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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bandedbeauty11

  1. Hey guys, thanks for stopping to read this. It means the world to have support! So I'm 20 years old, and I had lap band a month ago. My doctor, Robert Davis, is a wonderful surgeon, but refuses to give a lidocaine shot before the fill! He didn't tell me this until AFTER my first fill...when he jammed that needle in there like it was nothing. I will be honest, there were MAJOR tears...I felt like a baby but it was the worst thing I have EVER gone through...and this is coming from a girl who has had more stitches in her life that anyone else i know! I have to go back on the 15th of August for the next fill and I am literally dreading it. How am I supposed to stay committed to this when the fill is like being stabbed??? Also, I'm still hungry after this fill. I feel like I could eat whatever I want...and after everything I went through, that makes me SO MAD. HELLLPPPP!
  2. bandedbeauty11


    thanks you guys. i don't know WHY it was so bad...it hit me like a ton of bricks! i'm a pretty tough girl, but it was REALLY uncomfortable. i guess i better toughen up even more
  3. bandedbeauty11


    you look AMAZING! such an inspiration for me thank you
  4. {i had my first fill last week...doing great! still a little hungry, but FOCUSED.}

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