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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cheryl2586

  1. Its not the bypass cheat foods are not going to make you sick. You have to have some control in the matter. Why did you have surgery if your going to continue to eat cheat foods and especially a few days post op. Now should be the time you are getting yourself ready for this journey by sticking to your diet the doctor gave you. If you cant do it now how are you going to do it later. The band will not stop you from eating anything until maybe later when you have fills. It wont stop you from eating cereal, cookies, chocolate, doritos YOU have to stop you from eating that. Yes you are going to be hungry but you have to suffer through to get the most of the following weeks post op
  2. cheryl2586

    Why no homemade protein shakes?

    I didnt have any preop diet and your liver does not shrink that is a lie. Everyones liver is the same size unless you have a liver condition. Every surgery I have seen everyones liver and stomach are the same size no matter how fat they are. It is just the drs way of making you do liquids and be miserable for two weeks before surgery. Eat and enjoy yourself until the night before the night before surgery.
  3. cheryl2586

    Inpatient vs. Outpatient?

    They always have to be prepared for complications. I went in as a 23 hour out patient and ended up there three days with dry heaves. Basically it is an outpatient procedure but if you are high risk or they feel that there may be a need to keep you it has to be submitted or your insuance will not pay if he decides later on that you need to stay.
  4. cheryl2586

    My Dr Was Fired!

    Im sure he was let go for a darn good reason. Maybe you should not be upset but happy that he is no longer practicing he may have really made some bad mistakes and hurt some people so maybe your lucky he is gone.
  5. You are toooooo tight get an unfill that is not right. I have massive swelling after a fill but never nothing like that ever.
  6. cheryl2586

    Pre-op diet

    Well it doesnt get much better after surgery either so figure for the next month it will pretty much be hell. But its only one month and then you can move on with your life
  7. cheryl2586

    miserable bc im fat

    If you went to a seminar they would have told you that you have to have 6 months of supervised nutritionist, 6 months of seeing your general physcian then your physician has to submit a letter of necessity for the surgery. Most insurance companies are going to deny you if you have not done all the steps necessary its their way of discouraging you. So with that being said you need to start first with the seminar of a bariatric surgeon and start seeing your doctor monthly for six months and no loss of time in between.
  8. cheryl2586


    NSAIDs can be taken for short term use with the band. I took celebrex when I pulled muscles in my neck, I take ibuprophen when nothing else works. I havent had any issues I just dont take it every single day. Sometimes there is nothing better than advil or motrin just make sure you eat with it.
  9. cheryl2586

    I need advice, just lost my band!

    Weather you realize it or not the band did not do all the work for you and you are 90% responsible for you weight loss the band only does about 10%. Just eat like you still had the band. It is a lifetime learned behavior. Dont go back to your old eating habits and you shouldnt have an issue. I would be thankful to get that out instead of having other issues from food leaking out of my stomach. You can maintain. We all have that inner will power you just have to make it work more for you now.
  10. cheryl2586

    Why no homemade protein shakes?

    I never heard of that unless you are blending them because after banding you are not supposed to use a blender due to the added air in the protein when blending. I guess you could go way over on calories if you make them yourself and not really paying attention but some 2% milk, protein powder, and fruit I dont see any issues with that.
  11. First of all you are too tight if you have to use water to push your food down. Go get an unfill. Secondly if your only eating at night you are not keeping your metabolism going. You should never go more than six waking hours without eating. Your inability to eat is because you are too tight. You can cut back all you want but if you are not getting proper nuroushment then you are not going to lose weight. Why so many fills so soon? That band is for life and if your all filled up and cant eat you will not lose weight. I say get and unfill and stop eating and drinking at the same time. You are supposed to stop drinking 15 minutes before a meal and 30 after. Your pushing all your food out of the pouch so you will not keep it long. You may not be chewing your food well enough. Even if you have a protein shake for breakfast you need to eat something before night time and that is the worst time to eat and go to sleep. You have to change your eating pattern not your food your chosing. It makes a big difference.
  12. cheryl2586

    Laxatives before surgery?

