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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. cheryl2586

    I need support! please!

    You need to start eating meat, eggs, veggies. Start with eggs and yes bacon for Breakfast, tuna or chicken salad for lunch, eat the yogurt for a snack, dinner eat some fish and veggies and then before bed some cottage cheese. Drinking shakes will not keep you full ever. That is why slim fast never worked for anyone. You need to eat solid foods to keep you full. If you eat a cup of tuna it will keep you full for a while.
  2. cheryl2586

    I know its not much....but

    You can see the difference.
  3. If you have a paper chart look in the next time you go. Knowing how much in your band is important. Especially if you have to go to the hospital. If your doctor uses and electronic record, ask the MA when she checks you in. Its your band and you deserve to know whats in it. If he refuses to tell you get another doctor.
  4. Congrats on all of your accomplishments. Believe me if you are a sweet addict like me you can't even have a small amount. It puts me right into a binge for weeks. I can not control that part of me even after four years being banded I just can not eat sweets. If I eat one piece of candy I will eat the bag. Yes slap me in the face but its true. You will do fine. Just listen to your body. It will guide you.
  5. I have never looked my age so I guess at 51 that is a good thing lol.
  6. Keep in mind that what you like preband you may not like post band. I use EAS carb control premixed. I would not buy a lot of Protein powders or liquids until after you are banded. I made that mistake and threw away a mighty expensive bunch of protein powders afterwards.
  7. cheryl2586

    Debating on getting more fills

    I only have 3 ccs in mine. What everyone needs to get to restriction is different. I have not had a fill in two years. I don't need it. Maybe in years to come I will but now I don't and really I don't think you need to either if having more made you sick. Some people have sensitive stomachs like mine which takes three weeks on liquids after a fill. I think you would be smart not to get anymore right now.
  8. cheryl2586

    Stalling out post-op

    Maybe you need to eat less calories. I don't think taking in more would make you lose. If you want to lose you must have a calorie deficit of 3500 a week to lose 1lb. Try eating 800 calories you will not starve. The less calories you eat the more you will lose no matter how much you work out.
  9. When you are newly banded you can not rely on full. You never want to be full ever again. Its about being satisfied. At this time before fills you are in control and need to measure your food and only eat that amount. You will have to deal with hunger, wanting to eat because you are bored or because or because. Measure a cup of good Protein and some veggies and call it a day. If you are eating to get full you are over eating.
  10. cheryl2586

    I need advice please...

    Cottage cheese is one of those ify foods for the band. Some days I can't eat it. Not even the small curd. Bands are finicky. Who knows why they just like to remind us that they are in control sometimes.
  11. cheryl2586

    Before and after photos

    I just thought those that think it is going slow they would know with time it will happen
  12. cheryl2586

    Before and after photos

    You can believe it did not happen over night. It took three years and I never complained about my weight stalling for long periods. I just stuck it out and with a lot of work on my eating part it does work.
  13. I would think any seasonings would be fine unless they are filled with salt. I would think it would make it more enjoyable.
  14. cheryl2586

    Before and after photos

    Just so you know when you think it doesn't work I can tell you it definitely does. You have to work with it.
  15. cheryl2586

    I'm 84 this spring & love my lapband.

    Well what a happy birthday to you. I have had a few patients that were older. So glad it gave you your life back.
  16. cheryl2586

