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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. cheryl2586

    White flour?

    Most things made with white flour are bread, bisquits, cake, doughnuts, and no most have trouble with any kind of dough. I can not and have not eaten bread because it hurts like hell when it gets stuck and does not go down quickly. But just like everyone else you will have to make that mistake on your own.
  2. cheryl2586

    Should I wait an extra 2 weeks for my first fill?

    If you havent gained so far you wont gain. Fills do not stop you from gaining weight.
  3. Hamburgers and fries are not a great choice of food. You should be eating lean meats, fruits and vegetables and only 4 oz of food. If you are eating more than that you are not giving yourself time to get full or feel satisified. Having the band is no differnt than being on a diet. Some of it in the beginning you have to do yourself. Stop at 4 oz no matter what and give it time for your brain to tell you you are full and get off the hamburgers and fries and eat some good quality meats, vegetable, fruit. it works but you have to help you cant wait for the band to do it all for you because you may never reach restriction.
  4. cheryl2586

    negative feedback

    You have to remember Gym rats have never a day in their life ever had to put up with what we have. He works out probably and hour or two every single day and sees that you should do the same to get his same results. We are not and never will be gym rats because if we were were would need surgery or people like him to help us. I say this: Your decision to have surgery is your first and foremost decision and it doesnt matter who really liked or likes it or will like it after it was done. I worked with a girl who was morbidly obese and tried every single diet losing 40 here gaining 60 there and told me to my face that it was not going to be easy and see how slow I was going to lose weight well I lost 70lbs within 6 monhts and have kept it off. Am I at goal weight no and Im not because I quit smoking and the weight loss just stopped however if I never get down to my goal weight that 70lbs was all I needed to live a life of health and not get up every single morning and take 10 medications and going to be take 10 more. I am back to my healthy self and thats all that matters and if he doesnt want to support you tell him to go find some skinny ass wink wink to work out with. I dont need a personal trainer I just need to do me and so do you. Dont let people steal your joy for what you want to do because when it comes down to it none of this was easy from the beginning or now trying to maintain and be happy where I am. Girlie give up the trainer and get a new you that you deserved to have
  5. cheryl2586

    Doctor missing port?

    No because I can feel when that thing is tightening around my stomach so I know he hit the right spot
  6. cheryl2586

    Slime problem

    Slime can not sit in your pouch waiting it has a hole in it. You may have post nasal drip and not know it. Take some allergy medication and see if that works.
  7. cheryl2586

    Is this normal?

    Nope cant eat fries either and dont miss them
  8. cheryl2586

    Whats going on?

    The food only stays in your pouch for less than a minute it starts leaving the pouch as soon as you swallow because digestion starts immediately. No the band does not stop you from eating you have to stop you from eating.
  9. cheryl2586

    Whats going on?

    Just because you can eat everything why are you is my question. Why would you even try bread because you had one cc taken out or anything else for that matter. You have to have some control of what your eating.
  10. cheryl2586

    Hair Loss after Lap Band Surgery

    The protein part is actually not true its vitamin loss. Go to GNC and buy hair skin and nails you might have to break it in half but it worked for me.
  11. You havent done the wrong thing you are going to be weak how can you have strength on liquids only. I would say occupy yourself with something so you wont think about food. I dont really know that the obession with food ever gets better because we all have that issue however I do know that if you occupy yourself then you wont think about it all the time.
  12. cheryl2586

    YEAH!!! FINALLY my first fill

    I dont get the whole two week clear liquids unless you have issues eating most doctors only have you on clear liquids for three days at the most. I would double check with him again to make sure he said two weeks of clear liquids or did he mean upgrade over two weeks meaning 3 days of clear liquids, a few days of full liquids, a few days of pureed and then move up to a regular diet. I on the other hand have a very sensitive stomach when getting fills and cannot eat for three weeks or so but that is usually not the case with most.
  13. After abdominal surgery of any kind you are on clear liquids for a reason. Please stick to them. Calories are not important right now. Allowing your stomach time to heal from the trauma of the surgery is. You were put on clear liquids so the stomach would not have to work hard to digest food. So please stay on them its important. Its not about damaging the band its about resting the stomach.
  14. cheryl2586

    Bathroom Problems

    Eat activia and take Magnesium (yes the vitamin) Magnesium will make you go go go
  15. cheryl2586

    Pros and Cons

    3 plus's+ Weight loss+happiness+wearing normal size clothes 3 Cons - Some days I can eat some days I cant, I didnt think eating would become such a chore, that a plateu or stop in losing weight can last for months regardless of what you do to make the scale move.
  16. cheryl2586

    Vomitting and reflux

    You are too tight you need to get some fluid removed if you dont and keep vomiting you will slip your band. You should not be constantly throwing up and or have acid reflux. Its big as day in most doctors offices if you have acid reflux you are too tight
  17. You are definitely not eating enough and probably are vitamin deficient. You need to increase your calories and not rely on soup for dinner you should be eating meat of some kind or some substantial protein anyway. You should be taking supplements also. If you are not eating only that I would go for a high calorie protein shake in the morning instead of carnation instant breakfast which provides you with not enough protein. I like EAS protein shakes already mixed they are not too sweet nor too chalky they taste good to me. I would consider some hot cereals in the morning like cream of wheat maybe with a little yogurt mixed in it. I also like the kashi hot cereal it has nine grams of protein and mixed with some yogurt it comes out to about 15 grams of protein for breakfast and cream of wheat has iron. Are you taking your vitamins that is important.
  18. Yeah that is sick to want comorbidities.
  19. cheryl2586

    Water, Water, Water

    4 c sugar free singles to go they have a variety pack and teas I use them they are great
  20. cheryl2586

    First fill question

    Usually they leave air at the plunger end of the needle so when the saline is inserted it all goes in to the band. If you ever notice when they unscrew the plastic part and leave the needle in during a fill if there was any fluid left in the tubing it would leak out. Its all in there all 3cc's of it.
  21. Oh the blessed shakes Im 16 months post op and I still drink them at least once a day. I have issues eating in the morning so shakes are the next best thing to breakfast. Some people never stop with the protein supplements but I must say I do enjoy protein bars more than shakes any day. But I use the EAS chocolate already made its much better to me than most or I buy the Advantage from Walmarts and thats not bad either.
  22. Well I have been stuck at 70lbs since I quit smoking last May but I never had a fill until a year out. Thats the trouble with getting fills so quickly because now you have nothing to work with. I would say maybe go get an unfill for a while then go back to getting fills again. Do you still have restriction? Are you eating a lot? Just some thoughts. I only have 3 cc's in my band at a year and 4 months post op. I wont get another fill for a very long time.
  23. cheryl2586

    To Fill or Not to Fill

    Yes you are learning however some of the questions asked should be directed to your medical professionals not one here. How is one to know if your too tight because of ovulation that is a question for a doctor not common folk. I dont think anyone is being righteous or in rage but darn you all ask questions and when you dont get the answer you want then you assume the poster is being rude, not reading your post or having some kind of mental episode feeling the need to take it out on you. OMG ask your doctor thats what they get paid for. Furthermore since no one knows anyone here then you cant assume anything in their personality or what kind of person they are. You being rude to someone calling them righteous is just as bad if not worse than what the poster said. Its okay for you to attack people but not for someone else to put their thoughts in to the persons question. To the OP ask your doctor. SMDH
  24. cheryl2586

    Need help finding vitamins

    One a day chewables are not bad in price.
  25. cheryl2586

    To Fill or Not to Fill

    Why dont you ask your doctor????? That would be the person to ask dont you think

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