    No they are not. But you will want to be cleaned out since most people dont go for a few days after surgery which can be very painful
  13. Been banded 16 months stuck a plenty but never thrown up. If your tight enough you will get stuck sometimes unless you chew your food so much that it is baby food. It is usually inevitable that if you are tight you will get stuck at some point. It happens and you move on.
  14. cheryl2586

    anyone been ewwwed??

    Maybe you dont look pysically healthy meaning your pale, sickly looking. Some people who have weight loss surgery if they dont take their vitamins and eat right they do look sickly. I doubt its the weight it might just be the way you look. My ex boss had gastric bypass and she looks sick. It depends on what they mean by you look sick.
  15. cheryl2586

    What can I do? I am so frustrated.

    Usually insurance companies want proof via a doctor that you have been obese for over two years with no way to control your weight. It has to be documented in your chart for two years. If you only have sporadic times you saw a doctor and the ER doesnt count then they may want you to wait two years unless you have severe comorbidities like diabetes or high blood pressure
  16. cheryl2586

    can't get correct fill

    You need to talk to your healthcare team. You know that everyone is going to tell you the same thing you already know. Eat more protein, drink more water, get a fill yada yada yada talk to your doctor.
  17. cheryl2586


    Even if you can eat or drink at the same time you shouldnt from day one. You are not supposed to drink 15 minutes before a meal or 30 after a meal after surgery.
  18. cheryl2586

    Hunger level after surgery

    I had no preop diet but was starving by day three up until 12 days post op when I could finally up my diet to soft foods.
  19. cheryl2586

    band is finally full now

    I dont think the saline dissapates that quickly over time and that is why I say go slow with fills because what do you do when you are completely full and have no more room for fills. Who knows if it dissapates over a long period. So when you have a full band and still are not at goal what can you do? Nothing. You are stuck with no more weight loss, hunger and no way to get a fill. just sayin
  20. You answered your own question for your self you said : I still get full quickly (especially when I follow the rule and do not drink while I eat). So then follow the rules and dont eat and drink. If you are going to eat as much as you want whenever you want then no you wont lose weight. Follow the rules if you are still getting full when you follow the rules then you are still at proper restriction. The choice is yours. Besides most people with the band only lose 40% of their weight except for the extreme lucky ones you might be at that 40% weight loss and now you will have to do the rest your self.
  21. cheryl2586

    Please Help me.....

    A five hour drive after surgery is putting you at major risk for blood clots. I wouldnt do it
  22. cheryl2586

    5 Weeks Post-Op

    You are not going to lose weight by fills. It is normal not to have weight loss when you move up to soft foods because your calorie intake is more than when you were on clear liquids. The first six weeks should be for healing not worried about losing. Stay off the scale.
  23. cheryl2586

    Banded no fill and can't stop eating

    You have to have some control over your eating the band is not going to control that and yes even at proper restriction you can still eat. You have to take some initiative and stop stuffing yourself just because you can. Eat three meals a day and thats it. If you need to snack dont op for Protein shakes because they will not help you. If your not going to take some responsiblity of what you put in your mouth then why go through all the agony of surgery. You can get 10cc's full and if you dont make the right food choices your are not going to lose weight. Find something to do with your time other than obsess about food. You have to get your self under control because if you dont you can get all the fills in the world and still eat only in smaller increments. You will still eat the wrong things. It doesnt matter how people feel life style change or diet it is all the same you have to control your urge to eat constantly. Find something to do with your time other than think about food.
  24. cheryl2586

    Stomach Bump

    Well did you ask him what it is?? Could it be your port. If you didnt ask him what it is then how you gonna know.
  25. Since Jello is the best thing for nails eat some jello or buy some geletin caps or get some hair skin and nails from GNC they are big but you can break them in half and it did help tremendously with my hair and nails.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
