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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. If anyone tries the Metamucil bars to add more Fiber to your diet I will tell you right now. If you don't eat them in small bites and drink a lot of Water behind them you will be in Metamucil hell and back. I seriously had them stuck for at least 30 minutes. Here I am trying to be good and have a diet rich in fiber oh hell I don't care about getting fiber in now. I think the rest will sit in my cabinet for 30 years before I try that feat again. Oh and don't try to eat shredded wheat either because then you will be in wheat hell for sure. I love so much sliming on things that make you feel like a razor blade is coming back up in your throat. Hope you all got a good vision and a laugh. Yeah sometimes even after four years I screw up big time. Lesson learned. Hell no to the fiber.
  2. I am not sure I would want that done. I don't think any part that is moved, stitched or taken away can be a good thing. I like to know that my band can come out if needed
  3. It is like that for most people. You just have to drink something hot and hope it helps loosen it up. Most people have Protein drinks for Breakfast.
  4. cheryl2586

    The holy grail of the scale

    I know everyone thinks I had weight loss surgery and it is going to go fast but I am here to tell you for the most part it will not. It took me three years to lose all my weight. I went for a whole year with no weight loss and talk about disappointed. But I kept doing what I was doing. I boosted my weight loss with a couple of days of no carbs just Protein and the scale moved again. I then only added vegetables as carbs and no fruit until I got to goal. If you think it is easier to maintain I am hear to tell you once again it is not. The scale can creep back up on you very fast. It is imperative for good results not to get hemmed up in a corner and think why did I do this. It's not working for me. The only way in this journey to succeed is to change your attitude towards everything and become a positive bandster. Disappointment should no longer be in your vocabulary. Being sad should only be part of your life if you lose someone you love not because of weight loss. If you want to be successful you have to want what you are doing badly. That no matter what the scale says you will still plug along and keep on keeping on. I gained 100 pounds over a 20 year period. Be happy that you are getting healthy.
  5. cheryl2586

    100+ POUNDS DOWN

    congrats are in order
  6. cheryl2586

    Last Rites Meal

    I did not do this. It was my time to get ready for surgery and know I would never have to be eating like a pig any longer. I made up my mind once my surgery date was set that I was no longer going to indulge in a 3,000 calorie meal not even for the last meal
  7. cheryl2586

    What to do when STUCK?

    Yes it hurts like hell, no liquids will only make it worse because it cant pass through the stoma. Sometimes it can be up to 30 minutes and yes sometimes you throw up. Don't worry about it now. You may never have it happen.
  8. I don't understand why everyone gets upset post surgery because your weight loss has stalled as you call it. A stall is 5 to 8 weeks and only being a couple weeks post op is not a stall. You are not going to lose weight every day, week or month. Your body has to catch up and you going back to mushy foods is not going to solve the problem. Just do what you are doing and it will come off. It didn't take you 2 weeks to gain all of your weight and it might take you two years to get it all off. Stay off the scale for now or you will give yourself nothing but disappointment day after day.
  9. cheryl2586

    Tight band issues...

    You went through a traumatic situation. Stress will make your band tight but you have to get you back to normal. I would try to sit down and make up a schedule of exercise and plan out your meals for the week so that you can get back to the grind.
  10. cheryl2586

    No weight loss

    I don't see a lot of Protein in your diet and Cereal will not help you lose weight. Regardless if you are hungry or not you will not lose weight if you don't fuel your body. You will also end up malnutritioned and Vitamin deficient. I know a lot of people do not have hunger but if you are not eating every 4 to 5 hours then you are going to end up in problems. Your protein intake should be at least 70 to 90 a day and if you are not even getting in 50 you will not lose weight. Fat disappears when you eat protein because it has no choice but to burn the fat. At the rate you are going no only will you not lose weight but you will end up with just another eating disorder. Call your nutritionist and make and appointment. You are headed in a very wrong direction.
  11. cheryl2586

    allergan lapband id card

    If you haven't gotten it in a year I would think you should call them or just get a medical ID bracelet.
  12. cheryl2586

    Getting started

    Patience is the biggest thing you need to learn. You did not gain weight over night and it will not come off over night. I am 4 years out and it took me three to get to goal.
  13. cheryl2586

    Correct Me If Im Wrong

    I have never had an issue taking any kind of pills. The only ones my doctor said not to take were nsaids and I take them anyway because I have osteo arthritis and fibromyalgia well and besides I don't want to mess up my liver taking Tylenol. If I have to take a capsule I put it long ways on my tongue so it will go down that way. My doctor knows I take alleve and he has no issues with it.
  14. I can only tell you by my bra size that I went from a 48 DD to a 42 C so that is six inches off my breast. I really don't know the rest.
  15. cheryl2586

    Needing help.

