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Posts posted by HappyChic

  1. We had potatoes with every meal. Mashed or just boiled for dinner (with real butter) - fried for lunch and Breakfast. We ate toast and jam for Snacks - sometimes twice a day and almost always before bed. Pop & chips every Friday night. Pie was common dessert or some type of homemade pudding made with whole milk. Sugary cereals were popular for weekday breakfasts in our house. I've had to relearn everything.

  2. @@Susan317 -I didn't have a one week follow up - my first check up is at 3 weeks on March 4. I'm feeling pretty great. I had a strange reaction to the blood pressure cuff that caused me some distress and 2 different antibiotics to take for a week but it is clearing up. My incisions are itchy but healing nicely. I seem to be reacting a bit to the glue they used to close them up as well. Can't wait for the soft food stage:)

  3. I'm one week post op and, as of yesterday, I only need pain meds right before bed. Feeling pretty good at this point but some positions bother me such as hunching over to do the dishes. I'm slow at walking and still have some swelling. Hoping to be 100% by next week. Now to get rid of this cold...

  4. My day finally arrived and I was very nervous/anxious. I checked in at the hospital at 8am for an 11am surgery. Once they took me off to the OR, I don't remember much but my surgeon was there when I woke up and told me that everything went well. I was still very sleepy and woke up again later. Once I transferred to my room, I started to feel some nausea and discomfort. They gave me all the nausea medications they had and I felt much better. The pain pump was awesome and every time I pressed the button I would fall asleep :)

    I found walking to be very difficult the first day but I did it nonetheless. Getting up and down off the bed was my biggest challenge and I really depended on the nurses to help me out. Had a very dry mouth that first day and was eagerly awaiting my swallow test so I could have some Water. Luckily, the swallow test went well and I was allowed the tiniest bit of water ever each hour.

    I also had a hiatal hernia repair at the same and the surgeon said that went very well. I'm excited and hopeful that I will never have heartburn or reflux again.

    I was in a lot of discomfort when I got home from the hospital. I was hesitant to take my pain meds but once I did, I felt way better. Taking them on a schedule for the first few days is definitely the way to go. I was sure I wouldn't need them. I was very wrong. I've been walking at home and the 2 showers I've had have been so wonderful.

    I had a weird allergic reaction to the blood pressure cuff and my arm is all blistered and looks horrible. Hoping this goes away soon since it's bothering me more than the surgery.

    The bloating feeling is slowly going away and I'm back to my pre-surgery weight. Looking forward to that number dropping much more :)

    sleeping was really tough my first night at home. My second night (last night) was 100% better and that makes me very happy. It's so much worse when you can't sleep well.

    My day right now consists of drinking my water and my Protein - it's tough getting in 100+ grams. I only made it to 95 yesterday. I will try to do better today. Also taking the Vitamins requires a schedule. So much to learn about my new life.

  5. I had RNY with hernia repair and I have six incisions. I only had my surgery on Tuesday and am still in the hospital. I haven't had a chance to look yet - I'm just going by what the nurses told me.

    **Now that I'm home from the hospital, I was able to count and I have 7 incisions.

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