003fc3aaeb This is the one I take and it is at walgreens online. I will have to check in the store the next time I go but this is the one I take.
  3. Yes he knew all supplements I was taking and he said if it was working then to take it because until I stopped consistently losing he was in no way giving me a fill. At each visit we had to go over everything we were taking over the counter and prescription. I never had one fill until I was a year post op. I was never mad at him for not giving me a fill just because I was hungry. My band was doing what it was supposed to. Some people hunger is always an issue no matter how tight your band is. I find at times I am very hungry through out this journey but I am at proper fill level. I am not going to get a fill just because I am hungry when I am doing great maintaining. I am just one of those people that the band does not control hunger for. I accept it but there is help for me and my issue.
  4. Call your doctor and ask him what you should do. If he says go ahead and have something soft to eat do it but if not you will get through it. This is only temporary but you will do fine. Chin up and know this is not forever.
  5. cheryl2586

    Getting muscle cramps and spasms

    There are many reasons for this problem. If you are low in potassium it will make you crazy with Charlie horses. It could be a blood clot but you would have pain all the time and it wouldn't be a spasm it would be pain, swelling and red hot area in the calves. Follow up with your doctor and do what he wants you to do.
  6. cheryl2586

    Mediterranean Diet

    I honestly don't miss meat. You don't realize how sweet and good fruit is until you stop eating sweets. I love cherries. Once in a while if I make Soup I will eat the meat but I do eat a lot of eggs. Mainly because they are easy and good Protein in a pinch if I don't have time for anything else. I love Beans they are the brunt of my diet now.
  7. cheryl2586

    New to forum, advice please!

    Well I would think that someone knowing would be the best thing. What if you have complications God forbid but they do occur. I was planning a same day procedure that turned into 3 days in the hospital because I could not stop vomiting. You never know with these surgeries and if you are going there for business when are you having surgery? You surely will not feel like doing anything at least for a week post op. I don't see how you can do it without telling anyone. You just never know what to expect or what will happen. We plan on one thing that seems simple but turns in to a nightmare. I would seriously think about telling someone that will be there for you just in case.
  8. cheryl2586

    going on cruise and lapband

    I have been on many cruises since being banded four years. I have never had any issues with my band being on a ship or off the ship. It is pretty much up to you but I myself would not if you have good restriction. If you feel that you need to by all means do it. Ask your doctor what he thinks about it and your past history. Other then that I would not get an unfill.
  9. cheryl2586

    NSV? Really?

    That has got to be the best NSV ever.
  10. cheryl2586

    The Dreaded Loose Skin!

    I never had big arms or legs so those look fine but my stomach omg. I probably will never get a tummy tuck but I am fine as long as I can hide it with clothing. Your young half my age so if I was in my 20's I would probably worry about it but at almost 51 I will live with it.
  11. cheryl2586

    Not sure what's going on :(

    The slower the weight loss the longer it will stay off. Slow and steady wins the race.
  12. I love thrift stores

    1. gmanbat


      I have made many joyful discoveries at thrift stores. Other than supplying me clothing when I was too big for regular stores they were a blessing for my transition clothes. I got a new Keurig Special Edition there for $40.!

    2. cheryl2586


      I misplaced my bread machine when I moved and my husband loves home made bread. I got a brand new one that has never been used for 3.00. You can't beat that. I find a lot of nice things that people don't want for a very reasonable price.

    3. TinyMamiOf3kids
    4. Show next comments  54 more
  13. cheryl2586

    I just had lapband surgery yesterday

    It is going to take you a good few weeks to start feeling normal. Just keep hydrated, keep your pain meds going so that your pain doesn't get out of control and walk.
  14. cheryl2586

    Post-Op Blood Thinner

    I had to stay three days in the hospital after my band and yes I got them all three days I was there. I didn't have to take them when I got home but it is a normal thing that a lot of post op patients have to do because everyone doesn't deal with pain well and would stay in bed instead of walking around.
  15. cheryl2586

    Had my first fill! Now What?

    It's not about being full its about being satisfied between 3 and 4 hours on a small amount of food. This is the time to control your portions and get acclimated to a new way of life. Two cups of food is too much at one time even if it will go down. Once your band is filled to the proper amount, eating two cups of food can back up into the esophagus causing it to dilate which is not good or force food into the band and over time causing erosion of your band. Just because you can eat 2 cups of food doesn't mean you should. Right now is when you need your strength. Its time to practice what lies ahead for you in the future. Some people the band will control the amount of food you eat but for most of us that is not true. The only thing the band is supposed to do is keep you from being hungry for three to four hours. If you get to the point where it stops the amount of food you eat then good for you.
  16. cheryl2586