    Call your primary.
  16. cheryl2586

    Not happy with pre op diet

    I love when they call it shrinking your liver. Your organs do not shrink the fat does so what you are really doing is making your liver less fatty for surgery. This is not a permanent thing and yes you will probably be on clear liquids after surgery for two weeks. Try to find something to do to keep your mind occupied and maybe you are not drinking enough Water also.
  17. Why do I say that? Because it is the truth. I found I was getting stuck more while having conversations at the table and I was not paying attention to what I was doing. I told my husband no more talking at the table while eating. It really works very well. That gives us more quality time later in the evening to talk about the days events. It's just something I need to do for myself.
  18. Each day there are more and more newly banded people here who are questioning their weight loss. You think you should have lost more or be losing more then you have. A loss is a loss whether it be pounds or inches. You are not going to lose weight every day, every week or even every month in some cases. No one that is obese ever gained 100lbs over night or some even over a year. It was a gradual weight gain that will take time to get rid of. You're questioning what am I doing wrong. If you are following the plan that your doctor put in place for you to the T then you are doing nothing wrong. As the body loses weight it has to catch up if you initially lose a lot in the beginning. People have went months with no weight loss but as long as you are not gaining you will get there. 1 to 2lbs a week is normal for a lapband patient. If it's more then you're that much more ahead of the game. Be patient, stay off the scale. Weigh yourself once a week or every other so you won't suffer disappointment and question if you made the right decision. If you can't stop weighing yourself then you have to stop being disappointed every time you don't lose. Just hang in there it will happen if you are doing exactly what you are suppose to be doing. You can't eat ice cream, cake, Cookies, potato chips and all the other junk food and wonder why the scale is not moving. Drink your Water, eat your portion size and make sure most of that is Protein, make sure you get 8 hours of sleep at night because you lose weight when you are sleeping, make sure you are moving your bowels every day and stop stressing. You will get there.
  19. cheryl2586

    Pre-Op Diet Nausea

    The nausea is probably coming from not eating regular food. I would try something else like the EAS already made they taste good.
  20. cheryl2586

    Emotional Struggle

    If you don't want to drive yourself and your mom crazy go find something to do. Read a book non stop, magazines, go to the mall and walk inside to get out of the house, play games on the computer, watch a good movie. There is no reason that you can't occupy yourself enough to get through this time. Its not permanent it is only temporary. Find someone to play cards with. Do crossword puzzles.
  21. Getting all the gym equipment out of the garage finally

    1. hopeful2 be slim
    2. Teachamy


      Nice! It feels good to actually use it, doesn't it? :)


    3. cheryl2586


      We bought a house in July and it's been sitting in the garage that long so we took one of the extra bedrooms and made it into the work out room

  22. cheryl2586

    Green Zone…Am I ?

    I hope you are at least drinking Protein shakes because three to four bites will not give you the nutrition you need. You will lose weight but also lose muscle with that.
  23. cheryl2586

    Natural Laxatives?

    Activia however it may be your new normal to go only every three days. Your body is only consuming small amounts of food you may not go every day if that is what you are used to. Unless you are having hard, painful bowel movements I would not worry.
  24. cheryl2586


    No one can give you will power you have to want it more then anything and then when you go to put something in your mouth ask yourself is this going to get me where I am and its not then throw it out. If you are not willing to change your eating habits for the good health you will get, no one can do that for you.
  25. cheryl2586

    Post-Fill Diet ?

    The reason for liquids is that the stoma swells after a fill. Most doctors require clear liquids for at least 24 hours.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