    Self image, anger, & resentment

    My dear I don't know how old you are but let me give you some words from a very wise woman. Any one in your life that thinks you are unworthy of their love because you are over weight is surely not worthy of your love once you lose weight. People do not change because they lose weight and you are still the same person you were how ever many pounds you have lost. I for one would not put up with that nonsense for one minute. If he didn't want to be intimate with you when you were fat then why now. It's no different then it was then. I don't care if you are woman or man but if anyone's mate only shows interest when you start losing weight, doesn't deserve to have one minute of your attention. I refuse to be with anyone that determines how they treat me by the way I look. You need to rethink your marriage and decide if you want to continue on staying with someone that is as selfish as he is. He wouldn't be waking me up either if I didn't want to get up. You need to do a 360 on him and put your foot down and this is how it's going to be or don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you. Hell no now I am pissed off that you have to deal with that. I once in my life had a selfish man like that and I think our relationship lasted about two weeks. I don't do selfish now, then or ever.
  17. I see a lot of post here about being discouraged, the scale wont move, I want to give up. Weight loss with or without surgery is a process. Some will lose fast others will lose slowly. If you have an ugly attitude towards your scale, you are setting yourself up for failure. Lap band patients can expect to lose 1 to 2 lbs a week. If you lose more then that is a plus. You did not get to 300lbs over night but over years. It is work. Having a positive attitude in this process is everything. If you are constantly disappointed because the scale goes up or stays the same, then you will be the one who will give up and say to hell with it. Stop weighing yourself every day, get rid of your scale and get weighed on your post op visits. You will be surprised. Some of you that are starting out you will find that after a time your weight will stall. It may stall for a few weeks or a few months and these times you have to keep doing what you are doing. Everyone is not going to lose 100lbs in their first year. Some do but most don't. It took me three years to lose 120lbs. Stop cheating yourself by being upset about the scale. Get rid of it, have your husband hide it but in any case stop weighing yourself constantly. The scale is the root of all evil for us. I can weigh myself twice a day but not get upset about it. I know when I am retaining Water. There are things that keep you from losing weight. Not sleeping, not moving your bowels daily, water retention, stress are just to name a few and if you are stressing over the scale then guess what? You are making your self at risk for slower weight loss. Do the right thing and in time you will get to where you want to be.
  18. cheryl2586


    You can not get upset every time you go up a pound and back down. It's going to happen. Your success depends on your ability to be positive even when the scale doesn't move. If you get discouraged over a pound what will happen when you are at a stand still for a couple of months or maybe longer. It happens. Think positive for your journey. If you are constantly discouraged or disappointed at your weight it will take you that much longer to lose. Stop weighing yourself every single day. If you can't stop getting on the scale every day get rid of it and only weigh at your appointments. There are many things that determine a few pounds up and down. Water retention is the number one issue. Drink all your water everyday so you can get it out of your system. Just go with the flow.
  19. Massage is a great reward plus it helps you lose weight. It releases any retained Water you have in your body plus makes you feel good. I also buy clothes, shoes, jewelry, mani and pedi.
  20. cheryl2586

    I've Got Questions, You've Got Answers

    You may still be swollen from the fill. Sometimes it takes a while. If you absolutely can get nothing down with out it coming back up then you might need an unfill. If you are getting things down but maybe not meat then I would say wait it out a few more days. I already know when I get a fill I am not eating for three weeks because my stomach is sensitive.
  21. cheryl2586

    Failed Lap Band after 7 years

    You can definitely get back on track. I am sure that fifty percent of people who have weight loss surgery after time want to give up. You want to eat that cake or pizza or sweets or salty. I have issues with sugar and will binge like crazy if I have just one bite. I have no control so I stay away from it. You can do this. You came this far to not go back to where you began. Get motivated and think how much better you felt at your lowest weight.
  22. cheryl2586

    Call your doctor

    I have said this for four years and time and time again people would rather play with their lives and post here then contact their surgeons. I have my surgeons cell phone number and can call him 24 hours a day if needed. I have not had any issues in 4 years but you never know. I would never ask anyone here about pain of any sort, chest pain, shortness of breath, unable to eat or drink heck no. Those questions should be for your doctors then tell us the outcome.
  23. Its one 30 minutes before each meal is what I take.
  24. This is not intended for anyone that is a fresh post op. You need to follow your doctors instructions. In the first few months after surgery after I was healed up and moving on with my new life, I was having such a issue with hunger that it drove me crazy. I was consistently losing weight so my surgeon would not give me any fills. I lost 70lbs in the first six months but it was my journey. This is not usually typical for everyone so please do not base your weight loss on my weight loss. I went to GNC one day to get Vitamins for my husband and I asked the guy there is there anything you have that will curb hunger. He told me to try the Hoodia Super Thin and that it took about a week to work. It tricks your mind in to feeling you are full. I was skeptical but I tried it anyway and it did work. It kept me full feeling after about a week. You take it 30 minutes before Breakfast and 30 minutes before lunch. You can take it before dinner but it says it may keep you awake so I did not. I have seen it in other stores but I only buy from GNC and its around 20 a bottle. I am not saying that this will help everyone but it helped me until my doctor gave me a fill. Even now I use it sometimes when I go through periods of hunger and they drive me crazy. There were no side affects that I noticed from it. You have to do what works for you but this definitely worked for me. I am in no way telling everyone to go out and buy it but it did work for me. If you are newly banded this is not for you. The weeks after surgery are for you to heal and not add other things that your doctor has not recommended for you to try.
  25. Can't wait for THE FOLLOWING Sunday night!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
