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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by beba238

  1. Thanks Dean! Great job on your weight loss! I really don't plan on lying. I just don't like people being in my business! There are a lot of annoying co-workers!

    Everyone has to make their own decision on this but for me, it's the truth all the way.

    I didn't want WLS to become my dirty little secret. Nobody can judge me until they've walked in my shoes. I'm proud of my decision to tackle my chronic weight problem head on.

    Most people have been VERY supportive at work. Others have mostly kept their mouths shut which is good because they're either going to support me in this or say something stupid ;):P:D

    Do what's best for you. Having said that I've never heard anyone on here who has got into a pickle by telling the truth :)

    Good luck,


  2. Thank you so much... i've been so excited. I can't wait for my surgery! Good Luck!!!

    I feel pretty good! I had it very easy apparently, I didn't need any pain meds after surgery, was up walking within a few.. The gas pain was bad in my shoulders, but I did shoulder rolls and it relieved it fairly quickly. Not hungry at all either, which is weird, because whenever my family eats and I smell the food, my mind says "should you be eating to", but my tummy says, "not interested". lol Good luck on your journey, you will do great!

  3. I loved your 3 cents! Thanks i really appreciate it. You are right! I need to take control!!!

    You know, I don't like to lie and yet I was going to hide this surgery. Life got in the way so I'm glad I didn't attempt to lie (I had major complications and was bedridden a couple of months as well as hospitalized several weeks). In my mind lying just leads you down another dirty path and really, why lie? If you were leaving for heart surgery would you keep it a secret?

    I prefer to tell my secrets so that they don't become the fodder for gossip. It's no fun to gossip about the girl who told already :) I've always been this way and it's so much easier than getting trapped in a web of lies. You look like such a fool as well when it's clear you were lying, which hurts your credibility both in your personal life and work life. Go at it full force and embrace what you are doing and no one can have anything to gossip about except how good you look!

    I will give you another perspective though....I am "the boss" and if I was told by a staff member that they needed to leave for medical reasons, aside from requiring the usual doctor waivers etc, the fact that you are going to be out or even why if I happened to know the details would NEVER pass my lips! NEVER NEVER NEVER! My answer would be "shes out for a couple of days" and nothing more. This is both a legal and ethical requirement of a boss. If you are worried and do consider it a secret, be sure to be very clear that you do not want this known by anyone.

    That said, you will be acting differently at the office and might need more time off than you ask for if you have complications. Upfront and honest is the only way to be IMO as that will garner you support where as a lie will result in quite the opposite situation. Just my 3 cents :P Best of luck whatever you do.

  4. Thank you so much! I know that after my surgery I will feel like telling people. People don't know our struggles.

    I told 2 friends at work and a a general manager (just to let her know that soon i'll need some time off) and they weren't that


    When i made my decision for surgery idk why i felt like keeping it on the down low but i've told 2 or 3 people and it wasn't that bad

    until you hit the negative feedback! But I no longer care. I will tell my manager but i won't go into details until i feel like it after surgery.

    I too struggled with that question...

    I did not feel comfortable telling everyone my

    personal business. Everyone is different and will

    be able to make their own choice on how OR who

    to tell, it is very normal.

    I personally choose to tell only 2 people at work,

    as I knew I was going to need their support when I

    came back. Someone needed to know why I needed

    to eat small bites and drink through out the day...

    I am a restaurant manager and find it hard to step

    off the floor to take care of myself...they will make sure

    that I am taking care of what I need.

    As for the rest of them...I simply told them I was having

    a major Hiatal Hernia repair... (which I DID have)

    this is the same laparoscopic procedure and same recovery time...

    I know as I proceed through all my changes, I will include more

    into my circle of trust...but that will be on MY term...NOT theirs...

    I/You will be able to control some of the nasty gossip...

    but work place gossip will always be there, control what you

    can...the rest is not worth worrying about. I wish you the best

    of luck...

  5. That's amazing! Congrats! How do you feel?

    Honestly I would just tell your coworkers. I did, and they have been super supportive. I did this for me, not for anyone else, and if they want to judge me or think I took the easy way out, let them. I don't care, I know how hard I tried to lose weight for the last 10 years to no avail, and this was the best option. I am 4 days post-op and am already off diabetes medication and am already down 10 lbs. Good luck on whatever you do.

  6. Yaaa your a NY'er lol... Welcome!!!

    My friend got her surgery done in May 23, 2012 @ Montifiore.... she had a great experience.

