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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by beba238

  1. Got my surgery date... its March 28th.... my liquid diet starts at 6 am on March 26th... was kind of hopeing Easter was my last big meal...and to spend time with the family. I will probally not feel great.. so we are doing Easter next weekend.. . but I am not complaining. Happy to have a date... and that the days are going by super fast! Look forward to sharing my journey!

    you'll be fine... the first 2 days are the best but you'll get used to it!

  2. I told my managers and now the whole dam office knows. I am happy about my decision and not ashamed at all but i didn't want everyone in my business. I'm so disappointed on my managers at work... Anywho... day 6 of pre-op and i am 9 lbs down. WOAHHH how did that happen... its just coming off like nothing...

    Surgery on Tuesday and random thoughts coming through my head>> What if i dont lose too much, should i really be doing this? Am I going to survive the first month post-op, etc etc.... too much lol

    Anyways congrats to all my March post sleevers and good luck to all my March pre sleevers!!!

  3. you'll be fine. Just know that this is a test, SO? You slipped once. At least you acknowledged it and you came here for support. On day one my mom (Thank God for mom) made me grilled chicken and salad..She served me alot of salad. i asked her why didn't she give me a cup (measured) of salad and she told me that i have to take it one day at a time. Everyday we bring down the portion more and more.

    The Point is it happens. I went to TGI Fridays yesterday and SURPRISINGLY i didn't go crazy and order crazy appetizers and the biggest burger they had with extra fries (although 3 days a go i would have lol) I ordered from the rprp (right portion right price) menu and got veggies with salmon and grilled shrimp... gave the shrimp to my bf and and bought half my plate home for mom.

    Today is day 6 and i am surprisingly fine... yesterday the bf bought Chinese food and i was dying to pick at it. Today my sisters God daughter bought cake from her b-day party. Looked at it reached for it and said nahhhh not worth it.

    When i get hungry i look at my skinny friends fb page and imagine how good i'll look posing next to them... lol ITS OKAY!!!

    Please just don't give up. We are all here to support each other and now that's more motivation for you to keep going with your diet!!!! Good Luck!!!

  4. I'm having surgery on Tuesday (OMGOSH) Yaaa... Day one of my pre-op diet was the most challenging.. i wanted to eat everything around me. Day 2 I was extremely cranking, wanted to strangle everyone lol... Day 3 went smoother i think because i weighed myself that morning and i was 4lbs down so it motivated me to hang in there. Today is day 6 and I am fine. Hang in there it is all worth it.!!!

  5. She's being insecure and at the same time maybe she's scared for you. She might also be afraid that you will be more successful than her. OR that you'll find different friends. Nobody knows your struggle and i congratulate you on choosing surgery. Your friend will later come around it not you have nothing to worry about because it is part of this new life. Good Luck and worry about yourself first. The most important ppl right now are your main supporters.

    My dad is a bit ignorant and very old school. I told him today i am having surgery next week and i was in COMPLETE shock when he said "I was hoping you would decide that on your own versus me bringing it up. I'm proud of you." what? lol you need supporters from wherever you can get them if your friend chooses not to support you its her loss, because once she see's how successful you'll be she's gonna come around and start asking questions. Good Luck again.

  6. OMGosh You guys are like heaven to my ears... I started my liquid diet today and omg seriously its ALL IN THE HEAD. I work two jobs and sometimes I am so busy that I dont get the change to grab a bite (i do eat a goo Breakfast though). I get home after 10 and most of the time i am too tired to think of food and i just shower and go to bed.

    BUT all of a sudden I wasn't so busy today... wtfudge? and I was starving with my slim fast shake for Breakfast and 2nd shake for lunch. i was dying lol first time and i swear i am telling the truth... 3 co-workers came to me asking if i wanted to order food with them. My bf after work was like lets go get nachos and i'm like ummm HELLLOOO lol...

    Anyways i am allowed 2 Snacks which i ate one after the other.. a 1/2 cup of sugar free jell-o and a 1/2 cup of yogurt.

    MY MOTHER IS AMAZING... made my dinner.. 6oz grilled chicken, 1 cup of salad and 1/2 cup of broth. (Mind you i wasn't even hungry anymore)


    I can do this! WE Can do this.. by the way what kinds of shake are you guys drinking? Slim-fast is killing me slowly.

  7. Of course you are gonna change dear! all for the good. If you are truly in love with him--- you will not care about attention from other men Therefore - your boyfriend will not need to feel jealous- because you will be showing him he has nothing to worry about and you care deeply for him. I truly believe that relationships that break apart because one party has lost weight were never meant to be.

    I have a friend who lost 100 pounds. She looked gorgeous and had a dedicated husband who adored her- even when she was fat. He always encouraged her to get healthy in a loving way. All of a sudden - she gets major attention from men at work and everywhere else they usually went as a couple. These men never even batted an eye at her before. But her husband - proudly stood by her and showed her love and respect. Well she ate it up and couldn't get enough attention- and ended up cheating with a man who gave her an STD. Her and her husband of 12 years - divorced. They have 2 little children. The husband is still a mess. ANd she is alone and miserable- gaining weight and seriously regretting the choices she has made. Sorry for the novel- just felt like sharing a story....

    Thanks for your kinds words... and that story! I was following this girl on youtube who got the lap band like 4 years ago and I can tell that her hubby and her are having trouble and she mentions it but i love the fact that they are fighting for their relationship. Thanks for posting!

  8. i guess the feelings are normal , but on my end its a little different ! my fiance of 5 years and i are both swingers !!!He has always enjoyed "chunky" "curvy" girls and really wasnt too fond of me having this surgery. But now that i have and have shed some major pounds ....our sex life has never been better!i know about gaining weight .....since we met i had gained a good 50 pounds myself!!!...wait til your curves start poppin out !!!i feel soooo much better !!!! :)

    Congrats on your surgery... You give me great hope... I hope you and your fiance are doing well!! Thanks for posting!

  9. March 19th here... start my liquids on Tuesday... Why am i all of a sudden so darn nervous!!

    I'm feeling a bit unprepared... I work two jobs and I'm trying to get all my bills paid for the next two months... I am also a temp and scared of getting laid off since ill be out of work for a month.

    I'm so anxious. I am so happy i have all of you. Prayers to everyone. Hope everyone who had surgery in the last 2 weeks are healing well. Good Luck to everyone this week!!! :-) Please let us know how surgery went as soon as you can!

  10. My bf got really excited when i told him my surgery date. He even joked about me leaving him for someone else... and mentioned how he can't wait to throw me all over the place in the bedroom lol.

    He's very happy. He wants to get bikes so we can ride together. Will this last? Will it get better or worse?

    I am excited and I hope my bf doesn't change and that i don't change as well.

    Jealousy is normal in any relationship. I hope he doesn't get jealous when i start going out and wearing nice clothes and gett attn from guys, etc.

    I've been with my bf for 5 years and I've gained 45 lbs during the time we've been dating. I hope to lose the wait and gain the confidence i had back then.

    I want to keep him on his toes but at the same time reassure him that i am still the same person. Any advice is strongly appreciated. Thanks!!! :wub:

    *** Getting sleeved on March 19th***

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