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About raqlsacdo

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  • Birthday 05/19/1988

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  1. Happy 25th Birthday rocky88!

  2. I have been banded for a yr now lost 80 lbs have 4cc in my band and I have been noticing that I can eat alot up to 2 cups of food ( not always but it has happened in most occasions) im really concerned ....wat are the symptoms of a stretched pouch and wat can I do to make it right???
  3. raqlsacdo

    Stretched Pouch

    I wish I would kno if it has or not. She wanted me to get a barium swallow test done but my insurance just cancelled so I preffered the two week liquid I feel okay a lil weak w a slight headache that comes n goes but no more acid reflux or pain in my lower ribs area...
  4. raqlsacdo

    Stretched Pouch

    Hello, I went for a fill last thursday bcuz I was eating wayyy to much, the Dr started asking me questions bout how I had been feeling n I told her dat I was having minor acid reflux specially at nite. She told me dat I have possibly stretched my pouch, so she took all da liquid out n told me to b on liquids for 2 weeks. Has anyone gone thru this?? And does being on liquids really help the pouch go bak to normal? And what kinds of liquids did u take??
  5. raqlsacdo

    Stretched Pouch

    I got my surgery August 31st, 2011. It has been sucessful, so far i have lost a total of 80 lbs. Today i went to my regular appt and i was told bcuz i am having alot of acid reflux at night and on a 5cc fill i didnt have no restriction there is a posability i have stretched my pouch. My Dr. removed all my liquid and told me to be on liquids for 2 weeks and depending how i feel after that i might have to get a Barium Swallow test. I want to know if anybody here has gone thru the same thing? How did everything turned out? and what kinds of liquids are good and healthy to drink for two weeks? Any information would b greatly appreciated. Thanks, Rocky
  6. Happy 24th Birthday rocky88!

  7. I have United Health Care...and it was not a 6 month diet . You gotta start making changes in advance but the 6 months is for classes once per month.
  8. hello my name is Rocky is my first blog, im really excited that there is a page wer i can get support..i started my liquid diet 4 days ago and still got 8 left and it is extremely hard..!

  9. Welcome to the Lap Band Talk forums rocky88! Stop lurking and please introduce yourself in our introduction forum! Don't be shy!!! ;-)

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