    My moms friend got her surgery done @ Harlem hospital. They removed a hernia (or 2) and she got the VSG done.and she is totally fine... looking great!

    From personal experience, make your research.

    I've been thinking about surgery for about 4 years, gone to several hospitals and all doctors are different.

    The best thing that you did was coming on here and asking this question. So you can get info from people's experience. Also don't be afraid to Google!!! I google everything lol.

    I went to St. Lukes, Harlem, Mt, Sinai, Lenox Hill and Finally Columbia Presbyterian (orientations)

    I had doctors tell me to get on birth control and another who told me birth control puts me at risk for blood clots and should be stopped 1 month before surgery and resumed a month after surgery.

    I had doctors say i need to wait 2 years before having a baby, others have told me one year.

    Same info with recovery time etc.

    If you want the Sleeve you do the sleeve. Just do all the research that you need to make you satisfied with your decision.... Best of Luck!!

    Feel free to ask me questions! I'm from Manhattan, just got approved and i meet my surgeon on Jan 30 (columbia presbyterian) to discuss surgery and surgery date.

    I wanted to get the lap band until last year dec 12, 2011 met the NP at columbia and she went into details and i was like DING DING i want the sleeve lol. Got home, did research and felt that for my lifestyle i prefer VSG. GOOD LUCK!!!

  7. So....

    I discussing with my mom whether I want to tell my boss about my surgery in order to take days off but i know how that would go.

    "So and so is off for a few weeks, she's getting WLS" and then it goes from one person to the next. And then the whole office knows.

    How did you go about this situation.?

    I was thinking about taking vacation days for my surgery. But what happens when everyone notices my rapid weight loss, or questions me about my liquid diets when i refuse to order take out with them..etc.

    Friends and family are different but how do you deal with co-workers.

  8. I'm sorry to hear that. People are horrible. I know it hurts but deep down inside the only reason people say things like that is because they are some way some way self conscious about themselves. And plus look who your dealing with... obviously uneducated teens. Look at the bright side, at least you can lose the weight!

    Remember "sticks and stones may break my bones but words would never hurt me."... The next time they try something like that again, tell them that or make a joke out of it so they can see that you don't care. I was called something similar once and came with a comeback not towards the person but something like "hey at least i don't look hungry" lol. Remember people like that are ignorant and they say mean things like that to hurt you so if you show them that your not hurt they''ll no they won't be able to mess with you. Good Luck! I hope your okay.... XOXO :)

  9. regardless of what you get you need to forget about your sweet tooth and make it a veggie tooth lol. I'm getting the sleeve becuase i dont want to lose too much weight. I only weigh 245... well now more like 250 because of the holidays. Also because Gastirc Bypasss if more MAJOR than the Sleeve. I chose the sleeve over the band.

    Don't base your decision on having a sweet tooth because if you get the sleeve thinking you can still eat sweets like you do now you'll gain all the weight back or won;t lose any like a friend of mine did.

    This is almost 4 years of research i've been doing. Read more on Sleeve vs bypass and compare Vitamin inefficiency, re-cooperation time, success stories and on success stories, side effects and the risks. Good Luck!!!! :)

  10. Thank you. People like to put their 2 cents in. That's why i have avoided telling people. They do not know our struggle. She didn't know that the same things she wanted me to do I have done in the past. Yes I lost weight successfully but it came back on with more. Thanks for your advice. I really appreciate it! Good Luck! :)

    HI,,I have been through it, infact, just daybefore, when i went to the gym to talk about about my post op detoxing to help surgery recuperation, its the best fitness center in the city & the manager with the counceller made me sit down for good 1.5hrs telling me that i could do it all, 90 pounds insnt too much too loose and i will be out healthy in a year ..who will tell them that i have spent 10 out of my 25yrs on earth trying all that & only when the realization has hit that "I Need an Intervention" , that im going out & getting my stomach cut.

    They do it because they think we are lazy, afraid of working out & taking an easy way out.....so it is for us to stick to our guts,quash away such thoughts, for comeone, it has already taken us long enough to "accept" that we need it.

    So worry not, go get it done & then excercise your way to "healthy you"

  11. .That's exactly what i thought,

    People don't know our struggle!!!

    Sometimes people need to mind their own business unless someone asked for their opinion!

    The intake nurse for my pre-op lab work tried to talk me out of surgery. She was subtle, mentioning how she lost almost 100lbs via weight watchers, knows that it works, how anyone can do it if they take it seriously. Whatever! I smiled, nodded my head and kept on moving.

    People will say anything and everything, it is up to you to know what is right for you body/life.

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