    NSV: Golden Girl

    Well I am sorry but I have never been turned down for a job in Florida which is the deepest south you can get because of my weight. Only once in my adult life was I turned down because of my weight. If it was a you can't have the job because you are black you would be all over it. I would not no matter where I live work for an employer who favors people who are thin. I am sorry there is not enough money in this world to keep me working in a place that is full of discrimination. Women have had enough issues trying to succeed in life and the working world and as long as women allow this kind of behavior it will never stop. I guess I am different in that aspect because I need to feel important in my job no matter if I weigh 100lbs or 500 I am and will always be the same person. Nothing about me changes because of my weight.
  17. cheryl2586

    Totally confused

    You shouldn't feel lost as to what to eat. Your surgeon and nutritionist should have thoroughly explained this to you, You shouldn't be second guessing what your diet is supposed to be. Get on the phone and talk to the staff so they can guide you in this phase of your weight loss. Everyone can offer suggestions but it may not be the plan set in place for you by your doctor. Call them, ask them all the questions you need to make you feel like you are understanding what is needed post op. No one should feel lost after weight loss surgery.
  18. If you are having pain, trouble drinking, eating or anything that is not normal for you or you feel is not normal call your doctors. I know it's easy to come here and ask what it could be or has anyone else experienced this however just because it was normal for them it may not be for you. I don't know why people are scared to call their doctors. Please people some of these things could be serious. You can't eat or drink could be swelling but maybe it is not. Pain could be the pain of the vegus nerve but not. Post op many things happen that could be a medical emergency. By the time you type a whole page here you could have called your doctor. Although I know you all like to get advice from people regarding how they felt is all well and good but call your doctor first. Then post what the out come was. I just can't see people taking their life and putting it in someone's hands that is not medically able to give you the correct information. Anything that happens after surgery could be something serious. Leg pain, chest pain any kind of pain except incision pain should be directed at your doctor. Do you know how many complications happen after surgery because people took it upon themselves to diagnose through google? Many and I see it every day. Take time to properly take care of yourself post op.
  19. cheryl2586

    Questions asked post op

    Yes I know it's a sticky Jim lol but I am only speaking from experience of seeing post op patients have serious issues and wait until it is too late to get treatment. Some take lapband surgery as just a little every day operate on my toe kind of thing but don't realize that it is a serious operation. Anything can happen post op. You have surgery and most are sent home the same day. They are given instructions but if you don't come home from the hospital knowing what you are supposed to eat then surely you wont understand what is happening to you is not good.
  20. cheryl2586

    NSV: Golden Girl

    Although I am very happy for you, I am sad that your company only promotes people or likes people who are thin. I understand where you are coming from but I have always been the same person fat or thin nothing has changed about my personality or the way that I treat people because of weight loss. While some people would be happy for that promotion I would have to think about why I would want to work for a company that is so prejudice against people. it would just be a kick in the teeth for me. I would certainly be the type of person who would just come right out and say you didn't want me in that position when I was fat I cant do it now that I am thin. I probably would be fired but to me that is just bad business practices. I once years ago applied for a position and someone had told me that nobody that was fat works there. When I went to the interview the boss looked me up and down and said we will call you which never happened. When I went back there after I lost all my weight they wanted to hire me the same day. I looked at the same manager and said maybe you don't remember but I remember the way you looked me up and down when I was 300lbs and I have not changed since then only my body has so no I don't want your job.
  21. cheryl2586

    5 days post op and having drinking problems

    I know that everyone has given their opinions of what this is but you really should call your doctor. Just because people tell you what your feeling is swelling and it could be but you should talk to your doctor to make sure what you are feeling is normal.
  22. You are probably not eating the right way. What are you eating first of all? How long does it take you to eat? I don't eat meat anymore because it just doesn't work with me but there are many other things out there that have Protein in them that are healthy for you. You have to take small bites, put the fork down in between them and chew it and make sure it goes down before taking the next bite. This might be hard to do at first but you have to practice or you will spend all your time in the bathroom.
  23. cheryl2586

    How often do you get a fill?

    I have not had a fill in two years. I have only had two fills in my banded life of four years. The first year I lost most of my weight without a fill. My suggestion is this: the problem with getting fills frequently doesn't really give you time to get used to the last fill. Some take a few weeks to take affect. Also when you get fills and you're getting near your band being almost filled up, then you have nothing left to work with. I have only 3cc's in my band and it works fine. Sometimes I think best practice is to go slow. I know you all want to get in the green but sometimes if you don't wait it out, you end up having to go back to get it out. Just pace yourselves slowly.
  24. cheryl2586

    Mushies stage, did anyone have baby food?

    Baby food is loaded with fat because babies need fat for their brain development. You can blenderize regular food but I would not choose baby food.
  25. cheryl2586

    Medical ID Bracelet

    Really only by pass patients need those because of NG tube placement and them having less of a stomach then us. I really don't see the need for a bracelet because if they ever need access to your stomach they can with the band.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
