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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Stroganoff

  1. Stroganoff

    Sbartulla's Before and After Pics

    My Before & After Photos!
  2. Stroganoff

    Calling all A11s!!

    I am so happy you are ok GG! I must say I was pleased as pie to get on the scale on January 2nd to weigh in at 197.8 Wooooooohooooooooooo! Bring on 2012 you are mine baby!
  3. My future is looking so bright I need shades!

  4. My future is looking so bright I need shades!

  5. Stroganoff

    Calling all A11s!!

    Well I have to say that I am loving and hating this restriction all at the same time lol. Mine has been a little too tight but I didn't want to have anything removed because it normally loosens up about two weeks after having it. My mentality was that it would be at the perfect spot come two weeks. I think I might have been right. I am about two weeks after my last fill and I am able to eat more food. I don't see me needing another fill when I go back in for my next appointment. I am down to 201.5 and it feels like the scale is teasing me! I have got to find a way to get some exercise into my daily routine. I wanted to start the new year in onederland but not sure I will make it. Either way I am still a smaller me. I hope everyone has an amazing New Year! I am praying that it is just a shadow GG!
  6. Stroganoff

    Calling all A11s!!

    Congrats Caryn on success at school. I also made it through finals in nursing. I have to say it has been extremely stressful for the last month. School was harsh, I had fears of losing my job, and some other family problems but I have made it to the other side. I did get to go to New Orleans for a weekend and gained back all of the weight I had lost the few weeks before hand. I am now back to losing it again. I went yesterday for another fill and I am up to 7cc in a 10cc band. I have some major restriction going on. My fellow banded friend says she thinks I am swollen from the fill and it should get better in a day or two. This morning I was down to 204 and I am very excited about that. Onderland is in my sites and I will be there by the new year. When I first got the band I thought that 2011 was going to be my year but now I have realized that most of the benefits are going to be in 2012. Come on 2012!!!!!!!!
  7. Stroganoff

    Calling all A11s!!

    Amazing progress Scott congratulations on all of your success
  8. Stroganoff

    Calling all A11s!!

    I am so freakin excited. I went today for another fill. I have eaten plenty of candy, drank some alcohol, and my appetite has been out of control but I managed to lose 4 pounds in two weeks. I can even feel a little bit of restriction with my new fill. Woot woot go me go me go me!
  9. Stroganoff

    Calling all A11s!!

    I am so freakin excited. I went today for another fill. I have eaten plenty of candy, drank some alcohol, and my appetite has been out of control but I managed to lose 4 pounds in two weeks. I can even feel a little bit of restriction with my new fill. Woot woot go me go me go me!
  10. Stroganoff

    Calling all A11s!!

    I am starving......like someone hook me up with some paint chips starving. I am so thankful I get a fill tomorrow but the willpower to prevent a 5 pound gain between now and then is close to breaking. Of course I am at work with only candy and vending machine food as options. Why did I eat a grilled chicken salad for lunch? The fat girl that lives in my head is telling me to eat a burger what could it hurt? The skinny size 12 angel is saying "your hips"! I will not falter I will be strong! Lol
  11. Stroganoff

    Frustrated Not Losing

    My doctor told me to lay off of the protein shakes for breakfast and lunch. They are not filling so I would not feel full and then make bad food choices. Find things that stick with you longer. For breakfast try eggs and turkey sausage. Don't be ashamed. You did something to better yourself how can that be wrong? Try to change the eating habits and make the band work for you. You are not alone. Many of us are fumbling through our first year trying to find out what works. I wish you the best.
  12. Stroganoff

    Calling all A11s!!

    Caryn let me just say........BREATHE! I am in nursing school so I can feel your pain. My semester was really sucking hard until I changed my mindset. I decided that I was going to do my best to work my time management. When I go Into a test I know I did what I could with the time I have. I also decided to focus on enjoying each day and you would be amazed how it helps. Just think positive and it will be positive. You might not always be an A student or B student but as long you are a passing student that is all that matters!
  13. Stroganoff

    Calling all A11s!!

    Holy cow I cannot stop eating today. I am just plain hungry! It wouldnt be so bad if I did not have a bunch a crap surrounding me. This morning I actually felt like I was lighter so I was all kinds of excited to get on the scale when I got home today. Well not now.....abort plan abort plan I am guessing I probably just ruined a good thing. I am so gratefull that I get a fill in a week! Lord help me get through this week pretty please with sugar on top! I havea feeling God likes sweets too either that or he is a really mean trickster.
  14. Stroganoff

    Calling all A11s!!

    So sorry Ms Lady but just remember that it is a temporary weight gain. It will come off again and eventually forever. Plus that weight gain can be because so many things including Water weight. I could give a mile long pep talk but sometimes it is ok just to say that the situation sucks as long as you don't hang out in the pits for too long.
  15. Stroganoff

    Calling all A11s!!

    I fluxuate a lot too with my weight so I think I need to pick one day of the week to record. I weigh almost everyday and even if it is smaller number I find that I dont give myself credit for it. Mentally I am thinking it will go back up so might as well say I am at a higher number. I never knew I was such a mental case before this...I mean I joked about it sure but I am pretty hard on myself. Anyway the smallest number I have seen on the scale is 210.2 but I tell everyone I weight 213. One of these days I will laugh at myself because I will be far into onederland and the taunting 213 will be a big joke. Until then I guess I will just continue to drive myself crazy!
  16. Stroganoff

    Calling all A11s!!

    Just curious when and how often everyone is weighing themselves and do you wear clothes when you do? I personally prefer no clothes but kinda feel like I am cheating.
  17. Stroganoff

    Calling all A11s!!

    Well I have to say I am soooooo grateful that they let me come in because I gained a pounds so another 2.5 weeks would not have been good. The nurse practitioner gave me another 1.5 ccs for a total of 5. I didn't really eat until I was full afterwards but I managed 1/4 of a bagel with cheese and a fruit cup. I had a really crappy weekend and did a bit of emotional eating which included 2 pieces of pizza covered in ranch dressing. I have to say it wasn't as good as I thought it should be. I really can't believe I was able to eat it. Anyway I will not fret about it but simply move on. I certainly can't uneat the dang pizza so why worry with it! Today is a new day and I have a life to live so I am putting on my big girl panties, my happy face, and I am moving on. Hope everyone has an awesome week!
  18. Stroganoff

    Calling all A11s!!

    I have to agree GG you are very supportive and definitely a God send for some of us. I just thought I would give an update since last time I was in tears. I called the doctors office with my concerns of suddenly being hungry all of the time and being able to eat almost anything without a problem including pizza! They told me it is normal for this to happen! Basically some of the fat pad around my stomach is now gone so it affects the band and how well it works. I get to go in Monday to get another fill and I also get to keep my appt on November 9th. I am so glad they were understanding and didn't make me wait for my fill. I am currently at 3.5 in 10 band. I will let you know how I feel after tomorrow.
  19. Stroganoff

    Calling all A11s!!

    Regarding the hand sanitizer.....I am a nursing student in the Houston area and hand sanitizer is just as an accepted practice as washing your hands. In every hospital that I have been so far there has been hand sanitizer in all of the rooms. I know it might not sound wonderful but you have to realize tht these nurses are also washing their hands several times through out the day on top of using the sanitizer. These nurses typically wash their hands before and after every patient .....the hand sanitizer in the room is just a bonus! Hope it helps you to feel better about it.
  20. Stroganoff

    Calling all A11s!!

    Brilliant idea with the water bottle I am soooooo gonna do that. Regarding the weight loss, I was still very happy with my lap band even with only losing 2.5 pounds. Unfortunately since my second fill I feel like I have gone backwards I can actually eat more food and things that were hard to eat before are going down now problem. I am starving allllllll of the time. I joined weight watchers online to help out with the food choices but I am finding it increasing difficult to make good food choices. It was easier when I wasn't so hungry but now I feel like I am faced with making good food choices while I am starving all of the time. I don't get another fill until the 9th of next month. This last weekend I ate so many carbs it is ridiculous. I was able to eat an entire ham and cheese sandwich with no issues at all. I even wanted to eat food in private so noone would judge me. I do not want to go back to that way of thinking again!!!!!!! I feel so alone in this and I am freaking out. I don't really even want to get on this site because I am mad that other people are having success and I am failing at yet another weight loss attempt. I know that I have to let the band work for me and it takes a while to get there but right now I am just majorly discouraged. I am starting to get really emotional all of the time. I have never in my life been a cryer but now I cry watching tv shows. Hell I started crying while typing this reply......I swear I am falling apart at the seams! Sorry to vent but this is crap!
  21. I am in the same boat as you. I have actually had two fills and it seems the my hunger is actually increasing. I have lost and gained the same 4 pounds over and over. I know that it takes a while for the band to get to the "sweet spot" but I would love to see some weight come off. It is all just so frustrating. I think it feels better just to say this SUCKS! I know noone can fix it for me and I really know all of the advice I would give someone in my position. Sometimes we don't need someone to fix it but really just to understand or let us vent. So I am venting. THIS REALLY FREAKING SUCKS!!!!!!! I JUST WANNA LOSE WEIGHT AND FEEL AMAZING IN MY OWN SKIN BUT INSTEAD THIS PROCESS IS KILLING ME ! LOL try it maybe it will help. It is even more effective if you scream it!
  22. Stroganoff

    Calling all A11s!!

    My check offs have to be easy and in my face or else it wont happen. If I am required to log in to something more than likely I will forget. I really do need to get a big water bottle to fill everyday it would make it so much easier!
  23. Stroganoff

    Calling all A11s!!

    So I had my second fill and am now up to 3.5ccs. I only went down 2 .5 pounds last month but at least its a loss. I know I would be losing more if I could spend some time and prepare some meals to go. I do know that I am eating better choices than I use to but it could be better. I think I am going to start giving myself a goal for each week. This week I will not eat any cheese! This may seem easy for you guys but I have been having a love affair with cheese my whole life......my whole fat life. If I wanna see a change in me I need to make a change in my eating habits. I think next week I will cut down on carbs drastically. I know that I don't eat carbs near as much as I use to but I still eat them. I am also going to make a check list for my water so that I can visually see how much I m adrinking. Plus checking off 8 ounces will feel like an accomplisment and keep me motivated. So does anyone have any other ideas for weekly goals? I would love some suggestions!

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